Thursday 16 May 2024 09:10:24 1715868624

OK, this livestock thing over in Sharp County is getting weird. Decapitated goats, attempted calf rustling, now horsenapping? Lessee, horses is about as high up the food chain as common livestock goes. Ya know, the goat thing made me think of UFOs, cattle-mutilating and all but... nevermind. I don't hear much other news out of there so maybe they should be glad it isn't worse. Drug trafficking, shootings - some fatal - and child-raping. Before we do that though...

Slick Willie was sure the worst Arkansas governor of a century or two but most of his depredations were largely unnoticed by most and all are now pretty much forgotten. This one isn't, but like his other crimes he will never be held accountable in this world. It is recorded here and there for posterity. In any case Bubba's connection has been largely scrubbed.

With that out of the way, lessee what's up in local crime. I'll wait to see where the Wynne car-burglars are from. If they are apprehended. Wouldn't bet on them being locals - the Jonestown police caught a dude from Pine Bluff burgling cars in Jonestown. Pine Bluff is almost two hundred miles from Jonestown, just saying - they do get around. (The Memphis police are talking about confiscating cars of people racing and otherwise acting up in the streets - wonder how many of those cars are owned by the perps?)

Both the telly and NEA Report had the big arrest-fest over in Crittenden County. Jonesbororightnow doesn't have it or I'd link to it and give them some exposure. The only thing of note so far is a glaring typo in the headline, the one about the Bradbury Art Musuem. Maybe they'll fix it. But nothing yet on the Crittco affair. OK, I thought it looked familiar and checked, back in January they had a big operation and arrested 245. Fact is, bad as it is in Craighead and Greene they got nothing on Crittenden. St. Francis and the others are pretty bad but the population has been going down there for years. I regrettably had occasion to drive through Forrest City a couple of times about a year ago and it is visibly dying. Crittenden is declining as well now - where are they going? Probably to Jonesboro, which is bad news for Jonesboro.

Seems the sheriff in Pulaski County.... wait, what's this doing in NEA? Guess if they do national 'news' they do Arkansas news too. OK, lessee, sheriff of Pulaski County (that's essentially Little Rock I suppose) let the Netflix folks film something there. Some seem to think the sheriff didn't have the authority and the county judge didn't sign off. In fact the judge said he didn't even know about it until he saw a trailer. Hey, it could happen. Seems the judge should have been aware, even if someone just happened to ask what a film crew was doing in there for however long it took. How long to film enough for eight episodes. Hey, what do I know and anyway Little Rock is another place I don't go to unless I really need to.

I did need to a while back, building a house and selling one, had to be in that area a lot some. Nice places in that area, Conway, Cabot, central Arkansas generally, but don't get down there much. Anyway, seeing as we're talking about Pulaski County sheriffs - I am anyway - Pulaski County sheriffs being controversial reminded me of one a while back. Tommy Robinson - not that one, this one - got a bit of press back in the day. I approved of his Dirty Harry technique of dealing with convenience store robberies (why don't we try that again?) but he did get into some foolishness he didn't need to. Anyhow he got hisself elected to Congress, and ain't that what it's all about - how high can you climb? Then he didn't toe the line as a Democrat and got into all kinds of other controversial stuff and ended up only doing three terms. Didn't hear much about him afterwards.

And that's it for today.