Sunday 3 March 2024 18:10:32 1709511032
Jonestown paper still has the same pics of basketball, some over a week old for sure.  Nothing much in news, the story about the factory closing with a loss of 650 jobs over in Osceola has been there for a few days.  Smaller cities and towns in NEA are getting smaller and that's that.  I already have to go to Jonestown a time or two a week anyway, and the fewer people to bother me out here the better.  They did have a Trump-bashing cartoon and a realistic view of the lawfare assault on the former (and probable future) president in the editorial section.  Outsourced of course, I suspect most people around here miss Trump.  The 'news media' distributes what they're given by their masters. 

Newspapers and TV on that (low-end) scale seem mostly to be just milking the cow as long as it's got anything left.  Neither the local telly or newspaper seems to be doing anything to generate new markets.  In my experience that is usually a lack of vision, and like people who inherit wealth and few are able to maintain it, much less grow it.  Vision and inventiveness could save some of these small media companies, but it isn't there.  And my experience also shows (40 years and companies small and very large) shows that the people in charge almost always think they're the smartest people in the room and ignore suggestions from inside or outside. 

And the people working there seem to be rather low-budget anyway.  Local telly had this today, and it's pretty much always like this:

Occasionally I go back later and look at one and see that they've corrected some of the more egregious errors (misspelled word in headline) but usually they don't or it takes longer than I care to wait. 

It does seem like there's a lot more crime these days, not just in the Jonestown area (that seems way up) but more from smaller cities.  I know the reasons for Paragould, I seem to remember seven or eight lustrum ago there being maybe one killing a year in Jonesboro, in Paragould probably some years with none.  Both cities have the same problems, Paragould acquired a lot more of one in particular over the past twenty years. 

This dude that appears about to run for mayor in Jonesboro, seems they got some dirt on him real quick.  He should know that if you ain't clean as a preacher's sheets you're gonna get it good if you try to break into the club.  And even if you are they'll find something if you're not one of them.  As J.R. Ewing said:

Guess that'll do it for now.  Buenas noches, muchachos.