Thursday 5 December 2024 11:46:20 PM CDT

Sunday 1 December 2024 10:19:42 PM CST

Bad Bad Leroy Brown was all over the radio back then. Back then being 1973 or so. Idabeen a junior in high school them, wondering if I was gonna get drafted. Actually the draft ended in January so I was past it. I had a draft card though, the high screwl counselor made real sure guys that would be eighteen before the end of the school year got registered for the draft. Thanks Mr. Boggess. Your old fifty-something ass wasn't in danger of getting itself shot off in Vietnam. Sadly Mr. Bogess wasn't alone - my own parents thought if was somehow a just war and my dad was in WWII and woulda been ashamed if I was a draft-dodger. Not that I would have - I didn't know the whole story either. A cousin that was about nine or ten years older but like a big brother to me died in Vietnam on his second tour and believed he was doin' the right thing because of what the 'news' told us. Mr. Boggess was still an ass though as were most 'educators'. It's probably worse now.

Anyway I's in high school and all the old '67 Nova had was an AM radio so I heard BBLB a lot. I still had it when I graduated and put an 8-track in it so I wasn't stuck with radio. We all figured BBLB was pretty humorous and so was. Then Jim died in a plane crash and you can't help wondering what might have been. Anyway it was BBLB and Workin' at the Car Wash Blues was pretty funny but it wasn't until after he died that some of the more serious stuff got some love. I like that better, Time in a Bottle and I Got a Name. Knew a guy had TIAB played his wedding. When you're that age serious stuff seems seriouser but Jim's stuff has held up pretty well.

I kinda got the idea that ole Leroy might have been a black dude, partly because there were a lot of black drug dealers in the big cities in those days, probably still are. Little towns too, we had some but....

What, Chris?

Wasn't gonna say it. Anyway I remember reading a piece that a guy wrote for a big-city newspaper, back in the '70s did a series of articles with him hanging out with a drug dealer in Chicago. He described the setup, guy owned several Caddies and Lincolns, carried a .32 auto. Don't remember if he carried a razor or other edged weapon. A razor isn't a bad idea, easy to hide as they are. There's a piece in Human Harvest where one of the ladies (smokin' hot and smart and gutsy as she is hot) uses a razor to get out out of a jam. Don't know yet if it stays in. I do like it a lot.

OK, here it is the first day of the last month of the year. Yeah, it's also the first day of the rest of my life and yours too but we know that. Whether the NEA news media has anything of interest remains to be seen. Sports is up to date on the ones that do sports and not on the ones that don't. Jonesboro Right Now is usually several days old but had a new one up, the mayor that wants to keep his job laying into the feller that wants it. They do label it as 'paid content' so I guess they're covered. It's a lengthy piece at over 1K words of of carefully crafted language as a guy that had a local talk show used to say. I'd say if you figure Jonestown is better off - or even the same - as it was four years ago go with what you got. Actually I'd be willing to give him another chance if it was say a percent or two worse off since the whole world seems to be going that way. But I believe it's more than a couple of percentage points down. Whether the guy that wants the job will do any better I have no idea. I expect he would get some resistance just because of the ones that don't want him, kind like President Trump is gonna get. Speaking of which...

KAIT puts up stuff from the Dissociated Press feed and this morning we had this one. I knew Gaetz was gonna get it good and suspected he was probably not expected to get through but Kash has got some people seriously scared. I have a theory about how it might be handled - just fire Wray and put whoever is second in line as acting director and give him his marching orders. If he carries them out let him stay, if he doesn't fire him and put in the next one. Now it's probable that the rot goes through several layers of the onion but corruption works here because at some level whoever is in charge will do what Trump wants so he can keep the job. But it may have to be a recess appointment - the FBI director could do more damage than any AG by kicking over the can of worms and letting them do their thing.

