Thursday 1 February 2024 11:08:18 1706807298
Nice first day of February, got an extra day this year. 

Not much going on.  The Sun still has the same pictures of basketball players they've had for several days now.  'Featured Stories' donchaknow?  It's Monday and almost noon so maybe people aren't moving so fast just now.  There are some new articles, local business mostly.  One about the lawsuit that's been going on for a while now.  Seems there was some abuse of children going on, apparently for quite some time.  Now it seems allegations of Medicaid fraud has been added to the mix. 

Hmmm, lessee.  Maybe I ain't the smartest guy in the room, except when I'm the only guy in the room I reckon but somehow I suspect if people will do bad things to helpless children there's not much they won't do.  And money being the motivation for all kinds of evil stuff and the government not being too particular about who it gives it to I can see that happening. 

There was a children's 'health care' business in Jonesboro some years ago, lot of Medicaid customers.  Grew pretty big, had facilities around the NEA region.  Seems they may have been more interested in money than the children, with the usual deleterious consequences for the children.  One in particular. 

Not that there weren't warning signs and law enforcement had been involved in previous cases of neglect but it took a five year old child dying a horrible death to stop it.  Not that the operators paid, beyond losing their lucrative business.  Two or three employees were prosecuted but the ones running the operation skated. 

There's a hospital in Jonesboro that could use some looking into.  Probably not the one you're thinking of.  Bad things happening there. 

The local telly don't have much, this one was up yesterday.  They do like to run articles about Arkansas being the worst at one thing or another.  Usually something from the Dissociated Press, but this one like home-grown.  Seems they found a state legislator who was concerned for the children who will be protected from pedophilic grooming by Arkansas laws and protected from assaults in school restrooms. 

Well, if she feels like a caucus of one it's because she is.  And in Arkansas the one percent don't get to force the other 99% to bow to their confused perception of the way things should be. 

This just in.  Glad I didn't go to lunch and miss it.  Gotta do the crime.  Don't bother to analyze it, you might not where that leads.  Okey-dokey, it should be safe to take a break.  Girlfriend called and said let's do Mexican, and here I'd been thinking about pizza all morning.  Hasta la vista muchachos.