Monday 24 June 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

Friday 21 June

Jonestown paper had a linked to a good Cal Thomas column in the editorial section, along with an idiotic Justice Clarence Thomas-bashing cartoon instead of a Trump-basher. The killing in Paragould came in late as I was closing up and then today they had a big one down in Fordyce. Fordyce ain't in NEA or Region 8 but it's in Arkansas and it's big, mass shooting. A mass shooting is according to Wickedpedia a shooting of more than one person whether or not any of the shootees die. So three dead at a Mad Butcher in Fordyce is naturally gonna make the news everywhere. All the big ones got it. Arkansas doesn't get a lot of mass shootings so there's that. The one in Paragould looks weird. Not that killing people is exactly normal.

It'll probably be a while before much is known about the Mad Butcher incident (one thing I learned is there are still Mad Butcher stores) so we'll leave that lie for now. I mentioned the persecutor was gonna have another go at the dude whose wife died and they prosecuted him for murder and all, he was acquitted on most of the charges but they left the manslaughter charge hung so he's gonna go after him again on that one. Risky since it's pretty much his last chance but hey, it's only taxpayer money. And a man's life in the event he isn't guilty.

22 June

Wow, not only do bleached blonde bubbleheads get old but they get fat as well. Had a shooting in Jonestown last night but non-fatal and not much is known. Apparently the police found a shootee but no shooter so far. So the biggest shooting lately is still the one in Forydce. I remarked that I hadn't known if there were any Mad Butchers left - I seem to remember there being one in Earle but I don't know if Earle is even still there. I guess the town is but most of the people are gone. Kind of like Parkin but it didn't have many to begin with. The thing in Fordyce made news all over the country, New York Slimes and USA Today and CNN and all but all that is known is that the shooter was is in custody. Seeing as how he got shot it was probably easy to catch him.

It was a white dude, how normal he is I won't speculate. He didn't look good but didn't look female so... anyway Fordyce is down there in the southern part of the state in an area I rarely visit. If I go to south Arkansas it's usually to Texarkana but that's another matter. The only thing hearing about Fordyce brings to mind is the time a couple of the Rolling Stones got arrested there. Seems Keith Richards and Ron Wood decided to take a drive in the country after a show in Memphis and somehow got detained by the local constabulary for a few hours. Not a joke man. I was a kid then and went to concerts in Memphis all the time but never had any interest in seeing the Stones so I didn't attend. Okey-dokey.

Nothing new on the shooting in Fordyce the other day, apparently a local from the next county over. It's rather sparsely populated around there, nothing from people who knew or claimed to know him. It wasn't a tranny so no coverup needed, may or may not have been someone on psychomeds. That wouldn't surprise me since almost every one of these is caused by psychomeds - whether it's a school kid or an ex-military in a VA hospital. If he was being chemicalized it will probably become known but it never does any good. The Medical Industry is not to be held accountable for the destruction it causes. Later.

KaliforniaDreamin 25 minutes ago This reminds me of the Morphew case out in Colorado - the prosecutor went after a guy with nothing pointing to him and everything indicating someone else did it. They finally gave up trying to pin it on him but put him through the wringer first. This whole thing looks dodgy - maybe he did it and maybe he didn't but without dead-bang proof you don't put people away maybe for life. Living carelessly as it seems they both did isn't nice but it isn't a crime. Reply ol 2 Share Life is a lemon and I want my money back. - Meat Loaf Jawbreaker 11 minutes ago | suspected in that case the prosecutor never suspected the husband did it, but he was available and the killer wasn't. They don't care if he's guilty or not - they just want to win, and this prosecutor, if he can get a manslaughter conviction will pat himself on the back and call it good. Reply» dy @ - Share And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. ==========================================================================================
Remo Williams 21 minutes ago Little late for Juneeteenth, anyway Fordyce doesn't seem like a place that would be celebrating. Any word on the perp? Reply «el 2. G2 - Share That's the biz sweetheart. Twisted Mentat 12 minutes ago Nothing yet. If it's a tranny they'll have to destroy the manifesto and other evidence. If it's a normal white guy we'll have it as soon as they can. In that case he'll identified as a MAGA white supremacist. Reply» dy @ - Share It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. ==========================================================================================