Saturday 19 October 2024 11:22:13 AM CDT

Wednesday 16 October 2024 10:29:35 PM CDT

Do I need to say that's from Alice's Nightmare album? Well, there is that story I've heard more than once about somebody overhearing in a record store some kid sayin' I didn't know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings so there's that. And record stores haven't been a thing as they say since a while now. So, I'm gonna start talkin' like a millenial. Only problem is, I know to start every sentence with 'so' but can't get down when to pause after the 'so' and when not to. Maybe I'll just talk like I got good sense. It could happen.

Shut up Chris.

It was the first AC album I bought and while I never became a hardcore fan I like a lot of his stuff. Does a great show, I haven't seen one in years but vids of recent ones look good. The first one I saw was in '75 on the Nightmare tour. Suzi Quatro opened for him. They both from Detroit originally, dunno if they knew each other - they about the same age. Them were the days, concerts at the Mid-South Coliseum sometimes two or three good ones a month. Sometimes one or two at the North Hall or whatever it is these days, smaller place and new bands hadn't made it big yet would play there. Tix six to eight bucks, T-shirts about that. If it was a bunch of guys didn't buy the tees, if you had a girl you had to buy the tees. Never wore mine, ever find'em they probably bring a bit on Ebay or wherever. Suzi a cutie, seems like a sweet person. Actually watched Happy Days a time or three 'cause she was in it.

Anyhow some years later the lovely and talented and very charming Lita Ford covered Only Women Bleed on Stiletto, that disc has a very nice ballad about her mom (Lisa). Really liked it, the whole thing really. Stiletto and Dangerous Curves are probly my faves of her stuff. Interesting thing was the it being written and originally performed by a man from the point of view of an abused woman. That sneaky Alice. Lita has a sneaky sense of humor too. She was the only one of the Runaways that had any talent.

The dead guy in the shot-up car presented an interesting problem in writing headlines. Wynne Progress said it was a bullet-ridden car, which is just a misspelling or mis-whatever it is when you use a word that sounds like the right one but ain't while NEA Report said it was a car full of bullet holes. Now about bullets riding in a car - I guess if the car went somewhere after somebody put some bullets in it they would have ridden in it but being full holes, well it's a figure of speech but holes don't take up any space so you could never fill up anything with them. Not even donut holes.

Back in the day when computers stored data on punched cards there was a story about the feller that had to keep track of what stuff weighed on naval vessels. Ships for those that might think they were pots and pans. Anyhow they started putting computers on ships and one of the tech guys was trying to explain that the software didn't weight anything. "We only use the holes," he says. Of course the cards weighed something but it was a funny joke the first time or three you heard it.

Anyway there weren't that many holes. And if it hadn't been a dead man they might could have asked him about it. Okey-dokey, slow news day.

Wonder how many people know not to flush stuff that clogs up the pipes. Used to be just about everybody, but I've heard tell people that come from less-developed environments may not. I suppose homeless peoples don't flush stuff unless they're in shelters where they should be. The mayor wannabes want to spend money on them but not make them be off the streets. The current mayor anyway - don't remember just now what the other politician said. Could go back and look but... anyway he didn't say as much diversity stuff as he was a while back. What they'll do when the last of the Plandemic money is gone they didn't say. Maybe a new sales tax to take care of the homeless peeples? If you pay them they will come.

Got some more people not excited about more wind farms here in Arkansas. C'mon man, these things are supposed to be working for twenty years before you have those big concrete blocks with posts sticking out of them all over the place. It's not like the shredded fiberglass will be piled up here and there right away. Except the ones that get damaged by tornadoes and lightning and stuff like that.

Thursday 17 October 2024 17:21:45 PM CDT

Usual excursion to Jonestown, little busier than usual for a Thursday. Didn't go to Lowes or Home Despot so dunno if there's extra fall traffic there. Maybe Halloween shopping but didn't notice. Could have checked the section at Walmarts but didn't think to. Anyhow the best girl and me had a late lunch at the Olive Garden over there by - dunno what all that stuff is around there. Phone stores, AT&T or Verizon maybe, don't go in phone stores. Sure don't use their service. Anyway I bleev it's the only Olive Garden in Jonestown. Sometimes I go up on a Thursday and she takes a late lunch about 1400 and the OG is nice and quiet, good staff and service. Helloween is one if the awesomest metal bands around for about forty years now. First noticed them on the old Metal Shop radio show back in the day, like their live show videos a lot. Still watch that Wacken show regularly, cranked up good.

