Tuesday 28 January 2025 11:39:55 PM CDT

I'll just say that that is my favorite anagram of all time and that isn't likely to change unless someone comes up with one that changes "Donald Trump" to "Savior or the Republic" or something like that. With that out of the way let me say that I am insanely jealous of Melania Trump. It's not enough that she is one of the most beautiful women on earth and as sweet and charming as she is beautiful and married to the most remarkable president in the history of the Republic but no, she has to turn it up to eleven wearing aviators and a military-green coat.

The most beautiful first lady ever? Easy one even though there were a couple of real lookers like Ellen Arthur and Lucretia Garfield (if my mother had named me Lucretia I would never forgive her and would change it at the first opportunity - maybe somehow it works in Latin) can only be seen through primitive photography and weird styles of the day. The only one that comes close is Jackie Kennedy and it's only close to close. Even the style writers who hate her because they hate her husband put her no lower than second. Like you can't guess who they put at number one. It will be interesting to see soon they jump on the bandwagon. Donald Trump may be on his way to becoming the biggest cultural icon of the century and we're not yet quarter of they way through.

The enemy remains incoherent... what that assumes they were ever coherent. Impeaching President Trump again (at least they waited until he assumed office this time) is not something I see going anywhere but there will probably be that background noise for a long time. Since I am not mentally ill I can't grok their mental process - perhaps in the face of all the evidence they believe there is a chance that somehow President Trump will be removed from office and put in prison and his reforms stopped. Short of a successful overthrow of the government by force it seems unlikely and the only force these people are comfortable is that used by people paid by them.

The two big subjects on the table seem to be the deportations and cabinet confirmations. The RINO senators did their usual bloviating but I had hopes that they would wise up - they didn't. While Kristi Noem made it easily and had a few dim votes Pete Hegseth is so feared that they voted against him knowing they would fail. Things should get interesting soon.

Still, while my apprehension had subsided a bit over JFKjr and Tulsi Gabbard both will be going into positions where the danger isn't just the death a golden goose (well, Big Pharma has a lot to lose there) but a wholesale spilling of dirty secrets. I'm sure we can count on the usual suspects - whether or not they can turn another Republican is hard to say - Lindsay Graham is clearly compromised six ways from Sunday and the intel sector is likely where some of the bodies are buried.

Deportations are going well, not that any significant progress in numbers can be made in four years. Still getting a few tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of the most destructive ones out will help. The big test on illegals will come when the question of clarifying the fourteenth amendment. Some believe that a 5-4 decision in favor of eliminating something which does not exist and some don't. I would certainly feel better if one of the three enemy tools departed to give better odds. Obviously I believe that the great Justice Clarence Thomas will retire during this term and be replaced by a well-vetted candidate. Finding one as good as Justice Thomas will be difficult but the important thing is finding one that won't be corrupted as previous appointments. How a person can go through what as inflicted on Brett Kavanaugh and not be a mortal enemy of the left forever I will never understand.

Whatever the situation in the courts we're off to a good start. We've had some rioting by those objecting to having the free stuff end. If these rise to the level of the Summer of Love riots there need to be some fatal consequences. There won't be a DOJ to go after law enforcement who defend themselves.

The background of the top image is a NYT newspaper from the Plandemic celebrating the allegedly 100,000 Covid victims. Since few died from Covid it was all just part of the propaganda. The bottom is a black-and-white scan of the cover of the paperback copy of The Shockwave Rider from my friend's library.

If there is such a phenomenon as absolute evil, it consists in treating another human being as a thing. John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

New York Times Monkeys Write