Friday 26 Jul 2024 03:46:18 PM CDT

Tuesday 23 July

I didn't see Pat back in the day, not sure how I missed her. Saw them a few years ago at a county fair up in the midwest, she seemed like a real nice person. She and her husband (he plays guitar - in case you're not familiar with them) are the group and they write about all their material. She is one of those rare real talents - these days people who as my grandmother said can't carry a tune in a bucket can be made to appear as if they can sing reasonably well.

There was another charming little group that was briefly famous around then that was also a married couple and some friends. Saw them in Memphis on one of their early tours. I have several high-quality concert videos from their heyday that I enjoy watching now and then.

I believe I can honestly say I have never been blinded by passion, at least that severely. Or even lust - OK that seems to be as bad or worse for one or two guys I've known. I've been a fool more than once but don't get fooled more than once but not by the same person very often. Not that I'm smarter or even more disciplined than most but I have a healthy streak of paranoia. Not excessive - that can be bad - but not trusting people much is a good policy to begin with and if trust is earned that's a different thing. Maybe I learned earlier than most that most people are no good. As Sam tells his sidekick Martha in Balance of Power: [1]

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-six. In a couple of months."

"You've barely completed your indoctrination. But education is irrelevant to whether you ever come to the realization that human beings are evil. Except maybe to make it take longer."

"All people? Including you?"

"Especially me." He grinned. "But I know it and admit it. Knowing you're by nature evil, and choosing to resist it - first within yourself and then in others, those who surrender to it, embrace it - is the first step in overcoming it."

"You really believe people are intrinsically evil?"

"Broken is probably a better word," Sam replied. "But whether you were created that way or were somehow made that way, you are what you are. It looks like Chris has decided to join us."

Craighead county is moving along the plan to hit the taxpayers again for the new jail. KAIT just said the quorum court approved the ballot measure, not how many voted for or against. The minutes of that meeting aren't up at the county website so I'll have to check later.

Actually they'll be asking the taxpayers to hit themselves by voting for it so... nevermind.

Not gonna comment on the Left Memphis schools thing. Read it to refresh the memory, superintendent died and they looking for a replacement. That does seem to be a lifetime position for a super in a lot of small schools. Back in the day I went to a small-town school where it seemed like the super was there forever, the whole time I and several siblings were in school and for some years thereafter. Back then it was common for someone to move up the ladder when the super retired or died and they did that for a while but they did DEI before DEI was de riguer and it caused them some problems. They didn't repeat the error so that's something.

KAIT is the only one that has much national news, the Jonestown paper has a little ticker hidden in under a tab that has some. The guys and gals at Arrakus find that more interesting anyway and usually have some lively commentary:

Wednesday 24 July

NEA Report has a few items. I probably observed before that I once lived on Race Street. That was probably over thirty years ago, it was a nice working-class area. Rented a new just-built apartment and lived there five or six years. That was the late '80s and by the time I moved the area had begun to deteriorate some. Now I'm careful not to drive on that street. Anyhow it seems there were no fatalities in the latest shooting. The chase over in Left Memphis looks about typical:

Troopers arrested the driver, Kylan Cunningham, 23, of Drummonds, Tenn., and the passenger, Tre'Von Burnett, 23, of Covington, Tenn., and transported them to the Crittenden County Detention Center. Inside the vehicle, Troopers found a loaded black Tauras handgun, multiple vehicle key fobs, a vehicle key programming device, and illegal marijuana. The suspect vehicle and the seized handgun had been reported as stolen. (NEA Report)
Drummonds is a fair distance from Memphis - they do get around. Limiting the mobility of criminals would at least keep the crime in the places where they live. The vehicular instrument of crime wasn't a Dodge Charger this time, but I do see a fair number of Mustangs these days. The ugly ones they started making in 2015 or so. The retro look they call fifth generation looked real good for a few years but they were uglifying it (those taillights in 2010 or so) before they when full-throttle ugly about '24. Do ugly cars cause societal decay or does societal decay cause ugly cars? My mind isn't that Enquiring just now but Wickedpedia has this:

There is a lot of vehicular homicide by drunk illegal aliens and NFL players, and as for car theft it seems most crimes in nearby Memphis involve stolen cars. Street racing kills a few too in the urban areas.

