Wednesday 12 June 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

KAIT had two pride links, same ones as Sunday - don't recall seeing any in the paper but didn't look that hard. Looked at the vid, pretty disgusting. Paper had an article on the ASU/Qatar thing, high school and college sports, usual. Nothing more on the body in the field, nothing on the dude what shot a store clerk in Forrest City. Memphis TV had it, seems a guy in a hoodie walks in and hangs around for a while and then shoots the clerk and got money from the cash register and took off. Did he not know he was on camera the whole time or just didn't care? Beats me, hard to guess about what some people do these days. Don't hear much about Forrest City lately, had to go down there a couple of times about a year ago, looking pretty dead.

It made the national news, not sure why - people get killed all the time, lots in cities like Chicago and such and in smaller numbers in smaller places. Outfits like MSN and Yahoo and whoever (is AOL still around? My first interweb access - outside the office where we had a T1 back then - was dialup on AOL. U.S. Robotics modem at the max of 28.8K which was usually 20-24K or so.) Yahoo and AOL both had a good idea and made it big for a while but times changed. Anyway it was dialup to AOL at home until I got a leased line to the office, that was something like 64K if I remember aright. They put these things that happen out in flyover country to get some clicks. and don't have it yet. does have it - Forrest City is just fifteen miles away. Probably it will show up in the other outlets eventually.

Speaking of Wynne, they seem to have some flooding problems there and want to spend some money to have someone tell them how to spend some more money to fix it. If I have time I'll tell you a funny (to me anyway) story about that sort of thing.

People who get their news from TV and newspapers (and their websites) probably think a little different from those who aren't so limited. This is a poll from a local TV website:

Those vary, some are more realistic than others. A lot of people say what they want to happen. I don't know if Trump will prevail or we go into the darkness but it's closer than that.

Jonesbororightnow did a little work on the guy that got killed by the former Bay police officer. Dunno if NEA Report has anything yet - if they do I'll make a note. From what reporting was done by the TV folks it didn't look good, this doesn't make look any better.

...Christopher Shull, while on duty October 21, 2023, as a Bay Police Officer and after arriving at the completely erroneous decision that the ATV was stolen, chose to ram his 5200 pound unmarked police vehicle into the ATV driven by Stephen Kyle McMasters multiple times, with the last hit a PIT maneuver at 68 miles per hour, ultimately killing Kyle McMasters at the scene.
Youch. Guy does that not only shouldn't be a cop but should probably not be running at large. I had an encounter with a cop in an unmarked car, not even a blue light like they used to put on the dash. Turned out he was a nutjob and got fired pretty quick, domestic violence. I was probably eighteen or less, still in high school actually, and small town cops were always hassling kids for something or other, said he'd been following me around for a while and I spun my tires leaving a parking lot. Yeah, I did, there was some sand piled up there like it will do and I stopped in the sand and that will happen. What he was doing following me around he didn't say. I was in that 67 Nova I had, slate blue two-door post with a 250 straight six and a Powerglide. That would spin the tires if you were on an slope and there was sand under the tires. Tell you the truth my not having much good to say about cops is I rarely have a reason. The fact that they used to take bad people off the streets (and around here still do mostly) made their other bad behavior tolerable if it didn't go too far.

Says the family will pursue litigation and that could go any way. Even if justice prevails what will they get from an ex-cop, assuming he's employed again somewhere? And has finished paying his lawyer for getthing him off this time, unless the city paid for it. Suing the city as well would be a good idea but how much money the city of Bay has might not be much. One would guess they have insurance but you never know.

The perennial malefactors... I mean malcontents, are still trying to dismantle the the recent education reforms. This will no doubt take a while, and the eventual resolution is... as they say predicting is hard, especially the future so there you are. Guys over on Arrakus have an opinion or two:

Chuck is right on, they hate children escaping their clutches. The homeschool thing grew a bunch during the Plandemic on top of the steady growth for years. Last year I attended a local homeschool graduation, something I don't usually do but there were grads on two sides of my family -- grand-nephews. There were twenty-two and that's just the ones that elected to do the ceremony thing. I now have a number of homeschooled youngster relatives and these kids are running their own businesses before they're old enough to drive and pay people to do their hauling and towing until they're old enough. I regularly encounter people who after dealing with them only on the phone or by email and are shocked to surprise they are just kids.