Monday 2 December 2024 12:49:12 PM CST

An Eye For an Eye was near the end of Chuck's... whaddyacallem? Cheesy? Not really cheesy, let's just say he wasn't a great actor yet. Kinda like Tom Selleck going from Magnum to serious stuff. He risked being typecast as a sex symbol with nothing else going for him but managed to beat it. It wasn't until the Jesse Stone stuff that he was getting good at it. The only reason I ever watched Blue Bloods was because of Tom. He's really good. Farrah Fawcett had the same problems - she could easily gotten stuck in the bimbo trap but showed her stuff in some pretty good TV movies. She was scary in Small Sacrifices

But I was talkin' about Chuck Norris films. By the time he got to Lone Wolf McQuade he was getting pretty good and he wasn't half bad in the earlier stuff but you could see him improving with each one. AEFAE was just a couple of years before LWM which was for me his first really good performance. Later on he had a lucrative TV career with a similar character.

AEFAE had a couple of interesting cast members. Christopher Lee - always my favorite Dracula - and Richard Roundtree in the only appearance I remember aside from the Shaft movies. Matt Clark played a dodgy character kind of like he was in White Lightning, the sort of of thing Bruce Dern did a lot. And of course beautiful women.

Anyhow his martial artist sidekick gets a humorous scene where he and Chuck put paid to a bunch of baddies and he finishes off the last one by banging him on the noggin with one of them old desk phones. After which Chuck gives him that look which prompts the comment.

Chris Lee was his usual non-Dracula self - whatever role he was doing (usually a minor one) it was well done and you hardly noticed it was him. One of his more amusing ones was as the biker gang leader in Serial, a mindless romp from the early eighties. Not sure why I watched it a half dozen times. I always suspected Chris did these things just for fun since he didn't have to prove anything to anyone and was probably well set fincially by then. Seeing him work with some prog-metal bands not long before he passed on was kinda fun. That seemed like something he got into because he enjoyed it and was interested in the artistic aspect of it.

Okey-dokey, what we got here? To get the major crime outta the way we got what looks like two RRM incidents in Jonestown. This one had four as-yet-unapprehended perps over on Johnson at Bridge. Johnson is a long road and goes through good and bad parts of town. Bridge Street is one of the bad parts. Not much info but the only automobile mentioned was not a Dodge Charger. Whether a 2012 Chevy Sonic is worth 8K I won't venture to guess. Wouldn't mind havin' one in new condition - they looked like a Spark a few inches longer and that fake 2-door look is kinda cool. Just me but if I was doin' it I'd do a suicide front door and maybe about half-size like on the old Mazda RX-8. Dunno if they still make those or if they're made that way. Anyway the little Chevy Sparks are OK.

NEA Report reported this two-perp affair. One was a minor so no pic, the adult pic was about as expected. No indication they're from Memphis. They also reported a meth arrest in Hoxie. He don't do sports so not much new content lately.

Just gotta say... nevermind, save Chris the bother of interrupting. KAIT had this up but it seems to have disappeared. From the Gray feed, I know the Dissociated Press had their version, both were about equally dumb.

Tuesday 3 December 2024 11:26:02 PM CST

Not much badness outside of the usual people driving around drunk and otherwise misbehaving. Nothing new on the robberies. Checked the Memphis news to see if they had anything. Lot of power outages and no weather to cause it, electric people didn's say why. Seems the city may sue the Hyundai and Kia makers because their cars are so easy to steal and some company that landlords use to get as much money as they can for their properties. Not I wouldn't buy a Hyundia or Kia - much as I thought about buying a Soul before they uglified them. I sometimes wonder what the average number of Souls per row at the Wal-Mart parking lot is. It's not unusual to see multiple rows with multiple Souls. Anyway they screwed up the front end on them and I sure don't want an old one.

I suppose the city might at some point just have rent control since that works so well. As for having a population of car-stealers (and everything-else stealers) maybe it's easier to blame somebody else.

Johnny can't read or write but he can burn a key fob and install a Glock switch. And eventually Johnny figures out that if everything worth stealing is under glass or behind the counter he can drive over to Arkansas and steal.

Ain't it the truth? I noticed sometime back the tobacco shops moved most everything behind the counter ans the new ones are all glassed in already. The Wal-Marts have got the high-dollar electronics locked down and you gotta find an associate with a key. Sometimes it's just a department manager that can't be found.

Looks like the Memphis utility people decided to blame the weather. Okey-dokey.

Wednesday 4 December 2024 09:16:01 PM CST

That's from the second Icon album. Geoff and John did several albums as Icon, which doesn't just happen to be the last four letters of Rubicon. Their music has a lot of historical references - like Iron Maiden - and Julius Caeser's ballsy move gets referenced a time or two in there. I supposed crossing the Rubicon is what some wished President Trump had done on 6 January 2021. The time wasn't right and there seems to be no way they could have pulled it off. If it had been an actual plan it still probably wouldn't have succeeded but since it was never anything but a false flag it isn't relevant. The political prisoners will be released - not compensated as they should be but free at last - and in the the end the regime regaining power for a few years didn't work out whereas the resulting four years of boiling resentment in the population brought forth the stomping that happened a few Tuesdays ago. OK, enough politics. I'm sure we'll get to that before long. The Rubicon thing though - speaking of seemingly incongruous relationships - made me think of something:

No updates on the unsolved robberies and such - guess that means some perps are still at large but you never know. The turkey meat processing factory out there in the food-making district closing got good coverage. Jonestown Sun doesn't have it yet but they're pretty erratic. Always behind but the amount of behindness varies. Had pics of the mayoral candidates on the front page for a while - no info just a pic. Bryant's pic was labeled "mug". Dunno what that was about but wonder if after the people that do the pointing and clicking and dragging things around ever go look at the finished product. Doesn't take that long and anyway you'd think someone would notice before a day or more. Anyway thay had this nutjob editorial piece on top with the usual Trump butthurt cartoons in the usual place.

Anyhow several had the articles about the mayor keeping his job. Not like we didn't expect it but I didn't bother to guess what the margin would be. About 60-40 or so is what it was. I don't live in Jonestown I'm there once or twice a week and have been for years and I can see the deterioration. It's slow but it goes on long enough one day people wake up and ask what happened. Dunno how many of the guys and gals at MyndCryme live in the city so the comments am what they am.

Thursday 5 December 2024 11:26:31 PM CST

Those are some covers of paperbacks of Van Vogt's Weapons Shops books. Never was sure how his name was pronounced and haven't ever found a for sure account. He didn't write a whole lot and probably the Weapons Makers is the best known. The second one from the left is my copy. The price was $1.75 and I probably acquired it in the seventies. Dunno what used copies go for, this one in like new condition somebody on Amazon wants twenty bucks. If I could get that my library would be worth a few hundred thousand at least and that's just the paperbacks.

These were written back in the 1940s and I reckon only serious SF nerds talk about them much but these days you got Elon quoting Frank Herbert and guys like Herbert and Heinlein are in mainstream discussion more than a few years ago. Movies probably account for some of that probably. Anyway the idea of a powerful as more powerful than the establishment but instead of doing away with it giving individuals the ability to resist without getting squashed. Which is the problem - we don't have a force like the Weapons Makers so it has to come from within. Kinda like the Fremen - going to Dune again - they were so ferocious the authorities didn't mess with them or regretted it when they did. But only when Paul gave them control of the spice were they in complete control. And trading one master for another may look good and may be good for a while but even the best intentions can go wrong.

The Medical Industry bigwig that got iced in New York is a strange one. Interesting problem too - not political so no need for a whitewash at least from that angle. It is actually political because of the whole medical-industrial complex thing but things that go on there aren't generally looked at by the government or its minions something that needs to be managed. I could be completely wrong, wouldn't be the first time.

Not far from my place where they're building windmills it seems somebody stole some of the wire they use. No details except about where it was. I seen they had big-ass rolls of some kinda cable, guessed it was what they use to connect the windmill to wherever it sends the electricity it makes when the wind blows. Them things being miles apart from each other and from wherever the electricity goes that's a lot of wire. I'm guessing they stole it before it was buried.

The way they describe crimes dunno why they bother. Somebody stole some stuff from a house and got arrested seems to be the way it was.

The woman said she took those items from the Olive house so no one else would steal them.

Later, she guided the officers to the apartment of her accomplice, the man driving the gray car. When investigators got to his location on Nettleton, they found the missing blender.

