Saturday 17 February 2024 11:20:43 1708190443
Jonestown newspaper got the same pics of people playing basketball.  Looks like the same ones that have been the 'Featured News" for weeks now but people playing basketball all look pretty much the same.  Still nothing in the 'National news' except a couple of stories from 2019 and nothing in 'World news'.  Local has something about Red Cross urging donors, not for me thank you.  As a Pureblood I'm part of an organization that has access to untainted blood.  Besides the Red Cross among other things is a major contributor to the invasion and is complicit in flooding country with millions of aliens from - besides Mexico and other south-of-the-border regions - China, Iran, Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, Vietnam and... you get the idea.  Actually it's been a pretty worthless outfit for a long time, usually barely managing to show up at disasters in time for a photo op. 

The opinion section had a reasonably accurate piece on Mr. Trump, dunno if it was accidental or they just pick these things at random.  Given the likely literacy level probably the dartboard method. 

Local telly about the same, bit of local crime, still got the Super Bowl celebration killing thing up, this story from Sikeston.  Never was crazy about Lamberts but most folks seem to be, stopped there a few times back in the day when traveling with other folks, otherwise skipped it.  Sikeston seems pretty near the edge of Region 8. 

They got the election article pinned, people in the area municipalities might want to see how much their muni or county is wanting them to vote to gouge themselves for.  Here ya go:

Bay wants you to add another 1% to the 1% you're already paying.  Lake City wants 1%.  Says it's for water and sewer.  Paragould wants another .75% for public safety.  Corning school district wants a bigger piece of the property tax pie.  Jackson County does too.  Same in Poinsett County.  For the children donchaknow.  Cross County wants us to continue paying the hospital tax for another four years.  Dunno if anyone will have the nerve to put up signs against that.  It worked because the Wynne school district had just gotten a humongous insurance payout on account of the tornado and was like a bunch of kids in the proverbial candy store.  And had the nerve to ask for more.  I suspect it will pass.  And I'll avoid spending money in Wynne.  Jonesboro may be as crooked as any of the small towns but they don't tax you as much. 

I suppose we should be thankful that local governments don't have the power to tax without the consent of the taxed and leave it at that.  Bad enough that the feds and states can do it.  But as long as the sheeple can be told that it's for the children [1] or you'll lose your hospital, what are they gonna do? 

Beats me.  But as long as people don't accept that increasing taxes is not only not a solution but aggravates the problem and not only never do it again but decrease taxes the day of reckoning draws ever nearer.  Having these in the primaries instead of the general election makes it easier to get away with because fewer people vote in the primaries.  They used to have special elections in the middle of the summer but the state finally made them stop that.  What does it say about people who want the smallest possible number of voters?  Wake up people.  Any new tax is bad and any tax increase is bad.  The opportunity to end a tax as here in Cross County is a good thing.  Just do it. 

[1] Average annual education expenditure in Arkansas is somewhere north of $12,000 per student and the state is near the bottom in assessed quality of schools.  Over 90% of home-schooled children are well above average in quality of education compared to the government schools and cost the taxpayers nothing.