Tuesday 18 June 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

I guess juneteenth will actually be over on the 19 June, but will it? Will they eventually want to make it a month? I mean, pride month is June and there's already overlap, guess they might as well do the whole month for both. The teenth festivities start pretty early elsewhere, and off to a good start again this year. There's only twelve months and if every special group gets their own month they may have to share. I guess since it's pretty much the same bunch no matter which grievance is being celebrated that could work. Couple of the local outlets getting a little overdone - as I type this the TV site has four articles on the front page. Now that's three pride and one teenth so the teenth folks may want to request equal time. If juneteenth actually ends on the nineteenth there's still eleven days of pride so....

Now that I think about it the Jonestown paper didn't seem to have much to say about either teenth or pride. Looked at its sibling in Paragould and nothing there either. Fact is I don't recall seeing anything about Paragould pride. Or Left Memphis, what's up with that? Anyway it isn't just teenth events that have injuries, this pride event got weird. Yeah I know, those are all pretty weird, not to mention disgusting.

The state put the obligatory coat of whitewash on this affair. Why it was so important to have a state official pronounce it kosher beats me, it's not like anyone that was suspicious before is going to be less so because a politician backs them up. Guy is supposedly a Republican but in Arkansas that and twenty bucks will get you a fancy cup of coffee. The AG was wise to stay out of it mostly. Senator Cotton gave the goons some grief but that isn't worth much without the power to punish. If Trump comes back and has decent support in both houses maybe some people can be made to pay. Which is why they'll do anything, and I believe literally as in literal meaning of the word literally, to prevent it.

Am I the only one that notices adult women in certain positions in business talk like thirty-something year old Valley Girls? Is it the makeup and hairspray or do media outfits deliberately hire women who can be made to look (more or less) visually appealing but have the intelligence of an Irish Setter? To be sure news and marketing spokespeople aren't hired for intelligence but the vernacular is grating. I avoid watching TV but do listen to talk shows a lot (in case you hadn't noticed) and most of the big ones are on iHeart channels. At every commercial break there is a blurb telling how awesomely profitable advertising on iHeart is. You can tell she (VERY FEW are narrated by men) is just reading a script and hasn't a clue what it means. And given the product they deliver - feeds go choppy, get mingled, dead air, minutes off schedule - they have nothing to brag about. Sadly they pretty well have the all the stuff worth listening to locked down. BTW I don't discount the effects of chemicals since a lot of the TV bubbleheads (hairspray and bleach) talk the same way, but when you start out with someone who isn't that sharp to begin with it's hard to say.

Whether someone at KAIT decides which national story (generally from the Dissociated Press) to run or if it is randomly selected by drunk lemurs or is dictated by headquarters... not that I really care but I would guess it comes from a higher level. Hence the article about the latest assault by Joetato's handlers being put on hold. When you've had stuff about LGBLAMDA+3X whatever all week why not another? Wonder what will happen in the future when sanity has been restored and all the statistics have to be corrected? Asterisks or complete rewrites?

Anyway since they're not having teenth shootings in Jonestown - yet - they dredged up an event from two years ago to fill out the pride space. The cop that got arrested after she and her roommate got into it - well, they both were charged with domestic battery and the charges were dismissed. That looks like kind of a pridey thing. And the guy that allegedly killed another guy had his charges dismissed as well. Maybe it's just me but domestic violence is one thing and homicide is... nevermind, see ya later.

56 minutes ago
Juneteenth in Pocahontas? I haven't been over there in a while, close to a year, but
has it changed that much? I know Paragould has gone downhill but that started some
years ago.
Reply - ahe3 Share
Life is a lemon and I want my money back. - Meat Loaf
Remo Williams
41 minutes ago
Nah. I know some folks there, get over about once a month or so. I know they have
some crime from people coming over from Jonesboro and Paragould, and a lot of that
comes from Memphis. Can't imagine there being much interest in juneteenth in
Reply - ale 2
That's the biz sweetheart.
Prime Chuck Norris
35 minutes ago
From what I see it's just the local media that needs something to fill space. They live
in a bubble that they can't see out of, like a one-way glass, not that they care what
people out here think. They're comfortably smug in their little cliques.
Reply - abel Share
When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Twisted Mentat
22 minutes ago
Comfortably smug! Can I steal that?
Reply dy @ - Share
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts
acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone
I set my mind in motion.
Prime Chuck Norris
15 minutes ago
Knock yourself out, I stole it from someone on X-formerly-known-as-Twitter.
Reply dy @ - Share
32 minutes ago
Daily Taxes Juneteenth mass shooting map
description released by police
Austin, go figure. Red states don't have much of this except in the blue cesspools.
Texas has Austin and Houston.
Reply Share
Life is a lemon and I want my money back. - Meat Loaf
11 minutes ago
The description of the suspect - only Fox would print that. Elsewhere they're probably
saying it was a MAGA white supremacist. B
Reply - Share
And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode.