Friday 28 June 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

Arkansas times got right out there saying it was a Republican voter that threatened the governor. Which is to say she voted in the Republican primaries. Maybe she voted for Ass Hutchinson and against Sarah, ever think of that? In any case she seems confused about some things. Those guys are pathetic. And in the minority.

Supposedly I'm a sixteenth Cherokee. In some of the Indian nations that's enough for you to be a member. I wonder if the Cherokee casinos will share the wealth with the whole tribe. Actually there's supposedly a smidgen on both sides of the family so I might have more than that.

I heard about a bank with this name and don't know if the local ones are related. A lot of banks I never heard of popped up like toadstools in the back yard and have no idea where they find customers in little places like Wynne. Anyway this big one has problems and more problems. I do business with several small regional banks and keep an eye out for them getting acquired by the big dogs. I have pulled funds from a couple because I didn't like who bought them. And one little one around here because of the total idiots that run their IT.

Someone stuck this in the local forum on Arakkus and the moderator left it there. I guess because it's a thread on how NEA media deal with national news. I've observed that they run to the lefty side but maybe it's just me.

Saturday 29 June

Seems the little Evolve banks around here are part of the big one that's in the ruckus about people discovering the money they put in a bank can't be gotten back out. News reports for what they're worth say it's an Arkansas bank. Looking at the board of directors I recognized a couple from Arkansas so there may be something to it. I know big banks elsewhere sometimes buy little podunk somewhere banks for nefarious purposes but if a little bank from Arkansas is into business with the big boys. Ten million customers seems pretty big to me.

Anyway on a couple of the recent found-deads the two in Lepanto were identified by name. So inquiring minds know their names and that they're dead. Lepanto caught my eye, like Hoxie it isn't in the news much. Lepanto is in Poinsett County which is not as bad as being in Crittenden County or St. Francis County or some other counties but not anything to get excited about.

Where Cross County has about half its population in Wynne and the rest scattered out in really small towns - I believe Parkin still has over a thousand - Poinsett has a few more at about 23K. They got about a third of theirs in Trumann which isn't growing as much since the bypass bypassed it. Then they got several more with about 2K. Lepanto is one of those.

I probably knew it because I googled it on some other occasion that I read something about it but looked again. Wickedpedia says that it's named for the Battle of Lepanto. I put a link there so you can read about it if you want to - I don't believe it's politically relevant enough for them to lie about it like they do most recent and current events. The short story is it put a crimp in the muslim incursions into Europe but it would be another century before they got a more decisive stomping at the Battle of Vienna. That's one of my favorite historical events and wish someone qualified to do so would do a film - apparently there was one a few years ago but at under two hours I doubt it did the whole affair justice, in the historical big picture. Probably six hours would do it but these days it would probably be a woke abomination like about everything else is these days.

Poinsett County has betimes been infamous for the Tyronza speed trap. I haven't paid much attention wen traversing that stretch of road in recent years so I don't know of they still do it or if the state finally put a stop to it as they have elsewhere. Anyway back in the day when Rock 103 was still worth listening to (the Wakeup Crew years) they had a young DJ who lived in Jonesboro and commuted to Memphis. One day she got snagged and had to go to court, not just go downtown and giv'em the money but go see the judge. I seem to remember maybe she gave the cop some lip or something. So she had to go back a week later or so and the crew had a lot of fun with it, speculating on whether to try bribing the judge with a bottle of Wild Turkey or a country ham or something. I miss those guys and radio that doesn't suck in general (AM right-wing talk is the only thing that doesn't suck these days) and especially Bad Dog. His Twilight Phones were the best of the genre and he was a genuinely nice fellow, loved his fellow beings and all.

