Saturday 15 February 2025 12:35:54 PM CST

Tuesday 11 February 2025 10:39:02 PM CST

Never been to Sturgis. Thought about it some but by the time I figured I had time I's too old. Looks like fun though, good music. 38 Special was there in '99 and that's the best high-quality vid I have. Seems they have two or three other live sets - this one looks pretty good. The Sturgis set was only a little over an hour but it all good. MILF alert around :34 and a couple of other places - guess one of the camera guys took a liking to those two pretty women and they seemed to be having fun.

.38 Special was the most polished of the bands with the Van Zant brothers and got a lot of airplay back in the day on what they probably call classic rock now. My favorite piece is Rebel to Rebel, Donnie's tribute to his brother Ronnie. Johnny did something similar with Brickyard Road. Who's the better singer? They all sounded pretty similar - I liked Ronnie's style and as I say .38 Special is more as I said polished, commercial if you like. Seemed be having fun doing it that's the idea.

See if there any news yet being as it a new week. The basketball games they tell you who scored how many points and when. Somebody get kilt in a car wreck or a murder or police chase or something pretty much that's it and maybe they have some more later or maybe they won't. Except NEA Report and they give you as much as is available including mugshots if they got them.

No new toons in the Jonestown paper, lemme check Paragould.... don't see any. Apparently if the bad orange man puts tariffs on Canada Florida will go bust because orange juice.

Wednesday 12 February 2025 10:52:12 PM CST

I dunno where Google's tool stands in the pantheon of AI deities. Even the best ones will refute Darwin and the Big Bang before being tuned. Sometimes they continue doing it after they've been told not to but they get there eventually. Some would wonder if it is ever wise to trust them for anything important - like you can't check on answers that look dodgy. If it's driving your car of flying an airplane you're riding in you may not a chance for a do-over. The first completely automated airplane ride I took was somethime the late 1980s. It was a Boeing 727 (I liked those but dunno it because I rode so many or just thought the trijet design was cool. Or losing an engine wasn't as serious as on the DC-9s and MD-80s but I didn't like those for other reasons.) Where was I? Oh yeah, after we was on the ground the pilot announced that it was the first (for that airline or the first ever of any?) that the flight was automagic from take off to landing.

Anyway that quotation is from Atlantis Rising and is too obscure to google so that's what it came up with. Grandiose and bombastic perhaps but a fun read if you like that sort of stuff.

Crime about average - perverts and assaulters and more perverts. Beating women up is pretty low, especially pregnant women but pervs are pretty sick too. At least this dude used a different weapon than usual.

Far as I know ICE hasn't raided any houses of worship and doesn't have any plans to. The fact that religious organizations have been the biggest invasion-enablers with taxpayer money will be addressed in another way as the money is cut off. Guess they can hide some illegals in a church but either they come out sometime and get deported or they stay in there and at least don't harm any innocent people.

Seems they did collect a few in Memphis. Mayor commented thusly:

"We understand the shockwaves that are reverberating through our community right now following the release of the TACOnganas video. Although these matters don't fall under our jurisdiction, we reached out to federal authorities out of concern. Homeland Security Investigations confirmed that this action was carried out by federal agents."
Dunno about shockwaves. Memphis it's gunfire and car crashes and such. Anway they doin' the right thing which is not interfering.

Seems someone wanted a private club license to sell likker in outside Jonesboro. From the looks it out there on 18 past the food factories. Guy that said he didn't like the idea of drunks comin' out of there onto the highway. I come near getting kilt going through Carruthersville a time or three, think maybe that joint burned down or something.

Sadly the teenager missing with an older man remains unresolved. Sure hope they find her safe - not so sure the guy that they say have her wants to deal with the law when they do find him.

This just showed up in Left Memphis. Pretty bad but at least it wasn't cat-juggling.

Comment on the people upset about President Trump having the garbage taken out? Maybe later.

