Tuesday 10 December 2024 09:16:40 PM CDT
Friday 6 December 2024 11:29:22 PM CST
Human Harvest is about the Medical Industry and some of the bad things they do to people. It's kinda like
Robin Cook
Clayton Lindemuth.
Reading Clayton has caused my hick talk to become more common. In Human
Harvest is a little bit like Cook's Coma only
isn't he main part. The patients they lock up in
hospitals and keep comatose for the insurance and Medicare money aren't supposed to ever wake up - our hero not only
wakes up and gets loose but he remembers everything and tries to shut the medical mobsters down. It being more of a small-town
mob he finds hisself going up against a hillbilly mafia along with the big-city gangsters. Jessica is... lessee... how about
smokin' hot, whip-smart and badass but real sweet as long as you don't try to hurt her man.
The crime seems mostly non-violent - OK, a couple of
domestic beatings
- but mostly stuff like
and low-IQ fraud attempts.
Who tries to
forge checks
these days when very few checks are used for anything? Back in the day when we had tens of thousands
going through even a small-town bank you might slip one through. I had to move some money the other day and figured the easiest
way was go to one bank and get a cashier's check and drive down Red Wolf a mile and put it in the bank where I wanted it. Now I
print screenshots of the accounts to take with me with the accounts marked and got my driver's license and all and it was pretty
easy but just walkin' in with a check and sayin' gimme some money, especially when you done tried it before makes me think low-IQ.
Dunno if that's the politically correct terminology but I don't aspire to be politically correct. Just the opposite in fact, at
every opportunity.
I seem to remember telling you about the windmill wire thieves in Cross County. The Memphis police stuff? Chris?
Dunno where Chris is. See what KAIT has from the AP feed. Probably the New York stuff - wonder if it it'll be the Medical Industry guy
that got whacked or the citizen they're trying to
I'll check in a bit and see what the MyndCryme crew is sayin. It gets colorful over there sometimes.
Saturday 7 December 2024 10:24:42 PM CST
While Jessica is tough as old tree roots and doesn't suffer fools gladly or any other way Jennifer is a gentle sort never had to deal with bad
people before. Never even owned a gun before but she got more reason to be mad than Jessica seeing as how Alex is at least alive.
Not much outside of sports so far but it's early and only Saturday. Big
fight at a basketball game
in Misery. For some reason it's gonna be a while
longer before the cop that beat up the prisoner gets decertified. If he can avoid it he might get his job back - the mayor got elected even with all
the mess with cops
abusing the citizens.
Why not rehire an obviously qualified and experienced officer?
More taxpayer money for
Paragould and Brookland
going to see if they can get some more. Just five million. It's not realistic to expect it any time soon but it's fun to think about the government having to balance the budget and
stop giving money so politicians can brag about how much money they got spent on sidewalks and bike paths and such. As a matter of principle I don't ever drive on the
this particular project
because of the name but I drive under it and dunno if I ever seen anybody walking on it. See people on bicycles about as often. The name actually is appropriate for wasting taxpayers money so
politicians can crow about it. Probably next improvement will be a monorail.
The state senator from Cross County
talked about prisons. They're planning to
build a new one
somewhere and the locals are kinda unhappy. I don't know if its
bad for the area or not. If they don't have many escapes - I seldom hear of one - they don't need to worry. There's one down at Forrest City and I don't know much about
it except it's a low and medium security type, seems some politician I knew was an inmate there, don't recall just now who it was. Know a few folks work there. That's a
fed prison though so not a state thing. Anyhow there's some statistics there. The price of keeping malefactors off the streets seems to be a lot of money being spent
on prisons. Still it's better than the alternative. I like the
Sheriff Joe
system but few got the nerve to do that even for the county jails.
State prisons be even harder to run cost-effectively since the
usual suspects
would keep it in court from the get-go.
Sunday 8 December 2024 10:39:52 PM CST
Didn't end well for the crooked doctor. What happens to James? May tell you later, on the wrap. Still a couple days to go on this installment, looks like
it'll be Tuesday. Some of the weekend fun should be documented by then.
The Jonestown paper had an article about somebody
perishing in an automobile mishap
on Wednesday, it was dated Saturday so dunno when it was in the paper version. Did I mention the major
angsty editorial piece
by one of the usual suspects and a
sensible one by Cal Thomas?
Maybe they're just being fair and balanced. And they had a lot of basketball news. High school and college type. Okey-dokey.
See the Left Memphis police think they know
who kilt the guy over at the casino thing.
Is the dog track still going? Ain't been there since before the casino, a
gal pal and her husband and I - long story - went there a time or three. She got some free passes to the fancy seats, they come to your table and take your bets and stuff and
you drink and sometimes watch the dogs run.
What, Chris?
I know you know. Lot of people know, not going there.
Some relationships are... nevermind. I should give Chris weekends off.
