Friday 13 December 2024 12:14:22 PM CDT
Tuesday 10 December 2024 10:49:12 PM CST
OK, only four days here. Ending on a Friday the thirteenth is something I don't get to do often - only two this year.
I may have mentioned Quarterflash some time in the past, or not. Don't remember doing it lately anyhow. They were a charming
little outfit, kinda some neighborhood pals put a band together and had a bit of commercial success for a while. Reminded
me a bit of Pat Benatar - a pretty and charming young lady singer and her husband on lead guitar and writing songs together -
and they did a pretty good show. Got a handful of good quality vids in the library. I guess Rindy kind of did a Ian Anderson
thing, playing the sax like he did with the flute. She didn't prance around and stand one leg though.
You can probably get the idea of Valerie if you pay attention but I wonder how many people do. It's not clear whether
she was in high school or college - or that age - but I would guess high school. It seems she survived the affair relatively
psychologically unscathed. Or only semi-scathed.
Hard to believe it's been over forty years.
The Jonestown/Paragould/Brookland folks consider applying? They already considered it, they gonna do it. One of the best
things about the Trump administration cutting some of the fat - if they do - is that a lot of
stuff like this
will stop. Maybe that link will disappear when they take down.
This ain't the one from Paragould. Seems a Jonesboro basketball coach got arrested in Blytheville. Apparently after a game which is why she went
to the Mississippi County jail. When in Blytheville... well, fact is there's a lot in Jonestown act that way.
I was kinda surprised the
Poinsett County jail
only has space for fourteen women. Population kind of scattered but at 20K and the nature of the
populace they should have enough people misbehaving to keep it populated. Might as well take a look.... sez they got 83 inmates but they're all
mixed in. Lessee if I can see how many of the female variety.... OK, shows 21 but you never know how current those are. Dunno if they got
invidual cells or not. Only time I was in one was the Cross County jail way back, probably the one they got now....
What, Chris?
No, I wasn't incarcerated. I sat in what I guess was an interrogation room while all the local cops and sheriff's deputies and probably every
state trooper within fifty miles went to see about the killing that happened in a car on Highway 64. Sat there a couple of yours and some dude
came in and started his punk kid routine. Andy was a smart-ass hippie and and tole me how to deal with it, he never would tell me I was under arrest
and I told him no arrest no lawyer no talk. He called in some other cop to drive me back to my car. I had some exlaining to do but with the killing
happening at the same time it was a little easier to...
Anyhow an acquaintance had asked me to take him over to the jail to see a guy he knew that was incarcerated and we stood in a corridor and he talked
to the guy through a window. It was a big room and had several people in it so I dunno if that's how they do it in Poinsett County.
Don't remember if I held forth on the Memphis affair. Seems I talked about the trial but the
DOJ investigation
they still talkin' about. It's not hard to calculate unless you don't like the math. Or the way the math ain't mathing or whatever it is they sayin'
these days:
Memphis is predominantly black. Criminals are predominantly black. The police force is predominantly black and
the police chief and mayor are black. Memphis government is effectively controlled by black people.
The incident which prompted the DOJ investigation was four black cops killing a black citizen. I followed the
news from the beginning and several white personnel (EMT and SCSO) who happened to be in the area but were otherwise in no
way connected to the crime - accusations were made against several of them but they were almost immediately
debunked (two or three did lose their jobs or received disciplinary action for some minor infraction) so how
was racial injustice a factor? ~ MegaHurtz@MyndCryme
Maybe a typo in Mega's comment - criminals are predominantly black in Memphis, Detroit and other places where the population is mostly black. In places with
a huge Hispanic population and a relatively small black population e.g. Los Angeles more crime is Hispanic.
Meanwhile in New York a
black racist prosecutor
who apparently hates white people (never mind that he was installed as a tool of rich white people) put an
innocent man through a year of mental hell and probably impoverished him to boot solely for the purpose of inciting hatred and violence. That he failed
to get even a hung jury so he could give it another shot suggests some sanity may be seeping into that cesspool.
Wednesday 11 December 2024 09:12:42 PM CST
They had the
recount for the city council seat in Parkin,
the one that was 140-138. Seems there were some provisional and absentee ballots that weren't
counted and decided to include five of them so the one that lost the time before was now the winner 143-140. Lessee if the math maths... add five to that
one and don't take away anything and nothing to carry, looks right. Like big time elections for president and congress and such but then you have to find
thousands or I guess just hundreds sometimes to get the desired result. Okey-dokey.
Some expensive stolen cars were being transported on I-55 on Monday and the cops stopped them and found they had some expensive vehicles. I guess one of
them being a Lambo got the attention of somebody - Porsches ain't much competition for Lambos when you're writing news. The fact that the Lambo and Porsche
was both pretty ordinary-looking four-doors didn't matter there - a generic four-door Lambo is still catchier than a genereic four-door Porche. Wouldn't
mind having one of them 911s. Dunno if they still make those or not - everybody makin SUVs and crossovers and probably other stuff I ain't heard of.