You'd have thought TSC would be less likely to be infected but you'd have been wrong. This didn't surprise me at all - well, it surprised (and pleased) me that they reacted as quickly as they did. Seems someone learned from Targay and Tranheuser Bush:

The outrage is having an effect. The smart ones will learn and recover from (or avoid) the disease. The others will suffer the consequences for their lack of vision - or spine. Or as someone else said "the eye that looks ahead to the safe course is closed forever." I suspect that almost the entire population - particularly in these times - is looking above all else to survive. Except for the ones who think they've got it all figured out and the debate debacle were discussing earlier is an example of some who thought so and are now in a state of sheer panic. I shop at TSC regularly but around here there are alternatives and in the worst case I can wait a couple of days for Amazon. I worked at a couple of companies that didn't handle rapid growth well and had screwups because when you're hiring a lot of new people you can rarely vet them as thoroughly as you need to.

I bet it hurt the editors at Wickedpedia to update the TSC article:

On June 27, 2024, TSC issued a news release stating that they were abandoning a range of LGBTQ, DEI, and environmental initiatives. It stated that it would no longer submit data to Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ civil rights advocacy group that had previously given it perfect marks in its 2022 Best Places to Work Corporate Equality Index, and would no longer sponsor pride festivals. It also eliminated internal DEI roles and abandoned its DEI goals to improve employee diversity. TSC also gave up its plan to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040. The company said that the changes were made to better represent the values of its customers who it alleges were upset by its previous policy stances. (Wikipedia)

Yeah, as I said I go into TSC stores a lot and I rarely see people with weird hair color and very few piercings or even tattoos. They're people buying stuff for their gardens and livestock, tools and equipment. Ya know, people with productive normal average lives that don't give a flip about sociopolitically correct stuff. TSC would do well to keep an eye on the infiltrators.

Sunday 30 June

Since it's the last day of June it's about the last day of the first half of the year. This is day 182, 183 to go unless its a leap year, Since it's the last day of June it's about the last day of the first half of the year. This is day 182, 183 to go unless its a leap year. Which it is. Close enough for government work. It's also the end of juneteeth... hang on.. what, Chris?

OK, the teenth officially ended on the nineteenth but the official body count may have been calculated later as some victims may have lingered in hospital. In hospital is the British way of saying a person is hospitalized, here most people say in the hospital. The ones that speak English that is.

Anyway Chris was reminding me to get the date straight. The end of June is the end of pride month, which probably gets short shrift at Tractor Supply.

Actually I'm just killing time waiting for something else to finish. If we were going to have any killings they would have probably happened on Friday and Saturday so it looks like we're about done with the weekend with none of that. I checked NEA Report and they didn't have anything new and the telly folks didn't either. Jonesboro Right Now is a waste of time. Some of the few articles look like advertisements. Whatever. Be back in July.

Remo Williams 31 minutes ago A halting Biden tries to confront Trump at debate but stirs Democratic panic about his candidacy They would have been better off to not put up anything - there was no way to spin that disaster. It's from the Dissociated Press feed, probably the local webmaster just clicked on the link to post it and didn't bother to read it. As if they could understand it if they did - I read it and felt like I lost a couple of IQ points. Fortunately I have a healthy surplus but still.... © That's the biz sweetheart. Reply BG Jawbreaker 12 minutes ago I agree but the locals have their orders. They put up a dozen 'pride' and 'juneteenth' articles as if the Joe and Jane Sixpacks are anything but disgusted by it. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply HG Jessica Atreides Marshall 5 minutes ago The elites, no how matter how small their pond is, fancy themselves above Joe and Jane. They see anyone outside their bubble as something less than human. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply oG ==========================================================================================
KaliforniaDreamin 21 minutes ago Bictames aCe eae PT eer mea Deter c Wow! That didn't take long. I hope they fired the people responsible. Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply 43 (+ DePloraBelle 11 minutes ago Apparently the reaction was swift and severe. I personally know of someone who took some printed flyers to the TSC stores around here. Of course we emailed corporate immediately and let them know they had screwed up bigly. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +1 + Jessica Atreides Marshall 9 minutes ago TSC may be the biggest but they know there are alternatives just about everywhere. I can live without them and they know it. And people who shop at TSC are about 90% conservative compared to beer drinkers. Bud Lite got smacked down by a more - dare I say it - diverse and tolerant customer base. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply C+ ==========================================================================================