Thursday 6 June 2024 07:48:45 1717678125

Jonestown newspaper about the same, mostly several days old. Some Arkansas writer in some of the newspapers says Trump may pick Tom Cotton for veep. I like Tom but we're better off keeping him in the Senate. He leaves and who knows what we might get, milquetoast at best or worse a RINO. Anyway I doubt it will be him. In a few years Governor Sanders will be term-limited out of governor and can run for Senate or even veep with maybe DeSantis. And that's the obligatory reference to the Sun because it is technically NEA news.

Jonesbororightnow had something new. Got a suggestion for you. Sheriff Joe's a little old these days but a younger guy with the... uh ya know... the backbone could do something like that. I'm not suggesting a barbed wire camp out in the sticks and pink underwear - not that it wouldn't do some of these malefactors some good - but a cheap efficient facility that's run right. Save enough money on infrastructure you can hire more personnel and if you don't put up with any foolishness you can do it that way. Or could have once but Jonesboro has gone too far in the wrong direction to make that happen, especially when the sheriff is elected. Maybe a Tommy Robinson type - if things get bad enough - could get elected but whether the county government would let him do the job is another matter. I didn't approve of Robinson, him doing it mostly for political advancement, but he got results. OK Jonesboro people, make up your minds. Want things bad as they are to continue getting worse?

It could be with the kind of turnout that might occur this November the right guy could get in but the problem a societal one, people who do seek office are usually the wrong kind and not enough people are voting. Is a science fiction writer smarter than an English aristocrat? Sure, as Frank Herbert observed, power does not corrupt - it attracts the corruptible. I knew that forty years ago and always wondered why so few people seem to. Was that mayor or sheriff or governor or senator that just got indicted corrupted by power or already crooked? Ninety percent of them wanted to be elected because of the power and the money that goes with it. I'll allow that the other ten percent were at one time relatively decent people but were weak, seeing as I'm personally acquainted with one or three. One might argue that weakness is a form of corruption. Incompetence certainly is but some people don't seem to get that either.

Anyway to the politicians every problem can and must be solved by spending more money yet the money gets collected and spent and the problem remains and gets worse. So Craighead Country folks look for them to come looking for it - millage on property taxes, increased sales taxes - or do you want more crime because we can't keep the malefactors locked up? And don't forget, the schools will be back, and the small cities around will be needing more so you don't lose your local hospital.

Jonesbororightnow finally got the pride week article up. KAIT and the Jonestown paper - slow as they are - already did. Already commented on that somewhere - I suppose it is news. Whatever. Wonder what would happen if someone had the nerve to just ignore it - it's not like 98% of the population would care (or notice) but the establishment is afraid of the two percent that would kick up about it.

The did update the thing on the cop who discharged a firearm inside the Academy store. Amusing if nothing else:

Depending on the sequence of events that Ivey took to clear his weapon at the counter, an accidental discharge isn't that uncommon. In fact, pulling the trigger is one way to ensure your weapon is unloaded properly. This is known as a dry fire. If the weapon is cleared properly, you get a *click* sound, if it isn't, you get a *BANG*.

Uh, yeah, OK. Apparently the guy is a cop of some kind, which is kinda scary.

I hit X-formerly-known-as-Twitter for maybe two or three times a day for a few minutes and make a salient and/or profound observation, actually get some likes. Cool. Actually they're both salient and profound most of the time, especially when I'm making fun of dimmocrats.

Don't really have time to be the next X sensation, sorry guys. KAIT talks about Misery some, had this. Unfortunately Misery has worse demographics than Arkansas so they're having difficulty getting this done. People are getting their kids out of government schools anyway - the Plandemic really got home-schooling dialed up so a lot are escaping that way and migration helps others. Misery gets stuck with a couple of dim congresscritters because of St. Louis and Kansas City - not so sure they'll be able to pull it off here no matter how hard they try - the distribution isn't right.

Looks like most of the outlets are reporting on the unfortunate death of a young man in police custody. It does seem there were some failures on the part of law enforcement but there you are. The police department that fought tooth and nail against a former employee for speaking impolitically isn't likely to settle and the victim doesn't fall into the correct... uh, victim group.

