Tuesday 15 October 2024 10:29:35 PM CDT

Saturday 12 October 2024 10:12:43 AM CDT

Balance of Power is set about the same time as MacArthur's Freehold. It's somewhat chaotic because... well, it describes a chaotic time. Bad-ass men doing bad-ass stuff, bad people doing stuff to deserve getting greased, or trying to and finding out the hard way it wasn't a good idea. The bad-ass guys have women friends who are equally bad-ass while being seriously hot, whip-smart and charming, even the ones that have been victims of the bad people. Especially the ones that have been victims. Revenge may be a merely annoying duty to some but becomes an art form for others. Fun times.

It being Sadderday the weekend mischief probably isn't much yet. Too lazy to make some new playlists so it's the Alan Parsons live sets again. Jonestown paper still has the same lame political toons and nobody I know died so all for that. I did click on an obit for a dude from Colt - didn't know him - and googled Colt on account I haven't been through there in a while since I don't cross the south line of Cross County unless it can't be avoided. Colt is a bit south of Caldwell which is also in St. Francis County so I don't go there either. Colt probably hasn't had more attention than when Charlie Rich was briefly famous back in the 1970s. They opened up the Village Creek State Park about that time and Charlie performed there. Ain't been there in many a year, used to be overrun with deer. Hunted some on the ridge and up near the park there was lots of deer - you could see where they jumped the fence and came out to graze in the fields. Mostly only shotgun and muzzle-loader in Cross County then, dunno what it is now. One of the biggest bucks I've seen was on the ridge down near Cherry Valley he run across the road right in front of my brand-new Dodge Dakota. First year they made those and another one I shoulda kept.

Still waitin' to see if the dude that crashed and burnt did it in a Dodge Charger - may be a while. Meanwhile I see Jonestown got some more taxpayer money. Not sure who benefits aside from the ones that build it and service it and maybe some more city employees. I guess them as uses the park do - dunno who they are. I don't go to parks - too dangerous. My primary residence is in about a five acre park, cost me plenty and it's getting to where I have to pay for maintenance help. All mine though. Curmudgeon break:

With a total estimated cost of $2,129,675, the park will be comprised of walking and biking trails, a playground, tennis and pickleball courts, a large and a small dog park, multipurpose recreation fields, benches, restrooms, green spaces, parking lots, an expanded road entrance and a two-acre fishing pond. Full details about the site can be found here. (Jonesboro Right Now)
Ya know, things aren't 'comprised of' other things. Things are composed of things. Somewhere back some of those people that get paid to talk or write and don't seem to be good for much else started using that word that sounds kinda like compose and thought it made them sound smart to use it, now having any idea that it didn't mean the same things. El Rushbo used to call it 'losing the language'. I'd say we've pretty near lost it.

One of the Memphis TV outfits has stuff running on iHeart (that's how they spell it - should I put 'sic' there?) at commercial breaks, traffic and weather. Some TV meteorologist (most of them if I bother to check their bio they say they got a degree in meteorology so they're a meteorlogist I reckon but Giggles is a lawyer) on there does her two minute spiel, says stuff like "we're gonna be tracking temps in the 60s" or "tracking scattered rain later this evening" or tracking this or tracking this that or the other. She says tracking one more time I'm gonna feel brain cells dying. Like she's sittin' in a room with radar displays and all kinds of stuff. She's sittin' in a freakin' office looking at a computer monitor or two or in the break room drinking coffee. Just stop already. Tracking the last donut is more likely. That dog-eat-dog business you gotta do what you gotta to to not get eaten. Gonna stop before I start cussin'. Reminds me of a favorite quotation though - but those kind of people... well, they are dangerous to their own kind. Glad I'm done with office stuff for good.

I found this bit at KAIT interesting. Harrison is a little place with about 13K peoples.

