Tuesday 31 December 2024 10:22:31 PM CST
Friday 27 December 2024 11:12:13 PM CST
That was three New Years Eves ago. If it isn't too wet I may go up there Tuesday and take some more pics. OK, lessee what happened or what has
been reported has happening. Sloppy reporting and if so where?
This version
says it happened in Cross County and the only Hughes I know of is the one in St. Francis county. Apparently the shootee was a resident of Cross County.
Did I mention the
shooting in McCrory ?
Pretty unusual having homicides over there and now we may have
one in Augusta
but McCrory and Augusta are not far apart and Highway 64 runs through both. But the shootee in McCrory didn't die and the one in Augusta did and they got different
names so it looks like there was a couple of shootins in that area and it's unusual to have one.
I don't live in Misery so
don't affect me. Initiated by a Republican so not to make an opportunity for gerrymandering. If it was a Democrat that's the
first thing I'd expect. It also messes with term limits but while it doesn't exactly seem at a quick glance to weaken them them way they did in Arkansas it would
allow a career politician to amass power through seniority. This guy just got elected a couple of years ago so....
Chris lookin' at me like he didn't get the misery/Misery joke. I'll explain it in the intro update next year.
Anyway fewer politicians is generally a good thing but...
"Because of term limits and the quick turnaround of eight years, you basically empower the special interests and the bureaucracy," Myers said.
"When it comes to the special interests, you have some folks that have lobbied for 20 - 30 years now and they've seen many people come and go."
No cupcake, the bribers gonna try to bribe whoever's there and if they have to start over regularly there's always a chance the new guy won't be
for sale. Slim one but breaking the chain once in a while can't do any harm. If they can buy - or compromise - a guy and keep'em sixteen years
instead of just eight it makes their work easier.
Jonestown paper finally got around to the shootin' over in Hughes. TBF it may have been in the print version and maybe the website is behind.
Lot of sports and the
usual lame cartoons.
If you wanna make fun of people and you're actually funny I'll laugh even if it's someone I approve of. Dana Carvey's thing on Bush 41 was hilarious
and when they made fun of Ronaldus Magnus if it was actually true I found it funny. But humor is only funny if there's an element of truth and the
stuff they put out has no truth in it. Like the Doonesbury guy and Reagan - some of his stuff was pretty funny but the stuff about Reagan was jus
him hate-ranting. OK, none it was very funny but some was kinda funny. Bloom County was funnier. Sure Gaetz had bad things said about him and they
weren't true - some were denied by the witnesses they said said them and another is in prison for... wait for it.... perjury. If the stuff they smear
on you doesn't stick... anyway:
Saturday 28 December 2024 10:19:39 PM CST
Worse Than I Thought reads kinda like
Peyton Place
would've been if it was written today. Probably a real-world account of a small town today wouldn't have
been printable back then. I know, been there done that and got the overpriced T-shirt. Usually two of'em if you took a girl to the concert - a bunch of guys didn't bother.
I suppose things were somewhat less ridiculous than they are today - I was born that year - and so grew up in the '60s and '70s and even that was pretty tame compared to
today. I may be a boomer chronogically but am in no way one mentally but are we responsible for the madness of the later generations? What could have the boomer
generation done to prevent it? Some say they're selfish and I guess that may be some of it. Maybe naive - not imagining how corrupt a society can become in a short time
when the restraints - natural and externally imposed - are removed.
Either the first couple of accounts didn't mention it or I missed it. Probably wasn't there as there isn't usually much in them - lessee what the
Memphis TV site had....
yep, there it is. Allegedly kilt a guy and fled to Arkansas. That's interstate flight so the US Marshals helped out. Wonder if Lakeland is the same place
they had the dragstrip back in the day. Then they put one of them factory outlet malls there and used to go there occasionally. Had a cheap tool store
there you could spend ten-twenty bucks and walk out with a ton or stuff. Had a wife or girlfriend with you she be in the clothing and home decor stuff. That
was the early days of factory outletting malling and dunno what they like these days. Used to stop a one up around Sikeston or somewhere, had a Van Heusen
store I'd buy shirts being as I had to wear suits some. Got a London Fog raincoat there one time, real nice.
Anyway the alleged perp fled to Arkansas and they caught her in Earle. Now she in the Crittenden County jail (they didn't all it a detention center so dunno
if Crittenden County has gone fancy with the terminology yet or not) and while I wouldn't care to be at liberty in Earle I reckon I'd certainly rather not be in the Left
Memphis jail. Or any other jail for that matter. I ever tell you.... Chris givin' me that look. Probably told you more than once.
CrittCo jail got one of them ole websites that has the 4-character CAPTCHA you can't make out the characters half the time and when you get in it's a list
of inmates and you have to click each one to see a pic. Need to be using
the one most do but if anybody...
What, Chris?
Well it's true but no doubt would be dreadfully common of me to say so. Little British lingo for there for you. Alright, that's about enough for that one. Interweb
connectivity acting up. Got two different fiber pipes runnin' by the house but got nasty weather. Lemme switch to other one...