Thursday 13 February 2025 11:32:34 PM CST

Dunno if this is the same taco truck operator the feds raided - the name looks different. Guess they can blame it on President Trump - if hadn't deported some of illegals nobody woulda got killed at a taco truck.

What, Chris?

Not so much commie reasoning as that any excuse will to to attack their enemy. I was gonna ask if there was a natural way to do this but probably somebody would tell me there is. What else local before we get to poly-ticks? Paragould gonna plant some trees courtesy of taxpayers. Wonder what a grant administrator gets paid. In Paragould - probably in Jonestown they make more, maybe even have multiple grant administrators. I planted somewhere around thre dozen trees on my place all by myself. The kitty cats followed me around and watched and seemed to enjoy it. Anyhow the trees in Paragould are said to be going in 'disadvantaged parts of town'. Them parks ain't what I think of as disadvantaged - the place over there where people always walking across 412 to the gas station to buy smokes and beer and lottery tickets looks more disadvantaged to me. They got that one with bars on the windows and doors like the one on Race Street in Jonestown.

KJNB had this in the national news. Somebody sure don't like President Trump. Fact is about every so-called conspiray theory I've come across lately turned out be an actual conspiracy. Then there was this one. Avoiding AIDS - and lot of other diseases - is dirt simple and besides telling people how I don't see as it's the obligation of American taxpayers to do more than inform them. If they don't pay attention what else you gonna do?

In a similar vein the Jonestown paper predicted this looming tragedy. The only people civil servants are serving are themselves. Guaranteed job until you retire young with big pension and better-than-Medicare for life. You saw how many jumped on the offer to quit in in return for a few months pay didn't you. Because they weren't working for the govement. Collecting a big fat paycheck but not doing any work. Almost all got other jobs and won't even have to go looking for one. This person may believe this or not - the fact is they don't want the gravy train cut off and the massive voting bloc dimished.

These are not all interchangeable cogs in the federal machinery. They are the people who make sure Social Security checks get to seniors on time and process Head Start money for preschoolers. They have the experience to manage air traffic, rebuild crumbling roads and bridges, protect our clean air and water, and make sure the food we eat is safe from contamination. Mass exodus from these and other key positions would be disastrous for our communities.
Computers make the checks go out - the ones to the Social Security recipients who already pair for it. Actually they don't make checks go anywhere - just send streams of electrons to the banks. I'll out on a limb and assume the author knows that but... anyway we don't need Head Start. People want to send their kids to school at five or even four let them pay for it. What else we got? Air traffic control? That's part of the about ten percent of the budget that is justified, same with fixing the roads.

What, Chris?

Yeah, I liked the Talking Heads some. They do still have some stuff that makes sense. Okey-dokey, enoug of that.

Waitasec, they had some new toons. Paragould paper had an angry one, seems the Jonestown one went after Elon. Gotta say they probably hate him more. He definitely looks cooler in aviators than the old fossil.

Friday 14 February 2025 09:12:03 PM CST

Back in the day 14 February and the weeks or two before were pretty crazy for folks that run flower shops and them as provides the stuff that makes it work. I worked for two of the big wire services that move the orders around to if you live in Jonestown Arkansas and wanna send flowers to your Mom back in Chattanooga and maybe a favorite former girlfriend in Amarillo you just call the flower shop and tell'em what you want and giv'em a credit card number and they plug it into their computer and it goes into the big network and some flower shops in Chattanooga and Amarillo will deliver the flowers. The way the money from your credit card gets divvied up is another story - the shop that has to deliver the flowers should get most and I reckon they get enough to make it worth it (I've known some that didn't) but then the shop that you called (or used their website more likely) gets some and then the wire service that sent the electrons and photons to the right place takes a piece - about 20-30% these days.