Between Wynne and Harrisburg there's a new wind farm - not the one in Cross County - that just started a few months ago. Long after the local one got going. Already got three or four of the big poles started, looks like about two or three sections, sixty feet or so maybe. Hard to say from afar off. If they can make the poles in sections why can't the make the blades in pieces instead of a big one so you got to build special roads to turn the trucks in on? Then when they take them down to dump on peoples' land they could disassemble them neat like. Anyhow they seem to be faster than the ones down here. Maybe there something special about this one?

Speaking of Wynne they got a bit of Memphis criminality recently. There's been some before but Wynne doesn't have a lot of crime. A lot reported anyway - you never know what the local NEA news sources will decide is important. A Memphis TV station is reporting that the dead guy found in Marianna was from Little Rock but ain't seen an update by the local guys. Anyhow they come from Memphis and they come from Little Rock. I know there's connections with big cities from a lot of small towns here. There was a pretty big deal with a bunch in Marianna some years back. Marianna? What was I just... nevermind.

While we're lookin' at Memphis what else we got? People reporting problems with voting machines in Memphis. C'mon man, in Memphis is there really a need to cheat? I guess maybe in local races but the president and stuff is pretty well set. Germantown cop with eighteen years in got busted driving drunk. If that blows his retirement it seems like kind of a dumb thing to do. I'm guessing it won't kill his career but it was still dumb. I mean, he coulda got killed or something worse, like killing someone else. That would be career-limiting for sure. When I was in the Air Force I did a couple or three years or somewhere in between in a personnel office. They handled all the disciplinary stuff, a Tech Sergeant (E6) with fifteen years, worked in the post office, got caught stealing mail. Did a year or two in prison and busted down to E1 and discharged. Five years away from a pension and all the bennies.

Post office was across the street from the personnel building, saw the dude regularly over there. Saw another guy that worked there, E5 with about ten years or so, did something else bad. Can't tell you about that one but it's in a book I'm writing.

Dunno what's with doctors. Had the one in Forrest City just a while ago, now this dude. He's in Blytheville but says he has offices in Paragould and Bono. Not gonna comment further - someone else want to knock yourself out.

Friday 18 October 2024 11:12:15 PM CDT

Lessee, Friday. Okey-dokey.

What, Chris?

I know nobody says that but me. At least I don't say 'so' every time I say something. Long time ago there was this comic book, remember those? Before the commies took over? DC and Marvel, some other good stuff. Gold Key had some good ones, some SF and fantasy stuff, had Tarzan and a guy called Turok was kind of a prehistoric Native American or something. Pretty good stuff. Anyhow DC had this character called the Martian Manhunter. He or somebody was always saying 'okey-dokey'. I figure maybe it'll annoy some people. That was the 12-cent comic days - if I hadn't lost interest by the time they was up to a buck or more I would have. Still like graphic novels though - good ones - overpriced or not.

Couple of guys without such good sense - one didn't know that if you say anthing other than 'lawyer' before clamming up you done messed up good. Dunno if the guy is guilty or anything or not or if he had been Mirandized or if a few years will be more clearly defined. Statute of limitations and all that. Anyway you cops start asking you stuff you say you want a lawyer and nothing else. Don't understand how people don't get that - I know police try to intimidate you and get you off balance and keep you there but how hard is it really? You are a target no matter what, whether you did anything wrong or you didn't. The cop's job is to put you away.

Other guy seems to not only not be very bright but maybe shouldn't be running at large in a vehicle or even on foot. Judge said "I find you to be a danger to the public." That's putting it mildly.

Jonestown city council decided pretty quick to deal with the old Citizens Bank building.

'At this point, inaction is not an option,' the mayor said.
Ya think?

State police made an arrest in the killing in Marianna the other day. I read this on the Interwebs so it must be accurate even of it seems strange. Actually that's an Arkansas TV outlet so it should be reliable even if it was filtered through Microsoft. Come to think of it... nah. Marianna has a population of about 3500 down from over 4000 in 2010. Fifteen killings a year and bigger towns don't have that many. Wynne about 8000, little less, had only two or three that I can think of right off. Dunno if even Forrest City has that much - lessee, they had about a dozen in 2020 and it's about three to four times the size of Marianna. Maybe I should do some research...

Numbers jump around a good bit year to year so I guess this year is ususual. Arkansas does have a frightful murder rate just looking at one of them bar graph things but most of them happen in Little Rock and Pine Bluff, Left Memphis, places like that. Still too many but what do you do?

FBI raided a house in Germantown. I don't know if they're having crime problems or not - haven't heard much. Used to be there about wasn't a safer place to be around Memphis except a good few miles away. Joke was women in Germantown went grocery shopping in tennis dresses and didn't go to funerals because there weren't black tennis dresses. I do seem to recall hearing now and then it isn't as idyllic as it once was but haven't been there in a while. Seeing as you have to go through Memphis to get there. Guess they'll have more news on it later.

