Tuesday 28 January 2025 10:39:59 PM CST

Saturday 25 January 2025 10:24:54 PM CST

Maiden's 1964 Powerslave was a bit of a shift - I call it a progression - in sound. First time I heard it (vinyl on a Technics turntable with either an Empire of Audio-Technica cartridge - I owned a Shure or three but usually the first listen was with an Empire. Usually a record would only get played two or three times before being recorded on a Maxell tape (mostly UD-XLII) on a Pioneer CT-F1250. Two copies for the ones I wanted to stay in a car. Pioneer Supertuner with Jensens - Triaxes in the back. Now where was I?

Yeah, I thought maybe a new producer but it was still Martin Birch. He'd been with them since Killers which was their second. One of the seriously brilliant producers, he did the Deep Purple Made in Japan recordings unplanned and on 8-track equipment. My favorite live work by him is Rainbow's On Stage where he did some surgery on some live sets to produce that masterpiece. A good intro to Ronnie Dio for younguns that don't know him. Hard to believe he's been gone almost fifteen years.

Okey-dokey, back to Powerslave. Sounds like some rough stuff by people like violence and such but it's anti-war like all their stuff. It's about how war sucks and the lowlifes that make wars happen especially do. The title is a reference to the Doomsday Clock thing and the golden goose is the military-industrial complex sucking up trillions of dollars from people that work for a living and the young ones die in the wars. The golden goose is the reason President Trump's pick for SecDef is hated by those people. They see the goose gettin' its neck wrung.

Hickory Ridge (2020 population 228 down from 272 in 2010) going to have a police department because they voted for a one percent sales tax. Ain't been through there in a while - sometimes drive 49 up to Jonestown just for fun - and see what there. Had a Dollar General store last time - guess that'll put some money in the bank.

Over at Newport a couple of illegals caught trying to get Arkansas state IDs. Hoping to avoid deportation maybe? Got a feeling it won't work and since ICE knows where they are they won't be hard to find. Wouldn't want to be in the Jackson County jail though. Any jail actually but some are probably worse than others. Young Tommy Lee Jones and Yvette Mimieux in the flick, pretty good.

Jonestown paper cartoonist might seem to like President Trump but actually he's just being real. Uncommon for poltoonists. Still running Cal Thomas so not completely in the bag.

Sunday 26 January 2025 11:25:19 PM CST

Every place is Peyton Place but not every office is Dilbert World - or at least they don't begin that way. I've seen the transition from a sensibly run business to the comedy of Dilbert World. A fairly big privately owned company I worked for - sold for 300 million - turned into Dilbert World almost immediately. I was a regular newspaper reader then and would a lot of times cut out the daily Dilbert and tape it up at my desk. It wouldn't long before I saw it acted out in real time. Scott Adams is one of the smartest guys out there and got nerve - he said the quiet part out loud and got hisself canceled. He was already rich and famous and probably couldn't have cared less and for all I know may be making more money than before. Hope he is. Someone or other said that 80% of success is showing up but the other 20% seems to be politics, back-stabbing, shameless self-promotion, and a lot of just faking it. Woody kinda got canceled too but apparently he did some bad things.

About everybody had the big massage parlor human trafficking bust. Chinese - wonder if they illegals. And age 29 to 65 don't seem so much victim. It's the ones that do that with children that are seriously evil. The folks at Imboden said a 'Chinese nationalist' was among the arrestees. Bein' as prostitution ain't that political it could be they meant 'Chinese national' which is a citizen of China.

A feller what kilt somebody and ain't got caught don't often just up and confess but if I read this right (or they wrote it right and that is by no means certain) that's what happened. Guy was in jail for something else somewhere else and he give hisself up. Looking at the pic I figured some of them types kills each other now and then for whatever reasons but:

Richardson went to the Poinsett County Jail and interviewed Curtis, during which 'Junior' was identified as Blagg. Curtis told the captain Blagg had picked him up from his home and they rode around while smoking meth.

Curtis then said they got out of the car on the levee, and Blagg began to accuse Curtis of messing with his husband. Blagg reportedly pulled a knife on Curtis, and Curtis got it out of his hand. The two men then struggled, and Curtis began choking Blagg until he almost lost consciousness, the affidavit said. Curtis then said he pushed Blagg into the water.