There's an old story in
Road & Track magazine
about how some guys dediced to see if a million-dollar and then some Porsche race car could go faster than a
Chevy Monte Carlo NASCAR stocker. Cast-iron carbureted pushrod stock block in the Chevy, special hand-made engine in the Porsche that accounted for a big
part of the price - the Chevy won. Sadly both Tim Richmond (the NASCAR guy that drove the Chevy) and Al Holbert (IMSA racing champ driving the Porsche) would
die soon after - Holbert in a plane crash and Richmond from an illness acquired through careless living.
Anyway the
article in NEA Report
says the cars were wrapped in Saran wrap. Actually it says they were wrapped in saran wrap. Catch the difference? I doubt the stuff the wrap cars in when they
haul them is the stuff you use in the kitchen but what do I know?
Thursday 12 December 2024 11:12:13 PM CST
Lessee, what happened yesterday? A good bit and may have to sift through it.
Looks like the old
Citizens Bank building
may be around a while longer. It's a shame it apparently can't be preserved.
Been there as long as I can remember and while I haven't gone downtown in Jonestown that much in recent years. Fact is it's
older than me. My mom worked at the radio station downtown during WWII and used to take the train home to Vanndale on weekends.
(regime agents adding that to their database as they try to figure out who I am - it should already be there) and I believe it
was built - the lower part of it anyway - a few years later. I was in there a few times on business back in the '70s and '80s.
Dude I worked with at a small-town bank went to work for Citizens and I visited him there bit. That should be in there too.
His name was.....
I could see Chris about to holler at me. Anyway it was a distinctive part of downtown Jonestown for as long as most could
remember and some may be sad to see it go. If it eventually goes - looks like it probably will. People don't care about what
was once. In a way it's the story of how the banking business
went south.
A woman got
shot and killed,
possibly by police, up around Festus. That don't look good. Drove through Festus and
Crystal City
many a time, wondered why it was called that. Crystal City that is - figured Festus was named after the character in Gunsmoke.
Just kidding. Something to do with glass manufacturing. Make sense. Got a relative that lives there, drives down to visit on long weekends.
(check your data, dunno if I mention that often)
Over at
Memphis what might be
YAFHC. No word on whether Jussie Smollett was seen in the area. What kind of name
is 'Jussie'?
Moving right along, our governor has committed a not so random
act of common sense.
Problem is she's always doing things that make sense and the usual malcontents kick up about it.
I was in my at-the-time favorite convenience store and saw a youngish well-dressed couple in a newish Toyota Camry getting gas. Two young girls age about 6-9 came in
and bought some snacks. Chips and stuff. Paid for them with EBT cards - each one had a card.
There are ways to know that BTW even if you're not the cashier. Not always but if you know what to look for and if it's certain type of POS but generally these days you
can't. Some people get outraged if you talk about it but - assuming I want to buy junk food - I have to think about if I should spend the money and I'm paying for people
who don't give a flying fuck because they don't have to.
Meant to put
up since Cross County doesn't have a lot of crime. Not clear on whether the maklefactors were interned in the detention center and escaped or how
that went - anyway the fled to Earle and were apprehended there. There still more people in Earle than Parkin so their elections....
What, Chris?
Yeah. I'm gonna take the rest of the day off.
Friday 13 December 2024 11:12:13 PM CST
Seems they they had an
inmate death
at Cummins. Back in the day if you went to prison in Arkansas you probably went to
They called them
prison farms, I guess they had agricultural operations that the prisoners worked at. I guess Arkansas didn't have as many prisons then.
It was apparently pretty bad, for the inmates anyway. Back in the day my dad tole me about a guy he knew - actually he and a guy who was
a second cousin once removed or some such - that went there for stealing some stuff. The relative died some years back but as far as I
know is extant and living a comfortable live as a retired Budweiser salesman. Anyway you didn't want to go. Probably still don't. I
seem to remember the prisoners at one or both being used in one of
Slick Willie's money-making operations.
Anyhow this inmate died and someone or other thinks it may have been a homicide. That means that they think someone kilt him.
This is pretty weird. Believe I mentioned it a while back when they pinched the alleged perp. Pretty sick.
They set a trial date but I wouldn't bet on it happening on that date. Did I mention that the alleged offense is pretty sick. What is it
former alleged news media
used to say when they thought they had something on a Republican? If true? Yeah, if this dude did what they said he did and is convicted...
hey, who am I kidding?
Independent pharmacies
having problems staying
afloat? Yeah, mom-and-pop hardware stores and lumber companies and grocery stores and whateverall don't
survive in the age of Wal-Mart and Amazon. Back in the day - and still is in some small towns like near where I live - an independent pharmacy was part of
what we called the drugstore. I rarely patronize it but a relative owns what is admittedly a big one and the pharmacy is only part of it. Probably still
a pretty big part but by square footage it's a small part. I remember buying all kinds of stuff at the drugstore, one or two even had the soda counter.
Hell, even Dollar General got pharmacies these days. Selling nothing but drugs, no matter how lucrative it is, probably isn't the way to go. Talking about
medicine here not the
other kind.