Anyway the Left Memphis police figure they know whodunnit but don't know where he is. Knowing the location of a wanted person is pretty handy
if you want'em to pay up but this is the bunch what did the
West Memphis Three
thing. The thing being the fiasco that followed. Did I ever tell you... nevermind, not enough time now.
KAIT reports an
armed robbery in Walnut Ridge.
Someone died in a fire in Greene County but not much on that. Lessee about the Walmut Ridge
thing... hmm.... OK, yep, yep. Trying to talk like El Rushbo did when talkng to his producer but I ain't as good at it. Who would be?
Demographics of Walnut Ridge don't.... OK. Guess we'll have to wait and see where the perp came from. Says police from Black Rock were
involved in the search for the perp, Black Rock is about thirteen miles from Black Rock. According to the Google map thing. Hoxie is
right next door to Walnut Ridge, thisclose in fact. They say they got a suspect but there ain't many locals that would look like him.
Just sayin.
KAIT selected this from the
Dissociated Press
feed so I'll take a look at it - looked at it bit earlier but the guys and gals over at MyndCryme already talkin' about it so if they don't get to the
bottom of it I may jump in.
Monday 9 December 2024 09:34:25 PM CST
Alex's buddy Scott is an interesting guy. Something.... nevermind.
Goobertown doesn't get in the news much so
here ya go. The big wide highway with traffic moving
pretty fast crosses some smal highways and
once in a while...
Having a
recount for a city council seat
in Parkin. That's where
they recalled the mayor.
Wynne is where they didn't.
Two votes outta less than three hundred. Not bad, when Algore tried to overturn the
2000 presidential election
they recounted enough times they had it down to just a few hundred out of a bunch of thousands before the Supreme Court put a stop to it.
Couple more
check forgers
got nailed in Jonestown. Already went over that subject the other day. Maybe the news people back a work by now and have something for us.
This just came in.
Dunno how soon KAIT will feature it on their national section. Think I'll go over and troll on X formerly known as Twitter.
And formerly known as a commie echo chamber - that's now something called Bluesky. Most of us call it Bluecry - wonder if they'll change the
name. People already got some good toons up. I liked this one:
Tuesday 10 December 2024 11:20:15 PM CST
books were written by
Gordon Dickson
from the 1950s to late 1980s so he's one of the earlier ones in what we geeks call military science fiction.
David Drake
is one of most commonly encountered writers if you go looking for it - he started his Hammer's Slammers in the late 1970s and quite a few writers have either dabbled in or
did quite a bit, the late
Jerry Pournelle
being one. Idunno if or how much the 'tactics of mistake' has been tried in actual wars. Sun Tzu asserted that all warfare is based on deception
according to some but a series of operations in which you deliberately lose to the degree that you have to retreat or whatever, dunno how that would work.
KAIT never did put up the story about Daniel Penny. I went to the Dissociated Press website and nothing there. Had some earlier articles but nothing on
the acquittal of Mr. Penny. I know it's not pleasant for them, seeing the failure of a Dimocrat kangaroo court. Not bad enough that all of the Trump
stuff is going away. Anyway KAIT kept the story about the Medical Industry CEO shooter being caught.
At Paragould we got a high school
band director
gettting his second DWI. Doesn't say when the first one was but I guess having any DWIs isn't a good
thing. Every band director I ever knew was pretty strange but didn't know any that got nailed for drunk driving. Anyhow the
girls head basketball coach
got put on leave for some reason. The reason wasn't stated in any of the reports. A statement from the school mentioned allegations but doesn't
say what the allegators alleged.
Twisted Mentat
51 minutes ago
Unless they catch the guy and he doesn't get Epsteined we may know the who and
why. Whether that happens depends on who had it done and whether or not it is
convenient for the facts to come out.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts
acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone
I set my mind in motion.
Reply +4(4]-)
Sinanju Master
41 minutes ago
So screwy it might have been planned that way. Amateur who read Rex Feral's book?
That has actually happened. Pro who wanted it to look like an amateur? Maybe but as
the Brits say might be too clever by half. If a pro I would suspect someone in the
business didn't want him to talk.
Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying
Reply +1(4+]-)
Mack Bolan
30 minutes ago
Plans within plans? Since he was under investigation he probably wasn't the only one
with something to lose. I like the inside job theory better than it being crackpots... I
mean dissidents. ®
For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a
weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice.
Reply oGl-)
Reply 14] -
1 hour ago
Biden says Assad’ fallin Syriais a fundamental
acto justice,’ but ‘a moment of rs
I'm hoping this is the last attempt by the regime to start more fires but I doubt it.
They'll want to do maximum damage on the way out.
Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about
it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows.
Reply +8 C+ [ -
Terminus Est
42 minutes ago
On the bright side they're so incompetent and disorganized they can't do anything
effectively. Trump will put out these fires fairly quickly - it isn't just us here in the
U.S.A. that are tired of being used as pawns. And getting rid of Assad is probably
doing us a favor.