That more better.
Jonesbororightnow got four featured stories, guess that's what they is. One's about holiday bus and sanitation routes,
one's about the dude that got his fifth DWI, one about A-State winning the ball game, one's an ad for a dentist, and there one about
a guy opening a vinyl record shop
in Jonesboro. Wonder if I should see if wants my collection of pristine vinyl that only been played two or three times on high-dollar turntables?
Nah, ever need the money I'll put'em on Ebay one a time. Reminded my of the White Dog record store there in Jonestown years ago.
Had to google to see what
was about. Yeah, right.
This about the
prison capacity expansion
in Arkansas lately. Dunno if 1500 in two years is especially bad or not but it seems they say they need more. That's not good but better
than not incarcerating malefactors and they you like California and such places.
Anyhow the Jonestown paper keepin' the Trump hate going. Done commented on that a time or three. One of their sibling papers (gender-neutral
donchaknow) in
got a litle more balance in the columnists but like I said they could use some in the cartoons. All seriousness aside
though the dinosaur media while it probably can't be saved the operators might keep it breathing a little longer if they cut the lefty crap.
There's a pretty good chance that Trump isn't just Reagan 2.0 but something entirely new. If that is the case those that don't adjust will be
left behind whether they're the LA Times or the Washington Post (I figure the NY Times is beyond help unless they get new owners) or the Jonestown
Sun or Little Rock whatever it is these days. Or the swamp may succeed in getting another of theirs in four years from now that the only good
that comes of it is that nothing (at least not as much) bad stuff happens for four years.
Sunday 29 December 2024 11:23:41 PM CST
My decorator says this is her last project so don't ask. I don't go in that area much bein' usually in my office or the inner sanctum.
Don't look at me - I just signed the checks.
Slow news day so far. New sports of course leastways the Jonestown paper. KAIT featured the bad
plane crash in South Korea.
Hey Chris, is there a North Korean airline? Guess the government has something. That thing in Korea bad and they just had the
one in in Azerbajiian
a couple days ago some folks sayin' shot down by somebody. Said it was the Russians but they always say that. There been a few
civilian airplanes hit by missiles
but whether or not this one was Russian that's gonnna be the official version. Unless they can find a way to blame incoming President Trump. Somebody will anyway.
Monday 30 December 2024 09:38:29 PM CST
Never witnessed a duck ingesting a
Amphimallon majale
but I reckon the white ones people got runnin' around the place probably eat about anything they can peck up and gulp down. The ones sittin' on the water not so much.
Junebugs can't swim worth a flip and when they get in a rain barrel they can't even seem be able to crawl out. Got four big ole 55 gallon ones with the tops off sittin'
under the south eave of the little shop out back always full. I happen to see one or two I'll take'em out and give'm a second chance. Dunno why they get in there.
State Police
reminding people
not to drive drunk.
Some people
need reminding I reckon. That one replaced the dentist ad.
Some random crime and traffic fatalities around, NEA Report has a
fair-sized drug bust
and another
stupid game player
hit the jackpot in
this one.
Both were out-of-staters and the deader was trying pretty hard to win:
The suspect was wanted in Virginia for fleeing, giving false identification and being in possession of a controlled substance. A loaded handgun and drug
paraphernalia were found in the suspect's pockets. A taser and 4.9 ounces of cocaine were was located in the vehicle. ~ NEA Report
KAIT doesn't attribute the obligatory
article on Jimmy Carter
so I guess maybe someone there wrote it. The writing being a dozen or two sentences telling
who did the X-posts formerly known as Tweets. Governor Sanders and about half of the Congressional delegation all did X-posts as did thankfully-former
governor Hutchinson and Bubba. They're all Republicans except Clinton and they all said nice things. Unlike what Democrats do when a major Republican
former president dies. Former president Carter was not one of the nasty ones when Reagan died and some of the major dims were relatively decent about
it but comparing the reaction of the regular people on both sides is about as opposite as you can get. The worst you get on Carter is some people pointing
out that Carter was a failure as a president but seemed a decent person and did a lot of good stuff for people after he was president.
BTW Slick Willie only allowed replies from people he liked. Why do these trash even bother? Sure he knows most decent sane people despise him more than
about anything and he's gonna get lit up but can't not do it. OK, we know Bubba didn't actually do it but whoever did is one of the same slimy creatures.
Okey-dokey. Tomorrow the end of this near and the next one got the extra day.
Tuesday 31 December 2024 12:58:42 PM CST
Since I rarely write checks these days that's one year-incrementing problem I don't have. Get through the party tonight and
lesee, it'll be Wednesday. Not going to Jonestown this week unless something comes up.
As reported bad behavior goes just the odd assault and... actually I don't know what
breaking or entering
is. You can break and not enter I guess and if they left the door open you could enter without breaking but that's probably some kind of illegal
entry or trespassing. Says he fled so maybe he broke and fled without entering?
