Friday 21 June 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

Wednesday 19 June

Actually today is juneteenth, seems like it's been going on all week. For some reason I was thinking Monday was the day everything was closed but then I was on the website of one of my banks and they said they would be closed on Wednesday. OK, so today it's over - I'll check in for a body count later if I'm bored enough. The TV folks did get one more in before the day ended. That's assuming the teenth actually ends on the teenth.

Jonestown paper had an awful cartoon bashing Justice Alito past couple days. The reason commie cartoons are never funny isn't that there aren't any above-average intelligence commies - I've known one or two - but that in order to be funny an element of truth is necessary and even a tiny smidgen of truth is toxic to them. As to whether any lefties are good artists like Branco or Garrison I don't know. Can't think of any just now. Maybe the Paxton company uses a different syndicator. I like Creators and don't mind that they have lefty stuff - I just ignore it.

It looks like Jonesbororightnow uses stock photos for some articles, at least I'm guessing that this and this don't show the actual perp, since the articles indicate that the perps are as yet unapprehended. As a consumer I can figure that out and know they aren't trying to be deceptive but I believe in the case of uncaught perps (no mugshot available) a more generic illustration might be in order - the chalk outline graphic for a homicide, pic of a gun for a shooting - rather than a photo of an actual person that isn't the person it's about. Did that make sense?

Telly just linked to the Little Rock station for this. Makes sense, them being there in town. Not much in it, just a dim complaining, nothing new. If it doesn't cut into the surplus - I kind of like that - and is more likely to increase it I'm good with it. Naturally the usual malcontents complain about it. Austerity Sarah? Really? How about Sensible Sarah? The dim representative complained:

'Arkansas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the nation, the second highest teen pregnancy, and we're third highest in infant mortality,' Garner said. 'We still have years-long delays for those with disabilities.'

Well cupcake, it isn't because we're not paying enough taxes. Ninety percent of the 35 trillion national debt is due to your 'social spending'. When are the recipients going to start repaying it? In any case the proposed cuts have nothing to do with her precious causes:
Sen. Ben Gilmore (R-Crossett) said this will not impact any programs. 'Bottom line is this: we're not cutting anything we're not cutting anything in state government,' Gilmore said. 'In fact, the budget increased 1.76% that means no program got cut.'

I was going to check on the murder case a few days ago but got busy. Checked with a few people I know and they didn't know either. I follow that district court some, if I get time and remember I might take a look.

Thursday 20 June

Today is 20 June and some people still got teenth news up. One of the final teenth mass shootings was last night on the west coast. C'mon man, you still got ten days of pride. Or is even that beginning to get tedious?

That didn't take long. No surprise, the governor doesn't usually call a special session like that unless it's a sure thing. Arkansas is actually well off income tax wise, certainly compared to a lot of states. And the homestead tax credit increase is beneficial to a lot of people. Those like the dim complaining above because people don't pay enough taxes couldn't care less about Joe and Jane Sixpack out here trying to keep their regular bills paid and having to come up with the money for taxes and insurance just so they can have a home. I had fairly affluent upper middle class relatives in places like Illinois had to sell their homes because eventually they would pay more in taxes than they were worth. The governor's goal of eventually doing away with the income tax is one I hope can be accomplished.

The Jonestown paper editorial page had a couple of regulars from Bizarro-world. Seriously? Biden's America is doing fabulously well? Notice they call it his America, as they believe they represented by him own it. And then the home-grown Arkansan pundit tells us this. Yeah, two of the worst governors since Slick Willie - all lawyers - tell us we need more lawyers in politics. Why wouldn't they? Beebe was a bit of a milquetoast as I recall, he did get to preside over the Arkansas legislature coming under Republican control for the first time since just after the Civil War. Beebe was also the last dim governor, although Hutchinson was a RINO so there's that. He had a couple of jobs in the Bush 41 administration but came back to Arkansas, then when Trump got elected he went back to DC but soon returned. Can't imagine what that was about. Anyway as governor he wanted to go full-throttle Covidian like the dim governors in blue states but whether someone talked some sense into him or he chickened out who knows? One thing Arkansas can be proud of being near last in is the number of sheep that got jabbed. Anyway the present governor is not a lawyer, and neither was her father, also a governor. The non-lawyers have done pretty well. Depending on whether the Republic survives (Trump is elected again) Governor Sanders may one day be President Sanders.

Friday 21 June

Most of the teenth stuff is gone and no new pride stuff, no spectacular crimes but it's early and the weekend is here. I see Craighead County is thinking they want to get their residents to vote themselves some more taxes to pay for a new jail. For sure they got more crime and it's gonna increase but maybe they need to think about reducing crime and being more cost-efficient with incarceration. But maybe you can scare people enough they'll vote to tax themselves some more. I still have some big items shipped to my place because it's a couple percent less but that's just me.

The fellow they failed to nail for allegedly murdering his wife is gonna be tried again. He wasn't outright acquitted on one charge so they figure to try again on that one.

Pretty day, see y'all later.

Remo Williams 54 minutes ago What | got from that is Ja'Taylon McClellan Jones Killed Diamond Kyriek McDufty. You sure this isn't Chicago? Reply - e4 @ Share That's the biz sweetheart. Jessica Atreides Marshall 39 minutes ago There's always been a connection betweek Chicago and Memphis going back to the 60s. |-55 always had a lot of traffic with IL to TN plates, probably still does. Jonesboro gets a lot of the spillover from Memphis - look at the arrests. The few that get arrested. Reply share We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Remo Williams 21 minutes ago I haven't seen much on it. Why did they dismiss it? Not that I'm all that interested. Reply Share That's the biz sweetheart. Jessica Atreides Marshall 8 minutes ago Beats me. Usually if they don't think they can get a conviction. Or maybe not worth wasting resources? Reply share We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. ==========================================================================================
Jessica Atreides Marshall 29 minutes ago Sarah is completely fearless, doesn't even deign to respond to the whiners. That guy at Arkansas Times (who actually reads that anyway?) thinks ‘Austerity Sarah’ was insanely clever. A little austerity wouldn't hurt some people but it's not like something is being cut - but libs think a denial of the increase they want is a cut. Reply ih Share We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. DePloraBelle 19 minutes ago Sarah should be president after Trump, or maybe Trump-DeSantis-DeSantis-Sanders- Sanders. | like it. Reply dll Share What difference, at this point, does it make? Jessica Atreides Marshall 12 minutes ago That would be awesome. | don't know if she would be interested - she's not really a politician. Like her father she went into it because the career politicians were mucking things up so much. Reply dy G- Share We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. ==========================================================================================