The man was arrested for theft of property and given a bond of $25,000 cash or surety. The woman was charged with residential burglary and possession of meth and given a bond of $50,000 cash or surety. They both have a court date in late January.
No names, no age so dunno if it was a juvie. Grey car but not whether it was a Dodge Charger which would have been the most interesting part. For some of us anyway.

I guess Houstons is famous or semi-famous steakhouses, seem to have heard the name. Anyhow there ain't gonna be one in Memphis soon.

"Regretfully, the operating environment in the vicinity has become increasingly difficult over the years, both with respect to staffing and public safety," the statement read. "While we know this development will be disappointing to many of our guests, it is a decision that was not made lightly. We would like to thank our guests for their support and we hope to have the opportunity to serve you at another one of our locations."

The city of Memphis' crime map shows 55 incidents including more than 30 thefts have been reported at 5000 Poplar since Jan. 1 this year.
Crime does make businesses go away. People too, just ask San Francisco.

Seems the city of Memphis isn't too happy with the feds on their report about the police. I didn't know why they did it - to prove that they only investigated when white cops allegedly did something wrong? That's the only time I ever seen it done.

The Memphis police chief is black, the cops who killed the guy are black. Most of the population of Memphis is black. Why did they bother if they couldn't make it racist?

Seems to me they tried - a couple or three white personnel that were near the scene, EMTs or sheriff department, they tried to involve them. I believe one of them may have been fired or disciplined somehow or other but they couldn't make a race thing so I figured they'd just forget it.

Tomorrow Friday, think I'll knock off for a while. Cheers.