I'll give Jonesbororightnow a
weird news mention
since as usual they ain't got much else. They had their
big stories of the year
so I'll toss that in. The 'news' media has theirs up - only one I looked at yet was
Time magazine
which apparently still has a paper version and
Dissociated Press
just to see if they had the one of the
once and future President Trump
after the first unsuccessful assassination attempt. Time
had it but AP only had the one of him going into court in... hang on while it check to see which cesspool that was in... it the one in New Yawk.
All that amateur lawfare that's gonna come to nothing - most it already there - and billions of dollars spent trying to stop him. Yeah, I'd say
the pic in Time is gonna be one of tops of all time.
Looks like that's about all I got time for this year. Seeya.
51 minutes ago
Being in the camp that figures Gaetz was never expected to be confirmed but would
be a distraction from some of the others that might have some problems getting
through (and to trigger the dims) and he always wanted Pam Bondi I find this more
pathetic than usual. If he doesn't realize that and is still bashing Gaetz it's even more
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Reply +8 C+
Sinanju Master
41 minutes ago
The pic doesn't have a date so... probably he's still fixated on the latest target.
Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying
Reply HG
Twisted Mentat
35 minutes ago
He's rather reality-challenged like most lefties. And emotional.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts
acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone
I set my mind in motion.
Reply HG
Jessica Atreides Marshall
1 minute ago
It looks like he was gloating over the smear report Gaetz's former colleagues
released. Most of it has already been debunked and as Gaetz isn't the forgiving type
it may have been a really big mistake.
We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives.
Reply oG
It's always crowded around the grave where the family sits even if you don't have a big
family. I didn't and it's smaller now - just me and my two sisters. As we were standing
by the tent Sarah came up and put her arm around me. Then Rebecca came over and stood
next to me. They're married my two nephews, Mark's sons. I guess they think they know
what I'm feeling, what they would expect. They don't know that much about my family
though. I didn't lose my brother four days ago. I lost him more than forty years ago.
The funeral is just the period at the end of the sentence.
Rosetta Stoned
54 minutes ago
Seen this one? Musk may trigger them more than Trump.
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~
George Santayana
Reply +5(+]-)
Civil Whites
41 minutes ago
It's close. Maybe all the attention will be on them and the cabinet appointments can
get through without much trouble. Their insane hatred clouds what little judgment
they may have had.
1am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two
thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the
two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. - William F. Buckley
Reply +1(4+]-)
Terminus Est
32 minutes ago
Richest guy in the world got that way with his own work and brains unlike most of
the others (I exclude Bezos and one or two others in that tier) being assessed by
cartoonists who live in the newspaper world.
Too clever is dumb. ~ Ogden Nash
Reply +1(4+]-)
Jessica Atreides Marshall
9 minutes ago
They're communists so resentment of wealth is a big factor.
We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives.
Reply 0
11 minutes ago
The chaos ending is what they fear most. ©
And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The
cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode.
Reply 0G ]-)
Two punks in their late twenties, early thirties maybe. Probably some local muscle, such as it is. Neither
looks very smart but they rarely are. Carlisle is smart enough, crafty anyway and he's been at it for years.
He's likely the one sent them.
Call'em Larry and Donnie for convenience. Larry's big but looks like he'll be slow, Donnie smaller and not
much bigger than me. Forty years younger though so he's overconfident. But he don't know this sixty-
something old man leaning on a cane rolls off the bed every morning and hits the floor for a hundred
pushups and been doin' it for years and can bench 240 or so. C'mon Donnie boy.
He does. Kicks the cane away and when he does he turns just a bit and and I'm on him like a duck on a
junebug and got my arm around his neck pullin' him back close while I fish the Charter Undercover outta
the pocket of my jacket and jam it into his ear up to add oil.
Larry trying to figure it, dunno if he cares much about his partner or not but he can calculate this. | squeeze
one off into Donnie's skull I'm still shielded by his body and I can plug Larry easy. Wasn't so serious I'd
Dead Enders (2019)
The room was silent. Ishmael leaned back, inscrutable, the dark
glasses hiding his eyes. The others waited for the president, who
seemed finally to understand the situation. For the first time he
did not look around at his advisers. They had gotten him into this
and would be unable to offer a way out. He knew he had to say
something, but what? He believed Ishmael's words. Ishmael spoke
again, giving him a temporary reprieve.
"Mr. President," he said, "you and your associates find yourselves
now, after generations of calculated destruction of the great
republic that was founded almost two hundred and fifty years ago by
men of such intellect and character as you and your generation can
not even envision, much less aspire to. You are the last pitiful
remnants of a once great people who squandered their heritage,
generation after generation, never believing they could fail.
"Now here you are, with little left to salvage. And even if you
could comprehend what you have done, it matters not to you. With
your delusions of grandeur and dreams of omnipotence you have
destroyed almost all that is good in what the founders and
generations of our ancestors left you.
"And until now, none of this mattered, even if you understood it.
You are such people of whom it has been said that will burn their
own nation to the ground if only they can rule the ashes. We will
leave you with ashes, if that is what you wish. But you will not be
here to see it."
MacArthur's Freehold (2021)