I got a med, blood pressure thing, doc says it won't hurt to take it even if my blood pressure is decent most of the time. Something like
eight bucks every three months and the insurance covers it so I end up paying nothing. I get it at Wal-Mart and I'm relatively old - I'd guess about all
the younger folks use places like Wal-Mart or Amazon. I like the old ways too but as
Jake told Sam Sharpnose,
times change. Didja know that the guy running the lynching party in that movie would later be Jock Ewing on Dallas? He was also in
The Choirboys
which I liked a lot. Liked Big Jake a lot too, watched it about ten times as many times as I did The Choirboys.
More sick people getting busted.
Hate to think about how many are still running loose. Now I just have to estimate that anybody that sick is too far gone to care that their
pic is gonna be all over the place and (in Arkansas anyway) they're still gonna go away for a while to a place where their type gets treated
pretty badly. What can you do if that doesn't deter them?
Hey, it's the weekend. Remind me to talk about the
food stamps thing
next time.
I never suspected your intentions
When you showed unusual affection
But when you kissed my cheek
My world collapsed my knees went weak
That moment just made no sense
I lost my nerve and innocence
I turned and ran away
I'll never understand that day
Sinanju Master
1 hour ago
Fat Alvin loses again. I hope Daniel Penny moves to a free state. The scummy old man
can file all the lawsuits he wants in New York - Penny doesn't have to go back there
and be sued. And New York can't touch him in Texas or Florida or wherever.
Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying
Reply +904 [-)
Jessica Atreides Marshall
+ hour ago
I don't know what I enjoyed more - the losers impotently ranting or it being over with
a happy ending. Actually I do, I'm just happy that another innocent man didn't go to
prison because his part of the world is run by evil people. But it was nice to see them
trying to stir something up and failing at that too.
We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives.
Reply 42(+]-)
Prime Chuck Norris
1 hour ago
I doubt the BLM crowd will be on this. Probably they're saving their money for the
next Summer of Burning Looding and Murdering.
When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Reply 42(+]-)
51 minutes ago
I don't know if he wants to be a celebrity but if he wants to cash in he's got it made.
Book, maybe a movie, doing the talk shows, maybe do speeches. The way Riley
Gaines - just average kid trying to do her thing and had it taken away - now a talk
show host and lecturing. Will anyone remember what's that dude's name in another
year or two. Either one of its names. &
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Reply 1Gl-)
Terminus Est
42 minutes ago
I don't remember it now. Someone said the other day about that dude getting statues.
He said millions of Donald Trump bobbleheads have been sold. George Floyd
bobbleheads - couldn't find where any were ever made.
Too clever is dumb. ~ Ogden Nash
Reply +1(4+]-)
Remo Williams
33 minutes ago
How can your head bobble when... never mind, not gonna say it.
That's the biz sweetheart.
Reply 0G ]-)
Rosetta Stoned
19 minutes ago
Stop it! B
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~
George Santayana
Reply oGl[-)
The racks of patch panels. Somewhere in there. Yeah. Cables.
Hundreds, thousands of cables, running from the data center all
over the building. And just a few, maybe three or four, to the
telco. The fiber pipes. The gateways connecting inside to outside.
Firewalls and routers. Disconnect something, put it
back in the wrong place or leave it disconnected, stuff
stops working. Can't get it back right, you got problems.
And inside the boxes, routers and switches and paths. A
router config trashed. Thousand places to break things.
Take a long time to fix.
The brain is an order of magnitude above a man-made network.
Or two or three. What had happened to his? No oxygen for a
quarter of an hour? That doesn't make any sense. You black
out in a minute or two. Three to five minutes is probably
permanent damage. After that you might as well be dead.
Machines keep you from decaying until they decide to turn
them off. That didn't mess up his brain.
What about the drugs? Drugs designed to rewire the brain.
What happens if they get used on a brain that doesn't
need rewiring?
Human Harvest
Quiescent Benevolence 2022
"They all do. The Catholics do, most Protestants too. But I wonder how many
people... I don't know, have the degree of introspection that we do.
"Which was I?"
"You were raised a Baptist, your sisters still are. You had some issues with
organized religion, as I did."
"What were yours?"
"I was pretty young and Mother Teresa was still living, but near the end of her
life. Do you remember her?"
"Maybe if you tell me I will."
"She was a nun, founded an organization that ministered to poor people in India.
I don't know how much you remember about India, but most of the population is
poor, a lot of it in a state we can't understand, it's inhuman really. She spent her
life in India, living among the people she served.
"About that time, I was watching the news one night, and there was a piece about
an archbishop, in some big city out east, I've forgotten. What I haven't forgotten
was that he was building a new house. Which is to say the church was building him
a house. It would cost millions of dollars, and had accommodations for important
politicians and other wealthy people to visit and dine. They mentioned the wine
cellar, thousands of bottles of wine.
"I thought about Mother Teresa, living in the slums of Calcutta, in the disease and
poverty. She had to beg the Vatican for money, they were so tightfisted. That broke
the image for me. The image that had been put into my head daily since I was old
enough to walk."
"Sounds like the church is a big business. Little people working for nothing to pay
for the top dogs to live a good life."
"Yeah, it is."
I said that out loud? Guess I did.