Friday 11 October 2024 22:19:31 PM CDT

Tuesday 8 October 2024 09:12:42 AM CDT

Dream Theater is one of the most cerebral and talented musical groups around. They rival Rush in the cerebrality of their songs and have no rivals in instrumental talent. Let's call it first among equals. Their style is much more varied than Rush, which was a constant progression with no really abrupt shifts. I suppose my first exposure to them was either Images and Words orA Change of Seasons. It's possible I bought both at the same time it being in the days of record stores - actually CD stores by then - and I was in the local Hastings at least once a week. Rarely left without one or more CDs and/or books. I do seem to remember having heard them on the radio - hearing new music on the radio is something else that hasn't happened in a good while. Used to be still a few FM stations that would play stuff for the higher level consciousnesses, usually late a night. I suppose Metal Shop was probably still on back then. Anyhow somewhere I heard the opening riff of Pull me Under and was hooked, had to see who it was. So it was off to Hastings - Amazon was just getting started then and looked for the name of the band and was pleasantly surprised .

The riff got my attention but it was the experience of sitting and listening to the whole thing and then immediately playing it again that I remember. Then I got to A Change of Seasons and loved the set of covers that follow the title track.

You'd think that a band with such a massive trove of original material wouldn't bother to do covers except occasional one now and then the way most do. DT actually has covered entire albums by bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica. I'm pretty sure I picked up their cover of Made in Japan but if so I haven't listened to it in a while. Got to do that soon, among other things.

Okey-dokey, on with the show.

OK, some of the various crimes I didn't get around to a couple of days ago: the meth dealer was in Batesville, the thefts from the pot dispensary was in Helena, something in Blytheville I forgot.

A million here, a million there, when you're 35 trillion dollars in debt what difference does it make? Back in the day I worked for a small company that was doing pretty good. Three partners owned it - two were pretty good at what they did and the third was the salesman. Not very bright and was lucky to have a product that pretty well sold itself, or more accurately the existing customers were so happy they sold it for him. Poor fellow probably actually believed he was a pretty good salesman. He got a bank to give him three or four million dollars - I forget which - to buy out his partners. Company was maybe worth that much if it continued as it was. We who worked there expected wouldn't go well but...

They guy had a wife who was kinda nutty and had a rather tenuous grasp on reality. The day they signed the contract and the partners departed the new owner told us he wanted to take us to dinner at a high-dollar restaurant that night. One of my colleagues and I arrived at the office about the same time as the owner's wife in a brand new Lincoln Town Car. One of us commented that those were kinda pricey, she said "we just went three million dollars in debt, no big deal." It got worse and they were out of business in a year.

Judge thing got a lot of people pontificating. One for the dumb criminal section - good thing there aren't many smart ones. The body found in the house with the apparently shot-out winders got more interesting. Or more weird - judge for yerself.

Took a while but they added some context to this one. Jonestown has had crime coming in from Memphis for a long time but last couple of years Paragould has been getting more. It's about like a suburb of Jonestown now, close as it is and the easy drive. Doesn't say what the bond is but the judges been doing a pretty fair job of putting a good-sized bail on the perps so maybe they'll learn to stay in Memphis where they just let'em go. Only problem is the way Memphis is going pretty soon there won't be anyone left with anything to steal. For Jonestown it means more jail crowding.

Also present at the meeting was District Judge Tommy Fowler, who provided insight into the justice process and how a limited jail capacity is affecting his courtroom. Fowler said the same people are often the ones he sees back in his courtroom day after day. The majority of those causing the worst problems are from other counties. He mentioned a case where individuals came to Dillard's in Jonesboro to shoplift perfumes, noting they were from Memphis. (NEA Report)

I don't suppose you could get the Tommy Robinson or Joe Arpaio system these days. Too bad since the alternative is to continue allowing the decent people to be pushed out. When it eventually gets sorted out it may get ugly.

Wednesday 9 October 2024 19:22:48 AM CDT

Lesee, not much crimewise. Porch pirate (don't they know there's cameras everwhere these days?) in Jonestown, more people piling on he judge-elect. These folks seem reasonable I reckon. He's got to run again for another term and if he ain't straightened up he won't get elected. At least that's the way it should work but a lot of bad people get elected over and over.

Congressman Crawford did show for the PBS debate. The Liberterian guy and the dimmocrat was there. Liberterian said liberterian stuff - government shouldn't be taxing the working people to death and spending the money everywhere in the world interfering in affairs and such, sensible stuff. Said FEMA should be eliminated, Rick said it sucks, both were correct. The Dim said some gobbledook and said we need to keep the incompetent and corrupt FEMA. Incompetence is the best thing about FEMA - like being stupid is the best thing about criminals. The writer said that Crawford claimed that the FEMA used money to house illegal immigrants. Didn't see an author name so to whoever the author(s) is/are: They did and will as long as this corrupt regime remains in power. Hopefully it won't be for much longer.