And it isn't just the money - the children who are homeschooled or go to good private schools escape the indoctrination and corruption - on top of being barely literate - that is the primary goal of government schools.

Governor Sanders is the best thing to happen to Arkansas in a long time and I wish her and those who support her agenda the best. It's what's best for Arkansas and if some elitists don't like it too bad. If the Republic survives and a 47th president named Donald Trump is succeeded by another even better one - say Ron DeSantis - I believe she may one day be president. Being DeSantis' veep would be a good start.

Jonesbororightnow got a big pride article up today, then removed it from the main section. Hmm, ya know it's perfectly safe to just ignore those things doncha? No one is ever going to object to you just not saying anything. Same with juneteenth, just saying.

I might open Arrakus up to the public at some point, haven't decided yet. For now it's just a bunch of old guys jawin' about this that and the other. Problem is it would soon require full-time maintenance (I tried a while back) and I'm not gonna do it. I'll pay the freight but need a relief driver now and then.

Said I was gonna tellya a funny story about Wynne so here goes. Quite a few years ago a fellow built a subdivision, lot of 1200 square foot houses close together, about a dozen or so new streets by the time it was finished. I lived in the area then, was always driving around town looking at stuff. They laid out the streets and trucked in that red clay gravel we got a lot of around here, mashed down some gravel and about the time the houses were finished laid down a layer of asphalt over it. With me so far? Houses sold and subdivision turned over to the city which is now responsible for maintenance. They may have gotten through the first winter without the streets falling apart but not much more. Eventually - it was a few years - some people got upset about the expense and decided they needed to fix the problem once and for all. So they hired an engineer from Memphis, I forget what it cost but having an engineer - even one from Memphis - come in and investigate your problem costs a bit. So he did and gave him his report. He said to someone in the local news - "Usually when I see this sort of thing it's because someone paid off the inspector. However that is not what happened here, since you don't have an inspector." Not a joke man.

I've lived in or visited the area near weekly for over ten lustrum and Wynne has always flooded. The underpass used to get full of water and traffic couldn't go through until it receded. Idunno, you're had flooding for fifty years and haven't figured out something?

Time to sign off for now, Jonestown gave us a couple of shootings yesterday. One of them was the big Walmart store on Highland. I go there about once a week just because, it being the best Walmart around. Usuall on a Wednesday or Thursday morning though, pretty calm and not busy. I probably should be carrying full time now but hate to have to do it. I've been thinking about carrying a Byrna but haven't had time to do much testing. They're kinda big and I like the little Charter Undercover .38 for size. The non-lethal option is nice but you'll still get sued by the perp. Just not arrested - maybe. Seeya.

========================================================================================== Who will win the 2024 presidential election?
Trump 39%
Biden 49%
Someone else 4%
No opinion 9%
========================================================================================== Remo Williams
30 minutes ago
It being Arkansas (Pulaski County especially) you should figure on them finding a judge to give
them what they want. Whether it holds up to the Supreme Court is another matter. Those people
don't give up and erosion of their control of education is something they'll fight tooth and nail.
hy 2 Share
That's the biz sweetheart.
Prime Chuck Norris
19 minutes ago
Yeah, they don't like people escaping the government schools. You have to be delusional to not
see that increasing spending while the product deteriorates needs to change but these people
aren't delusional - they know precisely what they are doing.
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When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Twisted Mentat
6 minutes ago
They're midwits trying to look smart: "The LEARNS Act represents a radical and unconstitutional
departure from a public school system that has endured since the establishment of the State of
Arkansas," the complaint states. Let me fix that for you honey: The LEARNS act offers an
opportunity for students to escape the low-quality government monopoly. And because school
funds are based on attendance every one you lose is what, about 10K per year?
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It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts
acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I
set my mind in motion.