Now Leroy he a gambler And he like his fancy clothes And he like to wave his diamond rings In front of everybody's nose He got a custom Continental He got an Eldorado too He got a thirty two gun in his pocket for fun He got a razor in his shoe Bad Bad Leroy Brown - Jim Croce 1973
Remo Williams 1 hour ago That will be a BIG can of big worms. Word is they're shredding like crazy. I hope there are still a few decent types in there that have copies. And will testify at investigations. We know there are some, well were some, from the whistleblowers. There are probably some folks in there that are big mad at the bosses. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply 0 (4 f= DePloraBelle 51 minutes ago Where do they start? Big stuff like election interference, indimitation of dissidents, assassinations of old cripples? I believe Trump should start pardoning the abortion mill protestors and such on day one, along with the Jan 6 prisoners. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +3(+]-) Terminus Est 40 minutes ago Presumably the arrests of parents at school board meetings will stop. And definitely shut down the persecution of abortion protesters. All ongoing operations should be shut down and the agents assigned to rounding up Democrats. Too clever is dumb. ~ Ogden Nash Reply +1(4+]-) Mandroid 31 minutes ago They should start separating the wheat from the chaff right away. People talk, especially in the workplace. Settling scores and currying favors will get you a lot of information. Just don't trust anyone even if they are helping - only well-vetted veterans and new hires are even marginally trustworthy. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply 0G ]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall ‘9 minutes ago Depending on how long it takes to get Kash confirmed Trump might want to start working from the top of the food chain and see if any of them are viable. It might take a while but Trump or someone advising him might be willing to play mind games. I've got a feeling that he won't be suffering fools gladly or any other way this time around. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply oGl[-)
The warrior uses whatever is closest to hand. There is no shame in this. Mako Iwamatsu as James Chan An Eye For an Eye ~ 1981
Reply +1(4+]-) Sinanju Master 1 hour ago Aside from the state-run media twisting itself into what looks like earthworms mating what's to see? Even that was anticlimactic. I guess the 'mainstream' outlets take what they're fed and dutifully post it. It's not even worth making snarky X posts - it's more fun to do them on sites where people are actually reading it. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply +6(+]-) Twisted Mentat 49 minutes ago Sadly the lefties are fleeing to Bluecry. Those left on X are keeping a low profile or something - I hardly ever get a reply no how hard I smack them. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply 1 Goldry Bluszco 32 minutes ago I wish the President Trump would actually be as vindictive as his enemies allege. Papa's pardon only runs through 2024 - his POS son is a career criminal and a sociopath (not like the entire family isn’t) and will be in trouble again. This time they should put him away forever but sadly even a Trump admin will be too nice. It was pittie one so wittie malcontent, leaving reason should to treason so be bent. Reply +1(4+]-) Rosetta Stoned 11 minutes ago I'm surprised he didn't try to pardon him for anything that happens for the next hundred years. Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 0G ]-)
12 "Gordon," I say. The screensaver on the computer across the room clicks over to 0432 - who else would it be? Silence. What else is there to say? "Go," she says after a minute. "He wouldn't call if it wasn't important. She's right, and I feel like... what do I feel like? Not yet a month ago I came back looking something like no self-respecting cat would bother to drag in. That was sixteen days after Gordon called me at 0-3-something and said he had a small problem. Gordon doesn't call me for small problems. There's a couple dozen guys can handle small problems. I turn and slide off the bed and hit the floor in the position. Hundred and ten. Why didn't I stop at a hundred? Cheryl sits on the bed watching me. I hate doing this to her - she knows but it doesn't make it easier. What would make it easier? Even after a week at at one-ten I'm still winded. Roll over and look up. Strawberry blonde angel looking down at me. Thing is she knows someday there might not be enough left of me for the cats to drag in. I sit up, she leans over, silk pajama sleeve brushes my forehead, kisses me. "Go," she says. "Tl be all right.” Before the Storm 12-1
Twisted Mentat 1 hour ago Scr Hyundai over car thefts, software company over rent Apparently some people read the X posts on these things. I got a couple of likes when I suggested that Memphis might want to have fewer car thieves. @ It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply 7G) DePloraBelle 51 minutes ago Fewer killers would be nice too but you can't have everything. Or in Memphis anything What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply BG Belushi Speedball 43 minutes ago ey found in southwest memphis a Not to change the subject but at point to 'possible human' remains become 'human remains'. I would guess said remains were either in pretty bad shape or not much of them. A Jeffrey Dahmer type in the area? Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time suffering. Reply HG Mack Bolan 34 minutes ago Memphis does have a lot lot of possible humans. For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice. Reply HG Terminus Est 12 minutes ago Stop it! B Too clever is dumb. ~ Ogden Nash Reply 0
I believe this "crossing at a ford" occurs often in a man's lifetime. It means setting sail even though your friends stay in harbor, knowing the route, knowing the soundness of your ship and the favor of the day. When all the conditions are met, and there is perhaps a favorable wind, or a tailwind, then set sail. If the wind changes within a few miles of your destination, you must row across the remaining distance without sail. --- Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings Making a curve or taking the strain On the decline, or out on the wane Oh everybody breaks down sooner or later We'll put it to rights, we'll square up and mend Back on your feet to take the next bend You'll weather every storm that's coming at ya And I'm heading out to the highway 1 got nothin' to lose at all I'm gonna do it my way Take a chance before I Fall Yes, I'm heading out to the highway 1 got nothing to lose at all Heading Out to the Highway --- Judas Priest
Mandroid 55 minutes ago Harold Copenhaver reelected What a load. 5K people wanted to keep him and 3.5K didn't and about 20K didn't give a flip. It's not bad enough for enough people yet, like the national situation. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply +3 (4+ ]-) Remo Williams 41 minutes ago Does he look ridiculous? Does he care? No, he was pretty sure he had it in the bag. The fact is Jonesboro has got it pretty good and has for so long people just don't notice the creeping rot. Because for now it is just creeping but unless the city administration (and the county too but it's mainly in the city) don't get a handle on it - and I see no reason to believe they will - like Enak said they're going to wake up and want to know that happened. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply 42(+]-) DePloraBelle 32 minutes ago He apparently doesn't care when a psycho cop brutalizes a mentally ill citizen or when another off-duty cop driving like a maniac and yakking on his phone turns another citizen into a cripple. He probably doesn't know he looks ridiculous but doesn't care what the little people think. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply HG Rosetta Stoned 11 minutes ago Arkansas has it pretty good so the status quo is fine with most - they'll vote for anyone with an R by their name (except in those thankfully few spots) so we get RINOs like Hutchinson. Fortunately we had Sanders this time so we're good for a while but the people who don't experience the crime don't think there's anything to worry about. Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana Reply 0G ]-)