Wednesday 02 October 2024 12:29:15 PM CDT

Saturday 28 September 2024 19:13:42 AM CDT

There ya go. That's the first ten Alan Parsons Project albums. The only ones you need unless you want some live sets. Some of those are quite good - more on that in a minute - but this is the essential stuff. Recorded from 1976 through 1987 - a couple more studio albums and some solo work by Alan is available if you get real into it. You can google and find out the history, how Alan was engineer on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and a bunch more stuff before he became a recording artist. He and his collaborative partner Eric Woolfson wrote all the songs and put together various musicians and singers to produce them, kinda like making movies I guess. He can sing pretty good and play guitar and keys as well.

I got all the vinyl in pristine condition as I had a habit of only playing them a time or three and recording them onto cassettes that cost almost as much as the record using seriously high-dollar equipment. Later I bought all the CDs. On those old records they sometimes lost a bit of quality in going to digital - it's on the low and high end and on good equipment I can still play an old cassette and tell whether it was recorded from vinyl or a CD.

There's at least one instrumental on each one, usually the first track is one. You hear them if you watch television, sometimes at sporting events and such. They show up in bumper music on radio talk shows as well. During twenty-something years things naturally changed some but it was gradual and if I listen to them in alphabetical order I can't generally remember the chronological order of the one playing at any time. It's a good way to spend a day when I'm in the house most of the time.

There are only two or three high-quality live recordings and a dozen or so decent ones on Youtube. All are worth checking out. Usually there will be an extended jam on Prime Time (great keyboard and sax soloes) and Turn of a Friendly card. Some of the best musicians around in laid-back show. There's three or four official releases - CD or DVD - and real nice one from German TV a few years back. Only problem is they're too short.

It's Saturday evening in northeast Arkansas and the hurricane passed by yesterday. Big one too, wind and rain all day, about six inches here. KAIT reports some Memphis crime, I mean some Memphis news. Same thing.

Wynne schools - junior high anyway - not gonna let the students play with their phones during class. Not sure why it was ever allowed or that the other grades are doing.

Not much weekend crime so far but it's usually Monday before they get around to reporting it. Kids getting arrested for school threats all over the place. Jonesboro library wanting money again - actually they want the money that was taken away a couple of years ago. Presumably they have a better story this time, or believe they do. Will the voters buy it?

Sunday 29 September 2024 22:23:45 AM CDT

What happened today? Not much of anything. Out of town most of the day tomorrow - see what it looks like when I get back.

Monday 30 September 2024 19:57:45 AM CDT

Just walked in and turned on the interweb radio Fox News - lessee what they thought was important.

Okey-dokey, Pete Rose death was the lead - makes sense. Didn't think of him as being that old. Hurricane was next.

Everybody talking about the old Citizens Bank building - seems it's getting to be a serious matter. If I had a zillion bucks I'd buy it and fix it up just because I could, assuming a zillion is somewhere north of a hundred million. Probably anyone who does have the money to blow isn't interested in doing in Jonesboro. Maybe they'll demolish it

Mayor Copenhagen got hisself a boost from the Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police. Funny how things like that happen. Neither of the two guys likely to win looks likely to improve matters.

A non-fatal shooting and a non-fatal stabbing about which not much has been reported, a pre-trial hearing for the shooting in Wynne a while back. Another Arkasas Senate hearing on the guy whacked by the FBI a while back. Not sure why.

Since I got the time I'll talk about Pete. The only professional sports I ever cared much about were baseball and NASCAR. Much as I enjoy watching a ball gave even today when I have the time I began to lose interest after the 1994/5 strike. Make you own decision about who was right or wrong. I was fortunate enough to spent the last thirty-somthing years of my working life with mainly two employers (a third one very briefly) that made a boatload of money and what the owners paid themselves wasn't far off by comparison with what the owners of billion-dollar entrprises pay themselves compared to the help. One of them was a billion dollar company. They paid me pretty well, more than I could get just about anywhere else and I liked my work. I didn't feel a need to wreck the company because I couldn't have a bigger piece of the pie. Whatever, I just didn't enjoy baseball as much.

NASCAR was different - the weak and inept management after Bill was gone succumbed to the societal rot that was spreading all over then. It didn't help that with the generation that ended with Dale Earnhardt didn't have any worthy successors. So bye-bye NASCAR.