On the Middle East Crawford said that Israel should be allowed to defend itself and the liberterian guy agreed with the Dim that war isn't the right way to settle things. They didn't say what should happen when you're being attacked by people who seem to think it's the way. They quoted the Dim gobbledygook:

"What we need to do is partner with the United Nations and start applying some real pressure," Govens said. "We cannot stand idly by while one of our allies, Israel, commits war atrocities, killing tens of thousands of Palestinian people, but we cannot also sit idly by and allow Arab terror organizations like Hamas to go in like they did on Oct. 7, 2023, and kill innocent women and children of the Jewish community." (KAIT)
Now maybe he's just ignorant - he is a Dim - and doesn't know that the UN is dedicated to the destruction of the U.S.A. and Israel. Should he be elected to Congress he would be expected to embrace anti-Semitism. Not as rabidly as Chucky Schemer and the muslims in Congress but he would be required to vote against Israel at every opportunity. And Israel has not killed any Palestinians - it has killed terrorists and enemy combatants. OK? Whether you repeat a lie knowing it's a lie or you don't know any better doesn't matter.

Jonestown showing off the trolley things. Seems they got some taxpayer money, city put in a little bit. Does that operation pay for itself? I can't seem to find any info about how much it costs to run it and how much of that is paid by the users. I say that because most public transportation is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers. The one in Memphis seems to have gotten to the point that even taxpayer money can't keep it going.

Thursday 10 October 2024 11:22:48 AM CDT

NEA Report reported on the mary jane dispensary thievery over in Helena - I seem to remember mentioning that. Talked about the Congressional contestant debate, the porch pirate and a domestic alercation that I hadn't seen anywhere else. That one was noteworthy because, well...

What, Chris?

I wasn't gonna say it. What else we got? Yeah, one of the cops that brutalized a prisoner got some prison time, kinda. Not gonna comment on that one either for similar reasons. Google the pics if you need to.

I comment on Memphis occasionally because so much crime here in NEA has its roots in Memphis. Now maybe summa these people mean well but good intentions are worth about what good intentions are usually worth.

Friday 10 October 2024 18:42:18 AM CDT

Aside from a pretty big one - I guess near 10K fentanyl pills is big on its own without all the other stuff - crime is pretty much the usual petty stuff. Guy riding an ATV around Wynne with a heater and a Glock switch or something similar is unusual because Wynne don't have a lot of crime that I know of. How much I don't know of is... where was I? Dunno if the ghetto denizens call guns heaters - that more of a 1970s comic book thang. In them comic books the gangsters held their guns sideways like the thugs do now so maybe they do call'em heaters. No mugshot and no word on if the ATV was stolen. Didn't have a mugshot but the Cross County jail does. No word on bail - the ones with the big drugs had three million for the big fish and a million for the little one.

Nah, the big one is what looks like a FAFO. No word on whether the car was a Dodge Charger - from the smoke I wonder what was in it. The perp certainly wasn't at room temperature for quite a while for sure.

See y'all in a few.

Sinanju Master 1 hour ago Tommy Robinson was just another corrupt politician but as a lawman he got results. I guess a having t crooked politician who does some good is better than one who doesn't. Hate o make the choice but sometimes it's the only one you have. Not so much voting for the lesser evil as voting against the bigger one. Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying Reply #6 Gl-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 48 minutes ago Unlike Robinson Joe was a decent man who stood for law and order. Unfortunately Arizona was turning into a blue cesspool even then. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply HG Goldry Bluszco 39 minutes ago Had to love the pink underwear. B It was pittie one so wittie malcontent, leaving reason should to treason so be bent. Reply oG DePloraBelle 22 minutes ago Few politicians aren't corrupt - Trump's problem is he's too honest. If he could just dissemble a little but he just can't pretend to be something he's not or not what he is. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply oG
Jawbreaker 49 minutes ago SS Se JET starting Trollies on Tour to promote new vehicles, B implementing new routes How much does this cost us? I can't find anything put out by the city. They have a nice website about how great it is. It doesn't look like the kind of thing that pays for itself. I suppose that's why the taxpayers - I mean the government - gives them - about 80% of the cost for this? And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply + (G[-) Remo Williams 36 minutes ago I've never heard of a public transit system that was paid for by the users. When I do see numbers for the big cities it looks like about 90% government. That's the biz sweetheart. Reply +1(4+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 30 minutes ago The theory is that paying for nearly free transportation for people pays off somehow - one dollar in public transit yields five dollars in some kind of economic benefit to the community. © We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +1(4+]-) Mandroid 12 minutes ago Like food stamps, HUD, Medicaid, economically benefit the community? I'm not feeling any benefit - who gets it? Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply 0G ]-)
Belushi Speedball 39 minutes ago Werma ney ura control measures up to city Muted Probably some of those will be overturned by the Tennessee Supreme court right out of the box. None of them will reduce killing in Memphis. Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time suffering. Reply 43 (+ Jessica Atreides Marshall 22 minutes ago I notice it's a bunch of kids who know so much. Feel sorry for them having to live there but being a tool for politicians doesn't benefit them - the politicians are the cause of the problem. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply HG Phantasm Lord of the Dead 9 minutes ago Chicago, Detroit, Memphis... kids grow up in a jungle and never have a chance. They can steal a car and get a Glock switch but they can't read and write You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die. Reply oG