Okey-dokey. Believe I see what happened. Moving right along...

KJNB had the massage parlor thing but is noticed this amusingly feeble dig at ATIGAD. [1] Near as I can tell the author works for a French outfit and Idunno if that's why they put in the bit about the dog-shootin' affair as some of the U.S. state-run outlets did as well. I had a sneakin' suspicion that she put that in there intentionally so President Trump wouldn't consider her as a running mate. She doesn't seem to be the career politician type and would probably rather be back home on the ranch but accepted this job as duty.

Monday 27 January 2025 09:14:33 PM CST

Richard Burton was a hugely talented actor and it's a shame he kilt hisself with liquor and smoking. I've known guys that drank and smoked less and died younger so I reckon for some people none is the best way to try for a reasonable long life. He's with a young Clint Eastwood here after he got famous doing the spaghetti westerns. Clint is his patented cool here and Richard has his own brand and they work well together. I watched a David Frost interview with Richard once and he seemed like a guy you wouldn't mind knocking back a few brews with. Telling funny stories about growing up poor in Wales. Been there and seen poverty in the U.K. all around and it didn't look any less unpleasant than being pore here in the USA. Of course here we got a lot of space so some people can be pore out in the sticks and not piled up in urban slums. Anyhow serious coolness and action and scenery and the lovely Ingrid Pitt of Hammer Films fame. None of the others are memorable - probably because they was all Englishmen but the guy that did Vice Admiral Rolland was pretty good. Where Eagles Dare is based on an Alistair Maclean novel. Read a lot of them books back in the day. He probably better known for The Guns of Navarone as movies go. Breakheart Pass was another one I liked, had Charles Bronson. Maclean died fairly young too but never heard if was alcohol-related. Speaking of Iron Maiden as I did a day or two ago they had a song about the movie on Piece of Mind.

OK, what we got today?

The one it mentioned where a guy pushed a guy in the water and kept kickin' him when he tried to get out and he drowned and then he confessed, the Wynne Progress reports that he a Florida Man. Went back and looked at the article in Jonesbororightnow and they had Orlando in there so I shoulda known but usually if somebody from another state. Sure there ain't but a couple of little other places around by that name but why not go ahead and specify the state? Actually a lot of times I read them articles about a Florida Man doing something or other and it turns out he not originally from Florida but he went to Florida from somewhere like Connecticut or Kansas and then done something to get attention and they news say he a Florida Man. I'd forgotten about it but Blue Oyster Cult has a song about Florida Man on their The Symbol Remains. Yeah, but Joan Crawford is funnier.

Quick update on the prom night fracas soon be two years ago one of them copped a plea for twenty years. If he weren't the shooter I'd expect the shooter to get more time but you never can tell.

Lessee, lot of regular people behaving badly, some shooting and others abusing children and some guy who didn't learn from George Floyd that this isn't a good idea. That they'll blame the cop and put him in prison if you the proper color and the cop ain't don't do you much good if you dead.

The Memphis schools thing seems about to get ugly. I suspect that's why the state has waited so long - it will an be us-against-them (or from the Memphis point of view them-against-us) racial matter. No matter that the residents of Memphis have failed miserably for many years to do anything even marginally effectively and it is a disservice to the remainder of the state to allow the decline to continue. An acquaintence in SC law enforcement for many years opined that the the dismissal of the superintendent was so technically bungled that she will almost certainly prevail if she sues. He didn't offer an opinion on her performance so there's that. In any case when it happens shrieks of RACISM! and lawsuits will further gum up the works air.