Note to the editor: That black handgun was most likely a Taurus (not Tauras) - dunno if the police report wrote that way or whatever. Good gunmaker in Brazil from way back, seems to have become a lot more popular in the US in recent years. They make those cool Judge revolvers. Okey-dokey, what else we got?
Most of them got the announcement of a guy wants to be mayor. Paper doesn't have it up yet but they're always a little slow - they probably got in the print version already. A guy that isn't already mayor that is, the current mayor wants to stay that way. Does Jonesboro have term limits on mayors (and for that matter city council members)? Just guessing not, don't know how that could be done - I would guess city governments could do that. Not that they would want to any more than politicians at any level of the food chain want to. Why put an expiration date on your meal ticket?

Guy put out a pretty good sales pitch. What else is he gonna do - promise to maintain or increase crime and poverty levels? I may give it some more attention later. Guy is already on the city council so I wouldn't expect much improvement but I can't imagine him being worse than that they got now.

I suspect most are as thoroughly un-shocked as I am that the Arkansas Dims voted to support Joetato Xiden's default replacement. Last dim Arkansas voted for was Slick Willie and he wouldn't have won but for Ross Perot. Before that they voted for Carter and after Nixon that was a pretty easy win. Bubba's wife got just over a third in 2016 and Joetato got about the same last. So if the hyena is on the ballot there won't be many Arkansans voting for her.

The dims quoted there were whistling past the graveyard. They may indeed win, too many people are too stupid or corrupt or both and the fraud machine is working with the kind of volume needed to make it happen. Still watching Trump dodge that bullet and the fact that their candidate would make a laughing hyena look smart has got to worry some of them.

Thursday 25 July

No killings so crime is pretty average, no point in commenting on the small stuff. Looking at the mugshots I think if I was going to do some crime having my pic in the news would discourage me. I don't look great but nowhere near as bad as these folks. If you're going to prison what you look like maybe isn't that important. Jonesbororightnow has some suggestions about driving in the rain. I know some people that could use it - they're why I avoid driving in the rain. Especially in Jonestown. Both editorials in the paper have the hyena as a subject - one is the usual low-IQ propagandist and the other is just reporting mostly the facts. Dunno where Steve is politically. For the dims it's all about strategy:

The party leaders on that Zoom call were clearly excited about the change, and not just for the presidential race. Democrats have been trying without success to break the Republican Party's supermajority in the state Legislature. With more than 75% majorities in both the House and Senate, Republicans can pass legislation along party lines, with Democrats powerless to stop it. Tennille said Harris might help Democrats hold on to threatened seats in Crittenden County (West Memphis) while perhaps making inroads elsewhere.

"As you know, Arkansas Democrats live life on the margins right now," he said. "We are looking for those juicy races where we're within three figures, and she's got the potential to make a real difference in those places. Again, all we're about is trying to bust that supermajority, and we're going to do it one race at a time."
In other words, where can we fool just a few more people? They should be glad there are so many pantywaist Republicans or things would be 'worse'. Here's an idea though - stop being communists. [2] Stop hating people just because they have money and you want it but don't know to get any or your own or are too lazy to work for it. Stop telling people some other people are bad because of their skin color or because they have more money or have an aversion to public displays of perversion.

Or you can move to a state that is already run by democrats. Have you noticed all the people leaving California and New York and coming to the free states? Why don't you to to a more hospitable region?

The fact is these people don't want to go live in a dump like California or Illinois or other blue states - they want to turn Arkansas into a dump. Not gonna work.

Friday 26 July

The trial date news on the shooting in Wynne that's about it. The report on the recent Jonestown police operations by Jonesbororightnow has a bit of info if you're interested in Jonestown crime. That guy running for mayor says he wants to work on that. Seeya next week.