Pete was one of the greatest baseball players ever and his accomplishments should have put him in the Hall of Fame. I believe he could have salvaged his reputation if he had handled it different at the beginning but it got worse as it went on. I don't know if there was time later on when it was possible. Sadly he seemed to me a decent sort but there was sometihing in him that wouldn't let him do what it would take to fix things.

Tuesday 1 October 2024 11:49:45 AM CDT

I don't know if there is any comfort for anyone if there being what is something close to a definite answer to this. The likely perp has been dead for a long time and while he didn't pay for this crime specifically he is paying big-time now. Sadly most who commit crimes against children are never held accountable as the time when this sort of thing was rare are long past. Fortunately they remain rare in our part of the country but even one is too many and it seems this perp was a multiple offender.

A few wrecks and people behaving badly but nothing serious so far. Jonesboro Right Now has a new editor-in-chief. Never played that climb-the-ladder game - had something people wanted and employers called me and asked me how much. I see it in the fantasy world where you don't have to actually be able to do stuff or know anything special and the "news" business is one of those. I don't understand it so much in the Medical Industry though - those people do have to know stuff. I don't see doctors doing it as much but nurses seem to do it a lot. One I know averages about a year at a job and I suppose the next one is always a step up but that seems a lot bother. I suppose that aside from the money and knowing that it was always going to get better each year I enjoyed being the guy that had people waiting for him every day to ask me something before I got to my office and being the one they called at night and on weekends.

I only clicked on this so see if a Dodge Charger was involved. And because Wynne doesn't have a lot of reported crimes. It does say that the stolen vehicle was from Jonestown. They do get around.

What, Chris?

No, not even in the top ten. Aside from F-150s and Silverados most are Hyundia and Kia. I figure most Chargers are bought used. Anyway a perp may or not be driving a Charger when he does the deed but there's a pretty good chance he'll be riding to the pokey in one.

Jonestown paper says sales tax revenue is down again. Jonestown usually doesn't suffer as much when the economy tanks but dunno how it will go this time. With the dock workers striking . it's good to be a prepper. Got stuff from the 1980s that needs to be used. Spot-checking the old ammo supplies is fun though.

Memphis TV station I sometimes look at for some reason. More stories about Dodge Chargers maybe. Articles are pretty much what the NEA sites have, quick "somebody got shot" or "people killed in wreck" and maybe they have some actual info like name and age or not. Sometimes they get updated later and sometimes they don't. Writing is about the same level:

The adult female was taken to Regional One in critical condition, and the juvenile was taken to Regional One in non-critical condition.

Police say that preliminary information suggests this was an accidental shooting. This is an ongoing investigation.

The juvenile's age is not available at this time. (WREG Memphis)

OK, I suppose whoever was being interviewed just said 'he/she is a juvie' so that's how you know without the age being specified. Just sayin' as they say. Anyhow they have an article about Earle. Earle is one of a couple of towns between Wynne and Memphis on Highway 64. Both used to be able to afford a police car to run speed traps but that time seems to have passed. If they could it probably wouldn't generate enough revenue to help much. Both are pretty near depopulated - I remember Earle having near twice as many people as it does now and Parkin is worse off. I seem to have commented a while back on this here blog about the mayor of Earle being in Wickedpedia and all. Who the mayor is doesn't have much to do with things when the people are about all gone. Then the money is gone too.
"The city of Earle is on a purchasing freeze. My garbage truck and my boom truck have broken down. So, I cannot purchase anything to pick up garbage for my residents," said Mayor Jaylen Smith. (WREG Memphis)
Seems the city council thought the mayor was spending money he shouldn't.
"I tapped into that money to purchase something, which was some new equipment for our public works department," Smith said. "So, that way we can see grass-cutting, tearing down houses, and different things. We bought police vehicles."

"The goal is to put money towards salary but I'm not in agreeance with that," Smith said. (WREG Memphis)
Dunno whose salary he referred to and not sure about the grammar. Or it might be a typo. I fix my typos most of the time but some of them are intentional. Anyhow it doesn't get better - the whole country is going down the drain and those of us as got something to grab onto are doing it. You feel bad about the bodies floating past but there's nothing you can do for them. There's a guy that climbed the ladder but couldn't hold on. Watching arrogant people get their comeuppance doesn't happen as often as I'd like but it's fun to watch when it does.