"It is funded through a bond issue, $20 million. We are paying 1.7 percent interest. We knew we were low. We didn't know we were at the bottom, but we were. So we got that locked in. We've also paid off an extra year already, so we're going to get this paid off," he said. "The revenue it's going to bring our community... it is going to bring downtown alive again!" (KAIT)
No federal money or apparently even state money. The state of Arkansas at least has a budget surplus so they can afford to pay for stuff. Harrison is over there in the northwest part of the state where most of the dimocrats are outside of Little Rock. Boone County, that's next door to Carroll County where Blue Eye is. I need to read the rest of the Bob Lee Swagger books sometime.

This may be a result of the attention to the rapper that got kilt in Memphis, or the trial of the one of the ones what kilt him. Still gotta try another one or so, I forget. Had almost forgot the one that was kilt, there's so many rappers been kilt. I like the disclaimer Wickdpedia puts on it:

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.
BTW there was one added a couple of days ago. There's only two named 'Lil' something - dunno if that's significant. The list of murdered musicians (excluding rappers) has only 63. There's 71 of the hip-hoppers. Hmmm, the 63 were musicians.

The commentary on the Daily Mail articles (on USA-related stuff) is pretty much conservative and seems mostly American. So Memphis gets short shrift there just as it does in US media. There are various metrics for determining worst cities but I guess when it comes to dangerous Memphis is up there.

Sunday 13 October 2024 11:02:13 AM CDT

Nothing much yet - bit of Friday action, fights at football games and such, a stabbing but no details. Just that there was a stabbing. In Memphis they had a machete attack. Don't guess you'd call that a stabbing, more of a chopping. Not that I want to be cut or chopped by anything but a machete could get nasty real quick. Good defensive weapon though if you ain't got anything better. I try to always have something more better around close, these days you never know if somebody may come at you with a machete or something.

Folks unhappy about the old bank building causing street problems. I avoided that area before they had the bank business - narrow and congested and I don't know where people park for the restaurants and such. There's some parking lots at some of those places but accessability to where you parked looks to be a problem at the best of times. Why businesses more away from downtown.

Gonna have the mayor debate on Jonestown TV. If I haven't figured out who I'm gonna vote for by now might as well flip a coin or something. For sure when a guy been mayor for almost four years you know whether you want him around for another four. If you do then you vote for him, if you don't you might want to look at one of the others. I sure wouldn't want the one they got now but I don't live in Jonestown, and the only other one that has a chance is just another politician. Other two are pretty much irrelevant - might get some protest votes. The other politician got some business experience and says a bunch of stuff that sounds good but there you are. Had that thing about planning to have a diversity department or something but it seems to have disappeared from the campaign site. But not from other places.

Anyhow they gonna have the debate on the TV. Was gonna say something else but..

Monday 14 October 2024 09:31:42 AM CDT

Looked at the mayor candidates again, the diversity dude. Seems a few years ago when he pontificated on it something like this:

Determining what percentage of minorities and females serve on these boards and commissions is a tough task, Bryant said. The city doesn't keep those statistics, and when Talk Business & Politics asked the city for those numbers, it received a 137 page email that listed all the boards and commissions. When looking at the lists, it's obvious that most are white men just based on the names listed, Bryant said. (TB&P 8.15.2018)
Scuse me? OK, whether a name is a male or female name is fairly easy - there's a few names that could be either but not many. Frank or James or Charles is probably a man and Katherine or Jane or Carolyn is probably a woman. How you know they white? If it isn't Jaqavious or Antwoneshia or Le'Kameren it's a white man. I've known black people named Donald and Thomas and Martha and Elizabeth and such. In any case your diversity is all about color and sex (gender as some people say) and it's whether the sex is female [1] and the color is black. [2] And tranny but that's a fairly recent thing. Assuming someone is a white man because of the name is dare I say something an old racist white man would do.

That pic of Main Street where the old bank building is reminded me of typical Jonestown foolishness. See them crosswalks? Some years back they got fancy with them and where the white stripes on each side of the brown red or whatever were raised bricks. Not kiddin' you. Not as high as speed bumps but not sloped - just bricks sticking straight up. I avoided them but when I couldn't or forgot they were there I'd stop completely and ease over them, like I do those thick steel plates they put in the streets. Got so bad before long they removed them and put the white paint there. If only they'd had more diversity that wouldn't have happened.