Tuesday 28 January 2025 10:24:23 PM CST

Since Bravo Charlie is the Base Commander any further use will be deemed gratuitous. Distribution is intrabase mail that was carried around from place to place on the base what looked like blue UPS trucks. This was 1980s USAF. Distribution in somebody's patrol vehicle is somebody else left their cigarettes or such when crews changed. Had go get out with SP types some back in the day, mostly overseas. Didn't get to go to the UFO incident but it happened the deputy base commander was there and probably wished he hadn't been since there no upside for seeing not-normal stuff if you're a military man. You can pretend you didn't but then somebody else mighta seen it and knew you seen it. Way I figure it if people or whatever kind of creatures are smart enough to come here over everhowmany light-years away the closest ones might be they probably able to avoid being seen by us. Now if they want us to see them occasionally for some reason, like stirring up an anthill, that'd be kinda scary. Inside the solar system would mean they can conceal themselves and it also kinda scary to think creatures with that capability are hanging out in our hood doing who knows what or who knows what they may be planning to do. Anyhow Lt. Col. Halt is as sane a person as I ever seen and he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force and that was the USAF in 1980. There weren't many mental defectives in those days and Col. Halt probably had twenty years or more in by then so I'm inclined to believe if nothing else he wasn't crazy or on drugs or such.

Hokay. That what Lance Russell used to say when the come back from a commercial break on the Saturday morning wrestling. And at the beginning of course. He quite the character, Jerry Lawler getting started back then. Some reason or other kid brother and I used to watch it for some reason - didn't hardly watch TV the rest of the day. Guess following the soap opera was mildly interesting and wrestling hadn't got to be the big money it did later. Lance was kidded a lot about his nose and Jimmy Hart did a song about it.

After I say okey-dokey or hokay I'm supposed to get to the news and commentary so let's do it. The garden variety meanness is about average and nothing sticks out. Dunno who runs KJNB so no figuring why they run the French thing but. They say they're an alternative to KAIT and I guess they are but regurgitating dinosaur media material is the same whoever gives it to you. What is confusing about this I don't understand. Maybe some people all of a sudden don't understand the rules when they start losing.

I understand that part pretty well. Almost a third of a budget (which gets added onto the national debt) is money taken from the taxpayers and given away to whomever the government decides to give it to. And that's not including more than a trillion in welfare. The gravy train is gonna be restricted and if we're lucky someday just dammed up completely.

A Democrat governor is no different from a Democrat member of Congress. Success in the Democrat party depends on being a reliable tool and this clown is no exception. Hey Tony, the president is following the law - you just don't like it when your side isn't in control of the money spigot.

We started out on the Iron Maiden thing so might as well close out with it. That used to mean nuclear annihilation of life on earth was imminent. Now that there are probably fewer nukes and the big dogs who never were much inclined to sling them around are even less so now it's about climate change and pandemics (wonder if they'll try another one) and of course the really scary AI. The irony of the adjustment being attributed to the return of President Trump is delicious - the remaining hostages - many of them dead bodies - of the mini-Holocaust of just under two years ago are being repatriated because the perpetrators didn't feel like FAFO and Israel is in a better position to protect its people that it was and the Ukraine mess doesn't have much time left. A cease-fire within a month is quite likely but Trump is gonna cause WWIII? Okey-dokey.

[1] Alright already. All That Is Good And Decent.

Don't shed a tear for me, I stand alone This path of destiny is all my own Once in the hands of fate, there is no choice An echo on the wind, you'll hear my voice Some choose to fall behind, some choose to lead Some choose a golden path laden with greed But it's the noble heart that makes you strong And in that heart, I'm with you all along

311 “Looks like they've about got it going," Carter said. The live video showed a crowd like the one night before, but the dozens were now hundreds. There weren't any fires yet, and the scene seemed relatively calm. “It may be a while before the professional agitators arrive," Jessica said. "Little Rock isn't a prominent target, like LA and New York, or even Minneapolis or Portland. They'll have to load up some of the organizers and some equipment. Probably St. Louis will the staging point, so it's a short drive. If the past is any indicator, they should have it pretty intense by tomorrow at the latest.” At this point the ‘equipment’ was a few large signs that looked like they were made with poster board, “Justice for De'Andre" "STOP KILLING US!" Later there would be more signs, professionally made, and carried by paid participants. "Id have to guess they're going to make it a big one," Carter said. "Little Rock is a little off the beaten path and not very big, but these days no opportunity is being missed. I'm guessing the local government isn't such that it won't get ugly.” "I wouldn't think so," said Jessica. "It's like St. Louis and Kansas City, and most other big cities. They're on the side of the rioters.” "Sometimes," Carter said, “it looks like our best chance will be that when they finally get things broken enough to try to take over, they will find that they can't control it. That might give us some breathing room.” "Well do our best to make that happen,” said Jessica, “if it doesn't happen on its own. Or even if it does, anything we can do to make it worse. The police forces, most likely augmented by military force, can be kept busy in the cities, too busy to be grabbing our weapons and supplies. Or trying to.” MacArthur's Freehold (2021

