Wednesday 03 July 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

Mon 01 Jul 2024 08:29:03 PM CDT

Nothing new on the various dead people recently. Dunno if it's news that people are thieving from stores but OK. KAIT had a story about a house burning over in Misery and I didn't think much about it until I looked at the picture a little closer. That looks like a fair-sized house. Looks old but pretty big. It unoccupied and the local fire department says it was intentionally set. Like arson? A little more digging and we find that the house was built in 1903 and the owner is a guy from Little Rock.

I suppose if it was insured pretty good they might be looking at the owner but no word on that. In Kennett a vacant house could burn because someone else decided to burn it, or a homeless person was camping out and had an accident. Back in the day we had a vacant house on one of our farms that hadn't been occupied for a while and probably would have been demolished because it was pretty old but before we got around to it some local miscreants burned it down. People will do things like that.

There are probably few pictures of this house. The ruins were removed by the new owner.

Story is - as Cody would say - a fellow was riding in a truck. The truck belonged to some business or local government agency, I forget which. They cross a railroad in a very rural area... let's say the driver was crossing the railroad when the crossing was rudely interrupted by a train. It was one of those out in the middle of nowhere or maybe just the edge of nowhere, anyway there's a lot of them. Visibility is pretty lousy at a lot of them, they don't have the arms that come down and block the road or even lights in a lot of places. I don't like them and when I have to cross one I'm real careful.

The occupants of the truck survived and all things considered they were not doing too badly, being alive after driving in front of a train - back in the day an acquaintance of mine perished in a similar manner, riding in a pickup truck that got hit at a crossing. The passenger sued the railroad and got some money. Somewhere around ten million, maybe a bit less. He built that house on some acreage out in the hills. Driving on the highway to Jonestown I often looked over on the ridge and saw that big house. I could see it coming back too if I looked, unless I took Highway 49 instead of Highway 1. I used to do that a lot, drive over to Hickory Ridge and drive up 49 and go into Jonesboro on the southwest side, interestingly on a street known as Southwest Drive. Don't see it any more because... well you saw the pics.

In the fullness of time the financial situation declined as it will do when you've spent all your money on a big house with expenses like maintenance and taxes and insurance and don't have any more money coming in. House goes up for sale, asking price a couple of million. No buyers, eventually the house burns down. Reportedly when the insurance company didn't want to pay the guy got the lawyer that sued the railroad to get after the insurance company and they gave him some more money. Okey-dokey.

The mayor of Jonestown announced he wants to be mayor some more. I doubt he'll want to do it long as that other dude that was mayor when I first lived there. Times have changed I guess. I grew up in a little town - actually on a farm a few miles away - where they had a mayor for 25 years. They renamed the main drag after him, whether before or after he died I don't remember. I kind of liked the original name but that's just me.

I don't remember which Jonestown mayor it was that got irritated when the JPD got uppity at city council meetings, complaining about pay. The city hired an analyst of some sort to investigate and see whether the PD was being paid adequately. Don't remember how much taxpayer money went for that but he came back with a report - all was well. That probably would have been the end of the matter but one of the cops checked into the analyst or whatever he was. Found he had a sealed criminal record, somehow got access to it. The guy had worked for a lumber company and stole a lot of building material, reportedly enough to build a house. So the mayor set out to get the cop prosecuted for finding out he had hired a crook to whitewash the matter. Whitewash is a building supply, isn't it? Well, anyway....

Tuesday 2 July 2024 23:37:48 1719981468

So many crimes without arrests lately, here's one where they caught someone. A little short on details but I'm guessing the truck was a crew cab. Seems to be the most common type these days.

Maybe Chrysler products. I saw one involving a Dodge Magnum. This seemed strange:

Coincidentally, a woman who was sitting in her vehicle in the parking lot saw the incident occur. When police arrived, she told them that the suspect in the Ram truck who pointed the gun at the victim was 19-year-old Caden Green, the father of her child. (

Wait.... what? Some wise man defined coincidence as "you weren't paying attention to the other half of what was going on."

The usual suspects were in in the news again. If at first you don't succeed at undermining election integrity try something else.

John Williams, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas, said the decision to not seek review did not signal agreement with the court ruling that the groups believe is 'radically wrong.' The ACLU represents the groups in the case.

Williams said they didn't seek review because they believe there's still a mechanism for private groups to sue under another section of federal civil rights law. (KAIT)

You find the hole the mice or roaches are coming in and plug it and they look for another. Got it.

Wednesday 3 July 2024 13:32:12 1719981468

Vehicle brand may not be a factor here as U-Hauls don't have much of a cultural cachet. People who are escaping from California like them but whatever the manufacturer is they're just trucks. NEA Report says this dude was moving into a place but whether he was a local relocating from another hood or incoming from... Idunno, Memphis or somewhere.

Okey-dokey. Was gonna go to Jonestown tomorrow but forgot it was a big holiday - don't believe I'll risk it. Getting bad enough on regular days. Increased criminality likely? Just a guess that there will be... wait, define increased. Seeya.

Chemical Youth 41 minutes ago Jonesboro Mayor Announces Re- Election Bid Wortnen You're stuck with this dude for another few years. As long as the place isn't burning down around their ears... Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Reply 4304+] -) Remo Williams 22 minutes ago As someone or other said it's a big club. Jonesboro has definitely not improved, but it got worse under Perrin too. And I seem to remember Perrin endorsing this guy who had run against him the time before. Guess it wasn't his turn yet. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply 104] -) Twisted Mentat 15 minutes ago I'm glad I got out a couple of years ago. I should be safe just over the Poinsett County line. I still have to go to Jonesboro once or twice a week and it's not that bad yet but it's getting worse. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone Reply 0G ]-) ==========================================================================================
Jessica Atreides Marshall 40 minutes ago When I first read it I thought he robbed the Cracker Barrel. Who robs a freaking Cracker Barrel? But apparently some dudes tried to rob someone in the parking lot of Cracker Barrel. Still kind of weird, or is that area going downhill? I don't go over there much. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +4 Remo Williams 29 minutes ago I guess it depends on where downhill is, in Jonesboro anyway. It's not great. But it seems like there are predators all over the place. Are they using Rams now instead of Chargers? ® That's the biz sweetheart. Reply HG Prime Chuck Norris 11 minutes ago Nowhere in Jonesboro is safe. All those hotels over there haven't improved it. It's not every day but it's definitely getting worse. It was easier when a Charger was a warning sign. @ When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply oG ==========================================================================================
Mack Bolan 42 minutes ago Who does he think he is? George Floyd? @ For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice. Reply +4(4+]-) Mandroid 31 minutes ago He didn't use a gun so I guess not. Pretty disgusting behavior all the same. Where do these people come from? Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply +1(4+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 21 minutes ago More to the point why they do they come here? We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +1(4+]-) Twisted Mentat 10 minutes ago Good question for the guy who just told us he wants to be mayor again. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply 0G ]-) ==========================================================================================