Sunday 21 April 2024 22:13:14 1713755594

OK, had a couple more shootings, one each in Paragould and Jonestown. Jonestown one was on Race Street again, no surprise as that area is getting close to the older bad spots. The one in Paragould was reportedly part of a brawl.

Now that the shootings are out of the way lessee what we have. Might as well take this one first. The national debt is at thirty-four trillion and should be at thirty five in, lessee, a trillion every hundred days and we're just over halfway through the current trillion, look at somewhere around the end of May to hit thirty-five. Now the evolution of mitochondrial genomes in parasitic lice may be important to some people (the ones they live on?) but somehow I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I do have trouble sleeping sometimes when I wonder if I'm adequately prepared for the end. Do these people really believe that this is not going to end badly? [1]

The Wynne schools are sharing their plans for all that money they got from the tornado. Too bad the voters didn't give them the extra they wanted. It looks pretty... uh... weird if you ask me. But nobody asked me, just asked for my money. I was doing a building project a while back and needed plumbers and electricians and other building stuff, some of the contractors I used were busy at the school working on the temporary accommodations. They were getting a lot of work and making money but didn't think the ones paying them had good sense but hey, it's not like it's other people's money. It's their money, what part of that do you peasants not understand?

Somebody messed up the Jonesboro high school a bit. Read the article and draw your own conclusions.

A former Arkansas governor and senator died. I suppose as governors Pryor and Bumpers weren't that bad, seeing as afterwards we got Slick Willie. The best thing he did was ensure we wouldn't have another dim governor for a while. Back then the objective of being governor was become a senator, maybe even a president. Reagan did it and held back the darkness for a while. Jimmy 'wear a sweater' Carter and Bubba both made it to the presidency (with deleterious effect on the nation) that way. It's generally still considered to be a good strategy and most presidential contests have a governor or two trying for it. Governor DeSantis would be a good president, I just hope the Republic survives long enough for him to get a shot. It ain't looking good.

Anyway Bumpers and Pryor both went to the Senate, as I remember they each did three or four terms. Those were different times and dims weren't the rabid commies they are today so I don't remember any serious badness from them. After his retirement Bumpers did defend Slick Willie at his impeachment trial, something a decent man wouldn't have done but the party comes first with dims that was the case even back then. Pryor had a son who got hisself elected to the Senate for two terms. By the second he had been exposed as such a doofus and got his tutu kicked but good by Tom Cotton. Arkansas is in pretty good shape with the entire congressional delegation and governor conservative Republican but there are a handful or RINOs that need to go.

What else we got? Probably should dispense with the recent cop-killing in Memphis. It's being alleged by some that the officer who was killed was hit by friendly fire. That's from the crime-loving DA so who knows. If there's a way to get the perps off they'll find it. Whether or not that is the case that young lawman is dead because of two miscreants that should not have been running at large. Then you have this.


[1] The National Science Foundation is the source of the 1.1 million grant. Who was it said, a million here, a million there, pretty soon you're talking real money? OK, he said billion but you get the idea. You do, don't you?