Flower business can be about as ugly as any other and more that some. I only knew of two that were for sure owned by actual mob types - one in New York (not NYC, upstate in a smaller city) and one in Philly. One didn't let on much but the other like a real deal wiseguy, couple of bodyguards and all. He may have just been showing for all I know. Seemed nice and if you didn't know they was gangsters you wouldn't think nothin' of it. One of the companies I worked for had tools built into the software for doing funny stuff with money - making cash sales disappear from the books.

Anyhow as someone said you can make a small fortune in the flower business if you start with a large one but if you're using flower shops to launder money that isn't exactly the point. Most regular flower shops make what profit they do on Mother's Day and Valentines' Day so you won't want any infrastructural glitches at that time.

Believe this is about the third one of these in the past week or so and haven't heard of the others being found yet. Bad stuff going on around even in little towns. Stuff like this a lot too.

Jonestown paper puttin' new toons up almost daily, silly stuff like this too. So much of it is just recycled state propaganda I suspect that the author is aware few actual facts. Such as the fact that the Deparement of Education provides on a tiny piece of government school funding. Most of it is property taxes but by accepting that pittance the obligate themselves to obey the dictates of racist indoctrination and the perversion of young minds. And the school choice legislation allows the use of those taxes paid by state residents - property owners actually - how "fair" is that? But to the author all money is 'public' and must be for what she and her ilk deem the public good. Finally she (I may be making incorrect assumptions based of the name but there you are) asserts that:

The ethical and fiscally responsible choice for legislators who want to empower low-income families is to support increased funding for public education.
Does she need to be told that education spending in the U.S. is an order of magnitude higher than other developed countries and the quality is correspondingly lower? Perhaps, these people are remarkably ignorant of facts and the abililty to analyze and understand them.

Saturday 15 February 2025 09:24:19 PM CST

Lessee, probably should mention this. Not gonna speak ill of the dead and that's...

What, Chris?

Those are special cases, specially evil. But mostly people dead they need to be left alone. Jim Guy as they called him was Lieutenant Governor, got elected with Slick Willie in 1990. That was when Bubba was about to run for president and he did and Jim got to be governor for a while. He got elected governor again but then some stuff come up about shady business dealings like they do. Got indicted for some of his frauds and pleaded guilty and said he gonna resign but then he said he wasn't going to unless he got convicted at the trial. Lieutenant Governor Mike Huckabee was preparing to start impeachment proceedings and he decided he'd go ahead and resign like he said he would. Tucker was a Democrat and Huckabee was a Republican and it was gonna be mostly Republican governors from then on. Mike's daughter Sarah is governor now and do the dims ever hate her. Anyhow he resigned rather than be impeached and faded into obscurity. Dreams of being governor for a while and then either a Senator or going straight to being president like Bubba did all gone.

Okey-dokey, with that out of the way... well sometimes you can't keep from laughing. Nobody got kilt in this one so OK to laugh.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- A male was shot when a robber with two guns opened fire inside an East Memphis convenience store late Wednesday night. Police said the suspect, who was wearing a green hooded jacket and checkered house slippers, tried to rob several people at the Sharpe Avenue business when the victim pulled out a gun.
You see people in pajama pants in public places all the time and I've seen house shoes but when checkered house slippers are what you remember about a shootout in a convenience store....

I just plain don't like capital punishment. Not that there ain't plenty who deserve it like this guy but the fact is for the number of people that get judicially kilt by the state there a lot of ones that didn't do it. You can't do any better than that just don't do it - lock'em up forever or until you figure out you made a mistake and you can let them go live what's left of their lives. But this feller done a horrible crime and then went to federal prison for life on another crime. Figuring he safe but then President Trump told them to start observing the law again and now he going back to Oklahoma for execution of sentence. He probably even unhappier at missing out on the automagic universal one size fits all forever pardons that Joetato handed out.