There is a decertification or whatever they call it where the state can make a city not be a city any more but don't know how that would get done. Maybe matters have to deteriorate more than they already have. The people that can move have done so - what happens to the remainder... I remember having business in Earle as recently as the late 1980s and the population was about twice what it is now. There must be a lot of empty buildings there.

Wednesday 2 October 2024 11:09:19 AM CDT

Dumb kids still getting in trouble for threatening schools. Not just around here - happening all over. Another inmate dying in jail with no details. Figure they'll have something up at NEA Report before long.

City of Memphis gonna buy an old defunct hotel and fix it and make money. Well, they're gonna buy an old hotel for 22 million. I guess some there have some sense:

"I'm not 100% clear why we believe the city has to be involved unless a bank has told them they have to be involved because they can't get it done any other way, and that is concerning," said council member Jerri Green.

She said other cities that have done deals like this, such as Baltimore, are now trying to get out of it.

"We're buying a whole building, a 600-room building that has been in despair for a long time," said council member Rhonda Logan. "How do we know what we're buying?"
If it was a viable project the banks wouldn't have a problem with it. It's 100% clear that Memphis is shrinking and that's gonna continue. Producers are moving out and only the parasites remain.

See y'all next week.

The Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination The Alan Parsons Project - I Robot The Alan Parsons Project - Pyramid The Alan Parsons Project - Eve The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of a Friendly Card The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky The Alan Parsons Project - Ammonia Avenue The Alan Parsons Project - Vulture Culture The Alan Parsons Project - Stereotomy The Alan Parsons Project - Gaudi
Remo Williams 49 minutes ago { NEA 7 REPORT estore majonty ot rule ubraryFunaing If I could see an audit showing where the money goes AND they dropped the perv stuff I might see giving back what was cut. But no increases and you know if they get this they'll be back for more. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply +3 (4+ ]-) L Jessica Atreides Marshall 38 minutes ago Surprisingly they do have that info on the library website but most recent is for 2022. I'm looking at that but so far not much use in terms of operational efficiency, waste, etc. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 1Gl-) L DePloraBelle 19 minutes ago I can see the 2024 report not being there yet but 2023 should be. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply 0 Mack Bolan 24 minutes ago I want to know if they cleaned up the perv stuff. Anyone know? For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice. Reply +1(4+]-)
Prime Chuck Norris 48 minutes ago ‘Trump blames port workers strike on ‘massive inflation’ caused by ‘Harris- Biden regime! I may be going out on a limb here but I suspect the strike may end in a week or so. Cackles and Awolz will be credited with averting a disaster. Don't know how much it will help. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply +5(+]-) LL Rosetta Stoned 39 minutes ago You may be right but you never know these days. The unions obviously don't want the Democrats to lose but they're not smart. Maybe whoever is giving whoever the president is orders will tell him to intervene? After he said he wouldn't - not that he remembers. & Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 104] -) Jessica Atreides Marshall 21 minutes ago The show is being run by functionally seventh-graders. Think about how junior high types - even the smart ones - thought about things. And the average IQ of this bunch is probably below average. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 104] -)
Twisted Mentat 1 hour ago Earle, Arkansas council warily "¢ a I haven't even driven past Earle or Parkin (OK, 64 goes through the edge of Parkin) more than a couple of times in the past year and I was careful and keeping an eye out the whole time back to Crowleys Ridge. That's a scary stretch of road. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply +9(+]-) | Phantasm Lord of the Dead 51 minutes ago Tused to stop at the Walgreens liquor store in West Memphis. Now I don't even get off the interstate - just keep going to Jonesboro. It's about as close to where I live. You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die. Reply 42(+1-) DePloraBelle 40 minutes ago West Memphis has been too scary for me for a long time. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +2 |. Sinanju Master 41 minutes ago These little towns with no future should probably be dissolved and let the county handle law enforcement. I don't see how they can even pay for that - apparently Earle can't. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply HG \___ Jessica Atreides Marshall 33 minutes ago Since cities depend almost entirely on sales tax and some state handouts I don't see how they stay in business. Jonesboro is something like 70% sales tax and they have a lot of businesses to charge fees for permits and such. And they get a lot more state funds. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply oG