Thursday 7 March 2024 17:31:37 1709854297
Guess what? Jonestown paper still has the same pics of basketball.  I may be the only one looking at it, and I only do because it's in a list of bookmarks I click on once or twice most days.  A handful of local news items among the older ones, a Trump-bashing cartoon, one sensible editorial (no author attributed, seems to be from the Chicago Tribune) with some facts about how despicable democrats are.  These seem to be balanced - leftard nut one day and something sensible another) but the Tribune has gone south, having endorsed Ovomit for president both times and Joetato in 2020.  Wonder what they'll do this time.  Something about the elections the other day.  Things aren't awful yet here in NEA, considering how bad it is just twenty leagues away. 

Anyhow the people in Jackson County did kick back on a money grab by the schools.  Sadly not many people vote in primaries, particularly when the important posts are deemed to be in good hands, and in Arkansas all the House and Senate seats are held by Republicans so most figure it's safe to stick with what they have.  Which is how we suffered eight years of Asa Hutchinson.  I suppose a political opportunist with no principles who happens to be a RINO is better than any democrat, but as someone probably a lot smarter than me observed the eye that looks ahead to the safe course is closed forever.  Too many people always looking for the safe course may eventually end the Republic.  Or maybe not so eventually. 

The voters in the county where I primarily reside did, fearfully voting continue paying the Saint Barnyards tax for another four years.  In Green County they opted to give the local government another .75 on top of the 8.625% they were already paying.  Still just over nine percent, still under ten, Wynne got just about all of Arkansas beat there.  It was close, under a hundred votes out of almost four thousand.  Maybe there's reason for hope.  At least they didn't mention buying more Tesla police cars. 

Governor proposed a budget, a tiny increase, I'd guess like me the governor would prefer none or even a cut, but close enough for me.  She is an honest and honorable person whose interests are the good of the state and its people.  There has been talk, now really serious, about Trump choosing her as his VP.  I suspect she wouldn't take it, and would hate to lose her.  Like Florida losing DeSantis.  They're young and if the Republic survives one of them may be president one day.  First it's got to survive the next year. 

Anyway by the time the legislature gets done it won't look so good.  Many of the Republicans are RINOs, and almost any politician is going to hand out the money earned by working people to advance his own career, so look for more waste.  One fellow, a dim, said he was concernec about the LEARNS act.[1]  Of course he is, it's education reform (reform as in actually reversing the decay) and no dim wants that.  Teachers unions are paying to get him elected, and besides lefties don't want education improved.  The less educated the population the easier to control. 

In a while the vegetable-in-chief will attempt to remain vertical and read a teleprompter for an hour or so, and Mr. Trump will be doing a fact check in real time over on Youtube.  I'll probably watch that, as will about ten times as many as will be watching the Hate of the Union diatribe.  People are making jokes about it having intermissions.  Hopefully they won't have the Nazi decor this time. 

[1] Republicans nearly unanimously supported it, Democrats in the legislature were unanimously opposed to it.  Citizens for Arkansas Public Education and Students (CAPES) attempted to get a repeal referendum on the ballot.  Fortunately they failed but it was close, and they will not stop trying.