Friday 12 April 2024 23:23:40 1712964220

Jonestown paper about the same. Maybe they have new stuff in the paper version every day, I'm not spending a buck and a quarter to find out. It's down to about the size of the Wynne paper was before the tornado whacked their facility and put them out of business. Local radio station acquired it, hope they didn't spend any money on it. I see they put up some kind of website, looks like Wordpress. Quick and easy way to do it and they can probably get some ad revenue. It looks better than NEA Report, which is kind of cluttered with ads too big and not well-placed. Not that there's much money to be had. And Wordpress and similar tools routinely get broken when being updated. Nobody wants to do even a little bit of work these days no matter how lucrative the rewards.

On to news, such as it is around here. The telly folks are a little more prompt on things, got the Amazon news. Looks like a pretty good deal, new jobs and all. I usually get stuff ordered with regular shipping in a couple of days so no complaints there.

I confess to having been blissfully ignorant of the Marshallese population here so I checked out their website. The population of the ancestral homeland is just over 40K, how many are here and why and how did they get here? Enquiring minds want to know. Just kidding. The poorly executed website (looks like Squarespace) has a lot of stuff about Medicaid and federal benefits. OK, got it. That's why we work and pay taxes.

See the mayor appointed a new JET director. Don't now much about it except I see the buses around town. Most public transit operations cost the taxpayers money and get used by people who don't pay taxes, don't know if that's the case here. Says they're gonna add hybrid trolleys. That works so well everywhere else, why not?

The Osceola school super deal was... hmmm, whatever. Kind or reminds me of the time a school district in the area hired a new super, instead of promoting one from within as they used to do. He was an assistant super in some larger city, I forget now. Indianapolis maybe. He promptly bought a nice house with a nice mortgage and proceeded to alienate most the community, including the ones who hired him. They ended up paying a lot go get rid of him, he wanted his mortgage paid and all the pay for the contractual period, and some other stuff. According to this fellow's LinkedIn page "commitment to optimizing educational service programs and passion for improving student engagement and attainment has motivated and driven me in my career to date. This includes significant experience in the fields of educational service program leadership and administrative management, combined with valuable experience in school turnaround and transformation." You can read what the employer said about it.

Since it may be a few days before the final(?) Great Governor's Lectern Scandal and Massacree will be out let's move on to this. I suspect tranny-mutilation - physical and mental - will have approval from various courts as it moves up the food chain. If the commies 'win' the next election a future SCOTUS will probably uphold it as well but by then we'll all have much bigger problems. Except for the poor kids being destroyed as recovery from that is rare[1].

[1] Predictably the news media and other socio-political manipulators attribute suicide and deaths from drug abuse among transgenders as being caused by societal rejection and bullying. Couldn't possibly be the drugs, surgery and 'counseling' could it?