Too clever is dumb. ~ Ogden Nash
Reply 1Gl-)
Mack Bolan
31 minutes ago
What worries me is the ones wanting boots on the ground - officially - before 20
January. Forty-something days is a long time. Particularly when you're dealing with
people who are both stupid and desperate.
For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a
weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice.
Reply 1Gl-)
Phantasm Lord of the Dead
12 minutes ago
I'm optimistic because omens. It started when they tried to kill him and he created
that iconic image - those things don't just happen. I watched him demolish that
dimwitted tool on NBC. Not that it takes much for any of them but he was so cool and
had collected it was like a cat playing with a mouse. I know they're going to continue
breaking stuff but Trump has that light around him. Not saying it's going to be easy
but it is doable.
You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die.
Reply oGl-)
Belushi Speedball
1 hour ago
pes Come
Q22BB2 You know Fat Alvin is seriously pissed. The election showed NY has
changed and more than I expected or dared hope. When kangaroo courts fail in NY
it's a good sign.
Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time
+ (G[-)
1 hour ago
I was wondering if the holdout or maybe holdouts were for conviction and the
majority wanted to acquit.
Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about
it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows.
Reply 1Gl-)
Jessica Atreides Marshall
52 minutes ago
That's the vibe I was getting. It was kind of over the top even for New York.
We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives.
Reply 0
Goldry Bluszco
43 minutes ago
When do the riots start? Or did I miss the mayor calling for people to remain calm
respect the the law?
It was pittie one so wittie malcontent, leaving reason should to treason so be bent.
Reply 1Gl-)
30 minutes ago
I haven't seen it. I saw the dead perp's family trying to incite violence. One of them
channeling Jeremiah Wright. Is that wretch still alive?
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Reply 1Gl-)
19 minutes ago
Sadly itis. &
And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The
cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode.
Reply oGl-)
You're finished, doc. There's not gonna be be a bunch of clinics with you name on them like
you planned. You didn't think we knew about that, did you? Only place your name's goin! is
on a prison roster."
Carson had the look of a trapped animal, his eyes wild with fear.
He's seein’ his future. Prison scares people like him the most. Rough types are more
prepared, lot of'em been there before. And they're always thinkin’ there's gonna be a way
“Let me go,” Carson croaked hoarsely. "Give me a chance to run. You know they'll catch me
anyway. It was all James’ operation. Most of the money went to him. And the guys in Texas.”
Bein’ fat not so smart for a criminal. Sweating, and it's not sixty out here.
Carson flinched as Alex leveled the Colt.
“By all rights | should give you the whole magazine," he said. "In the gut. Watch you...”
"PLEASE! I'll do anything. Look, I've got some money stashed. | never trusted James, any of
No honor among thieves? Say it ain't so.
“This pig giving your trouble?"
Human Harvest (2020)
Alex glanced back. The gun in her hand wasn't quite as big as his 1911. The Bulldog. The
hole in the end of the barrel was almost as big though. Five rounds of .44 Special.
What's she doin’ here?
Jennifer moved to stand beside him. She raised the gun, steadied with the left hand, arm
bent slightly.
"Jen, don't!"
She turned her head slightly, not quite taking her eyes off Carson.
“Don't what? After what he did? What he'll do if he gets another chance?"
“He won't get another chance," Alex said. "He's going away for along time. If he ever gets
"If he breathes another five minutes it's a..."
"Jen, | know. Let the law have him."
He looked back at Carson, if possible more terrified now.
He killed her brother. Damn, she's gonna...
Human Harvest (2020)
The blast of the Bulldog was deafening. A man of average size would have dropped when
that first slug hit him - Carson swayed, raised a hand to his chest where a red spot had
aleady appeared.
The next shot hit the hand. He fell to his knees. Looking up at her with those fear-glazed
Jennifer lowered the gun slightly. Three more shots. Carson may have twitched a little after
he fell over. Or not.
The silence was absolute. It seemed time had stopped.
Because | can't hear anything.
The five shots were grouped near the center. Five big red spots on the light blue shirt.
She learned fast.
Jennifer let her arm drop to her side, holding the gun loosely.
Human Harvest (2020)
Gotta move fast.
"Put it away,” Alex said. "Hang loose while | take care of this.”
Her cheeks were wet with tears. She didn't respond. Didn't look at him, just at the body on
the ground. Alex took out his phone, tapped a number.
“Jess, I'm with Jennifer. You got my twenty?"
He waited while she checked.
“OK, you know where Scott is?"
He looked at Jennifer again.
"Good. Have him bring a throwdown, Put a couple of rounds through it and get it here fast.”
He turned to Jennifer. She hadn't moved. Gently he took the gun and put it in the pocket of
his jacket.
"You OK?"
“No. Maybe | will be, someday.”
Human Harvest (2020)