Tuesday 28 May 2024 11:54:42 1716915282

For some reason or other there was a congressional hearing about the guy that got whacked by the feds a while back. Nothing wrong with putting it on the record I suppose but it won't change anything. Just don't blow whistles or do whatever this dude did to get his name on the list.

OK, lessee. Over at the Jonestown paper the usual, lots of sports. Silly political cartoon, notice they have tabs for 'National' and 'World' news. The national tab has a couple of articles from 2019, the world news has a little window with a video of something that may or may not be recent. Obituaries had a duplicate. How hard is to look at the product after you click the button?

What's on the telly? West Memphis - didn't they say something about doing something about crime a few days ago? Maybe this is it. Purge sounds kind of drastic, what are they gonna purge? OK, gangs, got it. Am I the only one who suspects there is a societal problem that makes places like West Memphis like little versions of Memphis, St. Louis, etc? And maybe there isn't a solution without some significant restructuring that few seem willing to undertake. It might take some legislation which would probably be in court for years but the government of Tennessee could take over cities like Memphis, evict the goverment and appoint caretakers until the problem is fixed. That would only work in red states like Tennessee because the governments of the blue cesspools want what they have and more of it.

Shooting in Osceola leaves one dead. Osceola doesn't seem to make much news but this kind is probably the kind they don't want. I used to drive by there occasionally, don't know much about it. I remember one of the worst congresscritters Arkansas ever contributed to the decline of the Republic hailed from there, talk about a doofus. He may have been dumber than the Pryor kid but still spent a couple dozen years there before some improprieties were exposed and he had to go. Not that his replacement was any better but there you are. The democrat problem seems in Arkansas seems to be fixed for the time being. Now if we can just get rid of some RINOs.

Osceola is shrinking like a lot of small cities around NEA. Checking Wickedpedia I noticed that besides the aforementioned poitician Osceola gave us Kemmons Wilson who gave us Holiday Inns so something good came from there. Problem is the good people leave and the bad stay.