[1] Balance of Power - Enak Nomolos 2022

[2] Communist is an informal term used by sensible patriots to describe any oppressive regime or those attempting to impose one.

Armed and ready, you fought love battles in the night But too many opponents made you weary of the fight Blinded by passion, you foolishly let someone in All the warnings went off in your head, still you had to give in Promises in the Dark Pat Benatar 1981
Twisted Mentat 39 minutes ago Por Watching that as almost as painful as watching those SCOTUS DEI appointments. Almost. That is a truly dumb person. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply +3 (4+ ]-) Remo Williams 29 minutes ago Just heard a few minutes ago she resigned. If I were that stupid I'd go find big rock to hide under and never be seen again. But these people are completely shameless. Don't be surprised when she gets hired by another woke company. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply +2(4+]-) DePloraBelle 18 minutes ago First she'll do the talking heads circuit and talk about how she was done wrong. And write a book of course. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +2(4+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall ‘9 minutes ago Ever look at the books in Dollar Tree? That's where the books by the dregs of commie regimes end up. I call them Dollar Tree bestsellers. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply oGl-)
KaliforniaDreamin 39 minutes ago ‘Arkansas Democrat legisiators vote to back, Kamala Harris — LL Ga Are these Arkansas dims actually bankrupt mentally (believe the s**t they say) or morally and say it because it's the party line? Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +3 (4+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 25 minutes ago ...B.A, from the University of Chicago and a J.D. from Yale Law School. After clerking for Chief Judge Robert H. Henry on the United States 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, Nicole worked for a non-profit law firm dedicated to children’s law issues. So typical indoctrinated lefty on that one. The other guy I haven't yet found much on. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +1(+]-) 9 Jawbreaker 11 minutes ago Fayetteville area. That part of the state is pretty much hopeless. That and Little Rock are the main dim enclaves. Leding is from the same area. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply +104] -) Prime Chuck Norris 22 minutes ago Both. Subtract the victim constituency and there are very few dim voters in Arkansas. And there aren't enough of those in the right places to even try to gerrmander an all dim district. So the Congressional delegation remains 100% Republican. And while we have to put up with RINO governors occasionally that's not a problem for the near future. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply 0G ]-)
Mack Bolan 40 minutes ago ‘Arkansas Democratic legislators vote to back Kamala Harris Dims - elected and wannabes - are interested in one thing - power over people. Same as on the national level, just that Arkansas dims are pretty much bottom of the barrel. Regular party members are so many low-IQ/low-information sheep - either or both. For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice. Reply +6 f-) Jawbreaker 31 minutes ago That Tenille dude is a old dim machine guy. His remark about looking for places where they might squeeze out a win somehow shows how they think. It's all about winning, any way and anywhere they can. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, it's ready to explode. Reply +2(4+]-) 9 Jessica Atreides Marshall 22 minutes ago I didn't realize Crittenden county was in danger of being lost. Good to hear but I can't see that area going Republican - did I miss something? We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +1(+]-) 9 Sinanju Master 34 minutes ago Dim power in Arkansas is pretty much concentrated in the West Memphis and Little Rock - Pine Bluff. Just that dab of lefties over in the northwest part of the state - and that's where the control is. Arkansas started going Republican after LBJ. They elected a couple of dim governors but Beebe was the last - I guess somehow Clinton and Tucker didn’t disgust us quite enough. But it looks good for Republicans for a long ways into the future. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply +2(4+]-) Twisted Mentat 29 minutes ago Let's just hope our new governor has the foresight and fortitude to get Arkansas into the southern coalition to resist if this next elecion goes south. Texas and Florida look good but the other states are a little wimpy. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply +1(+]-)
Crime [ecit) Motoring offences and crimes related to cars include offences predating the automobile rather than exclusive to it. Many have become more prevalent with the rise of mass motoring. * Car bomb Car theft Drive-by shooting DUI Jaywalking Parking violation Speeding Street racing Vehicular homicide