Dead man in a shot-up car over in Blytheville. Silver passenger car it said, not what kind. Still waiting for more info on the one that crashed and burnt the other day.

Couple more Memphians came over to Jonestown to steal. And stole. And got caught. Not much bail - 2,500 and they stole almost 2,000. Parker Road is right off the 63 bypass, go there occasionally. Smaller than the big store over on Highland but still pretty big. You're in Memphis and make a quick trip over and steal some stuff and head back. Don't have to deal with so much traffic when you're getting away.

What, Chris?

Dunno if there's anything to steal in Memphis. Probably got everything locked under glass like most cities. Did I ever tell you about how I used to go in the tobacco stores in Jonestown and browse around and see if they had anything new? It's about all behind the counter now, been that way for a while.

Having the debate for the state senator on KAIT. I suggested to the dim candidate she might ask Sullivan about his tenure as CEO of Ascent Children's Health Services. Dunno if she will - I'd like to see him beat even if it does put another dim in the Senate. They still wouldn't have much over a half dozen if that. Probably the way it's set up it'd be hard to get it in - even though the media people are a bunch of dims they probably afraid of Sullivan.

Tuesday 15 October 2024 10:21:49 AM CDT

Wind farms they're putting up around here got so much construction traffic on the roads and big messes all around, wonder if it'll get cleaned up. It doesn't in other places. I see they're building another one up between here and Jonestown.

[1] The most numerous beneficiaries of affirmative action are white - white women. I got passed over more for white women than I ever did for black men.

[2] I knew a Filipino dude when I was in the Air Force. His name was something like Donald Burton. Some of us sharp troops would get put up for some kind of awards or things they had, they'd write up a letter with our bio and the reasons we was special. Don said he sometimes won if they sent a picture of him cause they could see he was some kind of a minority. Not the best kind of course but not white. No picture no prize.

Alex looked up at the monitors as the gate alarm buzzed. Erika's silver 1972 Stingray was outside. He punched a button and watched the gates open, then closed them after the car passed through. It was time for a break anyway. He went downstairs. Erika was standing by the car as he came out the door. Tight faded jeans with motorcycle boots and a white satin MA-1 jacket. Black Ray-Ban aviators. Cool almost but not quite smile. Not falling for it. Known you too long girl. Balance of Power (Enak Nomolos - 2022)
When you stop being dangerous you beome edible. Dr. William Avrill
Chemical Youth 1 hour ago now the most dangerous place to live 'America I'm guessing the Mail has reporters based in the US. Their stuff is pretty neutral - if a reporter lived here for very long they would be appalled at the cities. Of course it's pretty bad over there so... Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Reply +6 (+ Prime Chuck Norris 49 minutes ago The Mail is usually described as right-wing but that's by the 'MSM'. It seems neutral to me, to the point of seeming like they're trying to avoid any controversy. Not that you can do that if you report the facts. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply 2G[-) KaliforniaDreamin 32 minutes ago I don't know if they have reporters in the field. The commentary is just about the opposite of the NY Times. The Slimes is crazier though - the Mail commentary is pretty lucid and literate. Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply HG Drama Derry 11 minutes ago Maybe they just watch TV. All we have to do here... my last time in Memphis was years ago. Compassion is defined not by how many people are on the government dole but by how many people no longer need government assistance. - Rush Limbaugh Reply oG
Sinanju Master 1 hour ago This is what NEA has to look forward to. Hope all those folks bragging about the money they got think it's worth it. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply + Mandroid 39 minutes ago I'm waiting for the first time a tornado hits one or two. I think the one in Iowa a while back got five or six. Something like three or four million each. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply HG Goldry Bluszco 20 minutes ago Those acres of fiberglass are all over the place now. Iowa is very sparsely populated compared to NEA. Those things get in the spin cycle... It was pittie one so wittie malcontent, leaving reason should to treason so be bent. Reply HG Remo Williams 2 minutes ago 1 like the way they have to have radar to detect aircraft so they can turn on the warning beacons which are turned off most of the time because they annoy people and.... attract birds. We're told that aircraft collisions are rare, like tornadoes hitting them. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply oG