Saturday 19 October 2024 12:32:45 PM CDT

Sadderday again already. Sadder for some of these folks I suppose. Actually you never know but if people go out messin' around and there's a fight and there's shooting maybe they're sad they done it. The ones that's alive anyway. Or not - it seems not to change behavior that much even on an individual basis since there's so many that just keep on doing it until they end up dead. Or in prison but that's just temporary - dead is permanent.

This fellow probably would be sadder if he actually had to experience the consequences a regular person would. My favorite Tyson story in recent times is the one about a former Tysonite what went to work for a fake meat company. I suppose some might argue that Tyson chicken isn't exactly real meat but it does at least run around and make noises for a while before it get's processed. Actually in a cage it doesn't run around much but it does make those clucking noises. Ever read the ingredients on a fake meat package? Whether being in the fake meat business makes a guy want to bite someone else's nose off or not I won't speculate.

Little more on the shootin' over in Mississippi. Holmes County - if you don't specify Miss-sippy it'll give you the one in Ohio - they're very different types of places. Not many people living there. In the one in Mississippi that is. It's a pretty good ways down there, not that close to Memphis or northeast Arkansas. Apparently it being a 'mass shooting' it got national press so it's in all the big outlets. I never heard of having trail rides after a homecoming football game, I guess we have had parties back in the day, people in groups at various places but nothing organized. I was mainly interested in what type of trail ride it was, since I had already started reading on it. Horses or mules? What I would figure, or bikes. The kind you pedal. Now I know there's some that ride motorcycles and ATVs around in streets but as near as I've been able to find it's a hiking trail.

Nevermind, here's what apparently happened: there was 200-300 peoples there and some of them got to being disagreeable and somebody started shooting. Drive-in totals first: three deaders and eight injured, one deader was 25 which is a little old to be in high school. Says the non-dead were airlifted to hospitals. OK, got it. This from a witness:

Deputies believe the gunman operated with a switch on their weapon.

"I'm a Vietnam veteran and I can't say the exact caliber, but I know it was like a machine gun, it was like repeating," said Johnson.

(WAPT 16, Jackson Mississippi)
Okey-dokey. Seems a crowd of young locals wouldn't be a good place to be when it's like this:
Shootings by young men have been an 'off and on' problem recently in the county, which has a population of almost 16,000 residents. The young men who talk to the sheriff tell him that it's often because they have a "beef", or disagreement with someone.

(WJTF 12 Jackson Mississippi)

No news likely to be coming in this late especially on a weekend. The Memphis TV maybe but that's mostly Memphis crime. Had a kid disappeared long enough for all three of my phones to Amber-alert at the same time. It was resolved but not gonna talk about it tonight. Got other business. Seeya.

Man makes your hair gray, he's your life's mistake All you're really lookin' for's an even break He lies right at you, you know you hate this game Slaps you once in a while and you live in love and pain She cries alone at night too often He smokes and drinks and don't come home at all
Sinanju Master 58 minutes ago K8 NEWS. I'd be leery of seeing a doctor that looks like that. Too many normal-looking ones available. Still looking normal is no guarantee they aren't up to stuff like that. Who's the fat chick? I haven't watched in a while. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply +8 C+ Jessica Atreides Marshall ‘42 minutes ago She's been there for years, like thirty or so - she wasn't always fat. I would be surprised if there isn't some hanky-panky everywhere you have more than a handful of people. Maybe not with the boss but between the staff. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply #304] -) Rosetta Stoned 31 minutes ago Every place is Peyton Place. ® Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply +2(4+]-) Phantasm Lord of the Dead 49 minutes ago If someone isn't banging the help that's news. @ You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die. Reply oGl-) Mack Bolan 31 minutes ago Ifhe manages to keep his license he can go to work at Arkansas Continued Care Hospital. They have the dregs there. For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice. Reply oGl-)
Prime Chuck Norris 1 hour ago mer Trail ride? After a homecoming game? We had some some beers and did stuff with our GF if we had them. And 200-300 people at a party? That's kind of asking for trouble. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply +6 (+ Belushi Speedball 48 minutes ago Typical Chicago statistics. Only in Chicago they do it several times a day. Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time suffering. Reply BG Remo Williams 33 minutes ago Glock switch sideways spray? That's the biz sweetheart. Reply 2G[-) Rosetta Stoned 33 minutes ago Airlifted to hospitals at 5K and up each. If you have insurance it pays for all but a small deductible. I'm sure all these upstanding citizens were working taxpayers and had insurance. 2 Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 2G[-) Mandroid 10 minutes ago 5K is the low end and you're lucky to get off with that. They're expecting insurance or whoever pays for the parasite class. Then you got hospital bills another 10K and up - multiply by 8. Sucks to be a taxpayer. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply oG
