Wednesday 20 March 2024 12:20:12 1710955212

Seems someone in NEA (what's happened to this place?) took umbrage at the governor dispensing with the idiocy of allowing people to specify the their sex as something other than what it is on their driver's license. I can't blame Asa Hutchinson for allowing that as it was done during the Mike Beebe reign of error. Beebe was the most recent dim governor and hopefully will be that last for a long time. Not that Hutch was much better. Anyway they're both gone and Governor Sanders directed the DFA to correct the problem. It was duly reported in the various Alphabet news outfits as an anti-LBGTQWERTY+ act.

The person who complained... these things can get confusing but here goes:

One NEA resident's ID card is marked as female, although her birth certificate says otherwise. X said she identifies as female.

'My ID says I'm female until today,' X said.

Apparently this person did not drive and was referring to the state-issued ID card that serves as identification for people who don't have a driver's license.

She said the new policy for the state is heartbreaking to her and the LGBTQ+ community.

'We are just looked at as second class... and it's starting to get old,' X said. 'I sat and cried, knowing my existence has just been questioned and called out.'

Well cupcake, whether you were so upset that when you finally regained your composure sufficiently to start complaining to the local news media or they flung their net out to see if they could find someone upset about it I don't know or care. With the chronic malcontents so desperate for any reason to attack the governor I suspect the latter. And I don't know if you are actually one of those confused people or if you are one of the far more numerous people who claim to be one of the aggrieved for attention or for some other reason, and I don't care about that either. It seems pretty over-the-top.

X added she's not done fighting for others. 'I think I got lucky essentially, but I also know this fight is not done. It's nowhere near done.'

It will be done for these people when the 98% of the population that is normal bows to their wishes, whatever and whenever they are. Wishes subject to change without notice. Guess what - WE DON'T CARE.

I am autistic had a rather, call it difficult, early life. Early being the first thirty years or so. Once I understood it I made adjustments to be able to live with it. Mostly it was learning how to conceal or suppress certain behaviors and being very disciplined in my interactions with people.

Self-discipline. Someone told me that self-discipline is being able to say no to oneself. Some people want everyone else to say yes to their every demand.

Actually reading it a couple more times it seems just a drama queen that found a nominally important media outlet to give it some more attention.[1] This is the outfit that did what amounted to informecials presented as news for a hospital that is more likely to kill you than heal you, as I can personally attest

[1] It seems to be a biological male pretending to be female, but I don't want to try to figure it out again. Better ways to waste time.