Interpretation: While the original poem intends to convey a message of welcoming immigrants seeking freedom and opportunity, the phrase "teeming masses yearning for free stuff" can be interpreted more cynically. suggesting a large group of people who are solely motivated by the desire to get something without paying for it. Political context: This phrase is sometimes used in political discourse to criticize policies that are perceived as encouraging dependency on government assistance or to portray certain groups of people as being solely motivated by free handouts.

Twisted Mentat 50 minutes ago He's a Trump hater so he's telling us Trump is going to tear down everything retard crook Biden has built. These people really are deluded by emotion - they aren't acting on the evidence. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply +64 ) Rosetta Stoned 43 minutes ago They studiously ignore the evidence or call it disinformation. Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 2G[-) Civil Whites 31 minutes ago If only Trump could tear it all down. And if he could take down the Biden Crime Family. @ I Would Rather Be Governed By the First 2,000 People in the Telephone Directory than by the Harvard University Faculty. — William F. Buckley Jr. Reply HG DePloraBelle 21 minutes ago Even without all the dubious pardons he won't do it. He let the Clintons slide (propbably a mistake in retrospect) and he has too much work to do to go after the Bidens. I hope the DOJ will go after some of the ones that aren't protected What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply oG

Goldry Bluszco 1 hour ago ‘Trump fires first woman to head a US The transparent motivation of the midwit media can't be concealed. To them the only important thing is that she is a woman. If it matters to the ones doing the choosing choose on the basis of sex or skin color there's about a 95% chance they will choose badly. It was pittie one so wittie malcontent, leaving reason should to treason so be bent. Reply 194 [-) Sinanju Master 1 hour ago Installed by Biden and removed by Trump for gross incompetence. I had to look close to make sure it was. There's a lot of cleanup to be done and diversity hires are responsible for much of the mess. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply +3 (4+ ]-) Jawbreaker ‘49 minutes ago Didn't New Zealand put a DEI hire in command of a ship just because and she sank it? And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply +4(+]-) Penultimate Warrior 32 minutes ago New Zealand. Where's that shocked expression I never seem to need? Burn the bridge behind you, leave no retreat. There's only one way home. Reply 1

Mandroid aa =r) I never figured weather people were all that bright. Reading a blurb that someone else probably wrote. What do they get paid for 2 minutes three or four times a day at most. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply 411+ Jessica Atreides Marshall + hour ago They echo what the ‘important’ ones do - the anchors and reporters. So of course they say dumb stuff. The boss hates Trump they hate Trump. She looks like she's maybe twenty-something. If she's just a few years out of college the conditioning never had a chance to wear off. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 9G [-) Belushi Speedball 42 minutes ago How long will it take for some people to figure it out? They used the social media of conservatives to attack them - now the shoe is on the other foot. Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time suffering. Reply +53(4]-) Remo Williams 31 minutes ago Milwaukee is about like Memphis, maybe a bigger population in the metro area. She'll probably find another job but it'll still be TV. I wouldn't want to be that age in legacy media. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply BG MAGA Hurtz 20 minutes ago I wouldn't have gone into it ten years ago. Today? How dumb do you have to be? "I should know better, but where's the fun in that?!" Reply oG