Am I disappointed by Jonesborightnow? I expected to be disappointed and was right so I certainly wasn't surprised. Too bad - done right it could generate considerable revenue. And actually be useful for something besides whatever revenue that handful of clicks gets them.

Meanwhile, what is the link between Dodge Chargers and crime, and bad behavior generally? Personally I can neither confirm nor deny that. But I believe I know the answer.

OK, everybody got their 'pride week' articles up. Yeah, some of them got more than one. My associates at Arackus think it's as ridiculous as I do.

Sadly DePloraBelle is right. People who do pay attention and bother to become informed are still pretty scared and why not? The Plandemic ruined a lot of lives and many businesses will never recover because they're out of business. But the regime scared people real good - we're fortunate here in Arkansas that even if the RINO governor we had then would have liked to he didn't do as much damage as the the blue states had done to them by their governors. Amazingly most of them reelected them. At any rate seeing local people groveling before these clowns is pathetic. The big companies like Target have backpedaled (the Bud Lite damage is probably not repairable) and Disney is reaping the financial whirlwind. How long it will take them to wise up remains to be seen, but that's for another time.

KAIT ran something on murder trial over in Memphis, don't know what the connection to NEA is aside from proximity. Anyway it's a little late to get in on that so see ya in a few days.

Bolden said the tire showed no manufacturing defects, but appeared to be underinflated. He
observed a screw had punctured the tire casing and had been driven on less than a mile.
In the state's opening remarks, it claimed that David Swift intentionally deflated the tire, inserted a
screw in it, drove it to a location near the Swift's house and left it there.
When questioned by the defense, Bolden said because the screw penetrated the tire casing at a 90-
degree angle, it would not likely have come from road debris.
Swift murder trial, Day 3: Accusations of 'hot tub' parties
You could have objects all over the road that could eventually pierce a tire, but that's not what
happened in this tire, Bolden said.The screw was turned in.
A neighbor of the Swifts testified she was awakened on October 30 by what she says was the sound

Sorry, Your Honor. Let's get back to justice. What is justice? What is the
intention of justice? The intention of justice is to see that the guilty
people are proven guilty and that the innocent are freed. Simple, isn't
it? Only it's not that simple. However, it is the defense counsel's duty to
protect the rights of the individual, as it is the prosecution's duty to
uphold and defend the laws of the State. Justice for all. Only we have a
problem here. And you know what it is? Both sides wanna win. We
wanna win. We wanna win regardless of the truth. And we wanna win
regardless of justice, regardless of who's guilty or innocent. Winning is

Prime Chuck Norris
29 minutes ago
Youch! What's that, about fifty alphabet holidays? About four a month.
Methinks some people got some problems. What's a gay uncle? I guess some
people have them, I don't seem to remember having one. And what about
aunts - do they get a special day?
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When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Remo Williams
20 minutes ago
You don't wanna know - they're called guncles. There used to be a website
called but the last time I looked it had been taken down.
I don't know if they got reported for grooming or maybe the hosting company
figured a groomer website wasn't a good idea. It was pretty sick.
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That's the biz sweetheart.
Prime Chuck Norris
11 minutes ago
were spinsters.
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Is an aunt a gaunt? I had a tall skinny aunt or two, come to think of it they
When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Twisted Mentat 41 minutes ago Local businesses pandering to these people watch out. Some of us are paying attention - in this business climate can you really afford to piss off even a few customers? I'm not the only one who will remember a long time after 'pride' month. Reply - ile3 Share It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Prime Chuck Norris 33 minutes ago I still remember from last year. So does most everyone I know. Reply - 1 Share When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. KaliforniaDreaminKaliforniaDreamin 21 minutes ago They think because there isn't a massive revolt like Tranheuser Busch it won't affect them. Appeasing one percent of the population when you could just ignore them is idiotic. You think you'll lose customers because you don't do something controversial. Reply - Share Life is a lemon and I want my money back. - Meat Loaf DePloraBelle 14 minutes ago Unfortunately the entire 'news' media has normalized it in the minds of many, the average Joe and Jane Sixpack just keep their mouths shut so as not to get attacked. The business owners believe it actually represents a big chunk of the population and it doesn't. Reply - Share What difference, at this point, does it make? =====================================================================================