Friday 9 February 2024 12:37:36 1707503856
Lessee, the paper has the same basketball pics and a new one.  A new basketball pic.  Scrolling down to see the new news, we find that the local library is adjusting to budget cuts.  On account of the voters reducing the input from their property taxes.  Progress, but it needs to continue in every county.  Look at your local sales taxes and property taxes.  How much of that money is actually doing any good?  You might start by asking for an accounting of how and where it's being spent.  GLWT. 

They did have this piece of regime propaganda.  You thought I was gonna say a piece of something else didn't you?  Well...

As for the library, they should have thought twice or so before allowing the corrosive antihuman promotions.  As always, be aware that links to articles in state-run media may be memory-holed at any time. 

Speaking of the Jonestown telly outlet, they're staying on top of the great podium scandal.  Or the attempts to create one anyway.  Be thankful for term limits.  The former governor would still be here without them, and that we got Governor Sanders is certainly at least a temporary reprieve from the milquetoast RINOs.[1]  Not that members of her own party won't work against her and that they are even now grooming a challenger for next time around. 

They did have this the other day.  That's Jonestown and its little pronouns-not-specified sibling to the north.  Asking the government for a cool 25 million.  Hey, it won't cost the taxpayers here in Arkansas anything.[2]  Government money donchaknow? 

[1] Except in a few districts democrats just can't get elected.  So they run as Republicans and it usually works.  And with Republicans being such cowardly wimps even they are little better than actual dims. 

[2] Some argue that Arkansas benefits from the federal government blowing trillions of dollars of borrowed money annually because Arkansas pays in less than it receives.  If not for the deleterious effects on all of us it would be amusing to see how they react when the debt bomb finally goes off, and that day can't be far away.  Being so close to end-of-life maybe I won't have to go through it.  Meanwhile if you hear me scream once in a while it's because you're killing me too you bastards.