Things were suddenly quiet and stayed that way. The second RT4 had gone up with a big bang. The tandem charge rocket had hit near dead center, and there was no movement around the wreckage to suggest survivors. “Wonder how long they'll wait now," Ethan said. "We seem to have gotten ourselves surrounded.” "Yep," Tyler replied. "Guess they'll get the nerve before long. Got a preferred method of departure?" “I imagine they'll have a suggestion," Ethan replied. "What say you, Harry?" Robert ‘Harry’ Harrison took out a package of cigarillos and offered them. Tyler and Ethan each took one and lit them as Harry lit one of his own. He took his communicator out and opened it. Like an oversized folding phone, it was now their only link to possible help. Possible, if one of their relays was overhead and in range. “Doesn't look good," he replied. "Don't figure on going with them peaceably. Wonder how many we got so far.” “Least a half dozen in each of APCs," Tyler replied. "A handful of deaders layin’ out there. Maybe some are playing, to be safe. But we're ahead, and I figure on runnin’ up the score before they get us.” Harry tapped and swiped the screen of his Commpad. “Well,” Ethan said, "we rang the bell. Unless Harry has one more miracle left, we'll give it another whack." "Yo Redtail,” Harry said. "About time you got here. How's your fuel?" “Thirty minutes tops." “Minerva,” Tyler said. "She's on loan from Mantis section. Up there in a Redtail watching us.” “That's plenty,” Harry said, “if you can arrange an airstrike in the next ten. That's ten at the outside.” “I'm on it," Minerva replied. "Can you you pop smoke?" "Say when." Balance of Power (2022)

Worse Than I Thought - Quiescent Benevolence Prime Chuck Norris 1 hour ago aay oes) | ot What is it? “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the fact ts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell". When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply Phantasm Lord of the Dead 1 hour ago Notice the whitebread kid. Most illegals are darker and anyway nobody's going after kids. You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die. Reply +6(+]-) Chemical Youth 43 minutes ago He reminds me of the Doonesbury guy - they don't get that if there isn't at least a little bit of truth it isn't funny. Just irrational hate. Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Reply B3Gl-) Rosetta Stoned 33 minutes ago Donesbury was mildly funny at times but when he just went nuts over Reagan I lost interest. Is he still around? I wonder what he would be doing with Trump. Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 2G[-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 24 minutes ago Apparently so. I looked at today's strip. Didn't look back to see if he's done anything on Trump. I can imagine the miserable state he must be in. D We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. There is, of course, another way, sir. 44 00:06:26,636 A way with a 100 percent guarantee of success. Neither Admiral Rolland or I claim to be omniscient or infallible. Is there an alternative that we've missed? Whistle up a pathfinder squadron of Lancasters with 10-ton bombs. I don't think anybody in that castle would ever talk again. Nor do I think that you grasp the realities of the situation. The captured man, General Carnaby, is an American. If we were to destroy him, then l think General Eisenhower... ...might launch his second front against us rather than against the Germans. There are certain niceties to be observed in our relationship with our allies. Tango Seven to Romeo Niner, be advised there may be an incursion at 32-18. Read you Tango Seven. Be advised we're about a half a klick west. We'll take a look. Papa Four to Tango Seven. What's your location? Tango Seven to Papa Four, be advised we're about fifty meters off Rabbit Road at 21-7. Papa Four to Tango Seven, be advised some distribution was left in your unit. Can we rendezvous at the cross and retrieve it? Roger Papa Four. We're headed that way, ETA about seven or eight minutes. Sierra Charlie to all units. Be advised Bravo Charlie advises all units to discontinue gratuitous use of the term 'be advised'. The American people elected Donald J. Trump to be President of the United States and gave him a mandate to increase the impact of every federal taxpayer dollar. In Fiscal Year 2024, of the nearly $10 trillion that the Federal Government spent, more than $3 trillion was Federal financial assistance, such as grants and loans, Career and political appointees in the Executive Branch have a duty to align Federal spending and action with the will of the American people as expressed through Presidential priorities. Financial assistance should be dedicated to advancing Administration priorities, focusing taxpayer dollars to advance a stronger and safer America, eliminating the financial burden of inflation for citizens, unleashing American energy and manufacturing, ending “wokeness” and the weaponization of government, promoting efficiency in government, and Making America Healthy Again. The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve. I write today to ask your administration to provide immediate guidance, information, and clarification for how these memoranda will impact federal support that goes to kids, families, communities, and states. Until that time, I further ask that you delay implementation of these memoranda, especially the memorandum issued yesterday, to give meaningful time for thorough and thoughtful review and feedback from all those who may be directly impacted by suspending federal funding that the U.S. Congress has already approved and on which so many depend. L urge you to please follow the law and reconsider this decision. Respectfully yours, Tony Evers Governor