Thursday 9 May 2024 11:14:29 1715271269

Gotta love Memphis. With no killings around NEA lately local news is a little slow. There were arrests related to the one in Memphis last week but no perp names or mugshots have been published and nothing on the elderly out-of-towner who got killed in a 'road rage' incident. Memphis is a good place to not be and if you're not there it's not a good idea to go there.

Thus we have the statue replacement at the US Capitol. This was in the works for a while, don't remember what the holdup was. Maybe making the new statues. Didn't say who the removed ones were so I googled and this may or may not be right - one was a fellow named James P. Clarke and the other was Uriah Milton Rose. Gotta love a guy named Uriah (well, someone didn't), one of my favorite bands for fifty or so years being Uriah Heep, but this Uriah was apparently a Confederate sympathizer and we can't have that. I would think his would have been gone long ago. Mr. Clarke was a governor of Arkansas in the late 19th century. Why either was there I have no idea and apparently no one else does. They were replaced by one of Daisy Bates - I seem to have heard of her - and Johnny Cash. Seems like a good deal. At least Slick Willie wasn't one of them.

Seems people always wanting money for something or other. I've seen tree roots growing under sidewalks a lot and in my experience it takes a long time for this to happen, as in years. Did this just now become a problem? This is preventable, believe me. I know a thing or two about tree root control. Well, it's only other people's money, but is is OK if I resent paying for other people's problems on top of my own? So selfish of me.

Jonestown paper had a link to a good article by Cal Thomas. Sports is baseball and softball, high school mostly. Okey-dokey.

Latest attempt to overturn education reform largely failed but essentially leaves an opening for bad teachers to attempt to indoctrinate your kids. If you can't keep your kids out of government schools at least be aware of what is going on in their classrooms. Fifty years ago the small town high school I attended had them and five decades on it's got to be bad. Every night at dinner Mom and Dad asked us about school and what went on. One year - I was probably in the eighth grade - a new teacher from Chicago was there. He started right in on about oppression and evil rich people (kinda funny as I was in the H class and most of the rich kids were in there) were gonna have to pay up soon. He had a one year contract and it wasn't renewed. Too much too soon.

I didn't discover this until recently. Nice Jonestown news site. Well done, nice and clean. Looks like some experienced media people from the area. They should probably have a contact page for audience interaction instead of just email links. It will help cut down on the spam and makes it easier to manage your communications. Wordpress has some good tools for that - I haven't used it much lately so it may depend on how much your admin knows. To be a credible news outlet some form of reader commentary is necessary and FB and X-formerly-known-as-Twitter is just lazy and not worth a flip if you want your local audience to be able to discuss the news. If you want it, maybe these folks don't. Later.