Keply tZ + | -) Twisted Mentat 1 hour ago Sludge finds Trump ad followed his order to It will be interesting to see what happens if this isn't overturned right away. It's obviously outside the judges’ authority but Trump has always been by the book. Still I don't see him letting this go very far and I seriously doubt he will release any funds. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply 7G) Rosetta Stoned 51 minutes ago As Andrew Jackson would say... Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 2G[-) DePloraBelle 43 minutes ago Trump totally should tell the judge to make him comply. Democrat regimes refused to comply with court orders and worse used the DOJ to terrorize and intimidate and imprison citizens who had violated no laws. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +104] -) MAGA Hurtz 30 minutes ago I wouldn't think that the democrats would want this exposed any more that it already has been but some of them haven't learned yet. Either way I don't see the flow of money being restored. "I should know better, but where's the fun in that?!" Reply oGl-) Mandroid 24 minutes ago Aside from many of them still being in denial there is the matter of throttling disclosure. There are a lot of scared swamp creatures. I can't wait for the Epstein info. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply oG

Reply +#3(4]-) KaliforniaDreamin 1 hour ago Poor guy probably believes that the DOGE guys even have access to information about citizens - that would be the IRS but does he have a problem with that? Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +10 Chemical Youth 1 hour ago The hilarious thing is that the only information about individuals is the hundreds of thousands of non-existent people being paid Social Security. Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Reply 4G l[-) Penultimate Warrior 51 minutes ago Most of them believe whatever comes out of the state-run media - MSLSD, CNN, Compost and Slimes. As someone said self-deception is the most effective kind. Burn the bridge behind you, leave no retreat. There's only one way home. Reply +3(+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 43 minutes ago My interaction with that type is limited these days but they always seemed convinced that they knew the truth and anything else was lies. Proving them wrong is useless - it goes in one ear and out the other. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 2G[-) DePloraBelle 31 minutes ago Pseudo-intellectuals. Google "are pseudo-intellectuals narcissists". Google gets it wrong (as usual) because ALL pseudos are narcissists. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +1(4+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 10 minutes ago Pseudos? Watch it, that close to pedos. 3 We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 0

Mack Bolan 1 hour ago Since Trump won overwhelmingly and Republicans took the Senate and House and the Supreme Court was appointed by several presidents - Democrat and Republican - what does he not understand? Is Trump some supernatural entity that can bend the entire government to his will? For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice. Reply +21 Phantasm Lord of the Dead 1 hour ago I believe it was a Democrat who said you can't love your country only when we win. Not that you will hear one say that now. You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die. Reply 4G l[-) Jessica Atreides Marshall ‘41 minutes ago That was Biden if I remember correctly, after Trump stomped him (or Giggles) and by then he was just reading whatever was put in front of him. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +3(+]-) Belushi Speedball 33 minutes ago As he had been doing for four years. 2 Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time suffering. Reply +4(+]-) Willow Kane 32 minutes ago TBF President Trump does seem somehow invulnerable. It has been said that no army is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. It seems that that may be the situation. I hope it is. Compassion is no substitute for justice. ~ Rush Limbaugh Reply +3(+]-) Jawbreaker 20 minutes ago I believe most of the cartoonists, bloggers, etc. are completely compromised - they reflexively call good evil and evil good without a thought. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply +1(4+]-) Civil Whites 9 minutes ago Maybe after a couple of years of Trump they'll be committed and the analysts can study them and see if they can figure out how their minds work - or don't. Reply 0G ]-)

Twisted Mentat 59 minutes ago YOu TO GET OUT OF MY WAY Putting Elon in an Uncle Sam outfit defeats his intent. Elon is a naturalized citizen giving himself in the service of the Republic and that's hard to argue with. He gains absolutely nothing for himself. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply #6 Gl-) Terminus Est 49 minutes ago What don't they want Elon to find? Accountability is like sunlight to Dracula. Too clever is dumb. ~ Ogden Nash Reply +3(+]-) MAGA Hurtz 33 minutes ago Anyone catch the "constitutional crisis" montages? Here's one on X and one on The Blaze . "I should know better, but where's the fun in that?!" Reply 2G[-) DePloraBelle 21 minutes ago There is real and serious fear out there. Some people - big important people - could go to prison before this is over. I hope so. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +1(4+]-)

BID OO LE LLL "Your house is under 24/7 surveillance," Harry said, "We've identified at least six men, there may be more. It started yesterday - whether they tailed you to where you're staying | don't know but you're definitely being watched now. That's a bad sign - they may be setting you up for a hit." Just like that?" Jessica asked. "No more attempts to buy us off? I suspect they took your counteroffer as a way of saying no deal. The money these guys are moving they could pay you a million out of petty cash and that's just with the operations they know about. They're not taking any chances. The AG won't have gotten far with his investigations, assuming he's investigatig at all. If you two disappear they may be able to do mitigate the damage. "How they gonna do it?" asked Alex. Lot of ways," Harry replied. "Accidents are best - you buy it in a wreck, two birds with one stone. Hard to engineer though. If they want you gone fast they may make you random crime victims - couple shot by home invaders. The main thing seems to be getting it done fast - they seem to see you as the weak link. They can - almost certainly are - covering stuff up as fast as they can but the stuff you filched is pretty incriminating. With you gone it's less damaging. "What should we do, asked Jessica. "Disappear? To where? Human Harvest (2022)

My guy in Texas says there's a contract out on you. Farmed out - these guys don't normally get their hands dirty but they're apparently pretty desperate. That new hospital alone is worth over two hundred million a year - you add it all up it's a billion dollars or more. They want this to go away. I'm going to see if I can contact Carlisle - I don't know what good it will do but I may learn something. If the AG comes up with something - I doubt he will anytime soon - it might make the see the futility of trying to stop you. For now I'm keeping my guys close - you stay alert and don't take any chances. Jennifer? Jessica asked. Harry looked at the computer screen. "She's called a couple of times, Harry said. "I talked to her a while ago - asked her to sit tight a while longer. I don't want her attracting their attention. "They did kill her brother," said Jessica. Human Harvest (2022)

She called her mother. All seemed well, about as well as could be expected. Her mother was, for the time being, a survivor of breast cancer. But Jessica knew how that could go. All she could do was try to stay on top of the situation, make the necessary doctor visits, hope for the best. Her mother was still in good condition mentally and except for the cancer, physically. Bentonville, with good medical facilities, was just over an hour away from Blue Eye, Although from what Jessica had seen, anyone in the clutches of the medical industry was not safe. She was going to have to find a way to get back there more though. And the chances for that didn't look good. She fired the engine and navigated out of the parking lot, going out the back way onto Grant Avenue. Traffic on the main drag was crazy even mid-week, and every minute at a traffic light was spent thinking of Alex. Of course he could call he if he needed help, but while Trumann to Jonesboro was fifteen minutes, downtown Jonesboro to Trumann could be twice that. She liked driving the Trailblazer. She owned a Ford Escape, an old one. 2012. Back then Alex had shown her the next year's models and told her if she wanted one that wasn't ugly as sin it would be a good time to buy one. So she did, and used it as a daily driver. Her Corvette was only driven in fair weather and for the most part in daylight. She had left both of her vehicles garaged in Jonesboro, and drove one of Alex's Trailblazers. Samantha told her he had restored the pair, over a period of several years. He hated what was happening to cars, and wanted to always have an old one to drive. She knew that her 2009 Corvette would be her last. It seemed ugly was what people wanted these days. She liked the looks of Trailblazers as well, one was ivory-colored with wide contrasting trim around the wheelwells. Burgundy on this one. Midnight blue on the other one, which was a silvery grey. They were beautiful vehicles, and comfortable to drive. New cars were mostly monochrome, either white or some shade of blue. And they all looked alike. She was probably thinking like someone older. Was it because of Alex? He was twice her