Thursday 5 December 2024 11:34:13 PM CDT

I forgot what I was going to talk about because the whole Biden pardon thing came up. I wasn't expecting it - not that I didn't know it would happen but thought that it would be later, just before he leaves office. That's the usual way but there is no accounting for anything Joetard does. I've adopted the habit of never using the actual names of people who are so... hang on while I google synonyms for despicable - contemptible loathsome hateful detestable reprehensible abhorrent abominable awful heinous odious execrable repellent repugnant repulsive revolting disgusting horrible horrid obnoxious nauseating offensive distasteful vile base low mean abject shameful degrading ignominious miserable wretched scurvy villainous ignoble unsavory dirty filthy rotten lowdown no-good caitiff...

Wait, what? Caitiff?

Alright, that's archaic. Don't look at me, I probably ran across it somewhere sometime in the dim and distant past and just forgot. It's not like you see it every day.

OK, when a person is contemptible loathsome hateful detestable reprehensible abhorrent abominable awful heinous odious execrable repellent repugnant repulsive revolting disgusting horrible horrid obnoxious nauseating offensive distasteful vile base low mean abject shameful degrading ignominious miserable wretched scurvy villainous ignoble unsavory dirty filthy rotten lowdown no-good caitiff I don't use the official name. OK? To address or refer to a person by their given name is to presume some degree of respect for that person, even it it is for their status as a human being. For some people I have not even that much respect.

So Joetard doesn't get referred to by name any more than Slick Willie or Ovomit. Now where was I?

So, I'm gonna start talking like a millennial. The only problem I'm having is knowing when to put a pause after the 'so'. I know there's supposed to be a pause sometimes but I can't get it figured out. Wait, I am a freaking millennial and don't even know how to talk like one. And here I haven't been saying 'like' every three words or so, like I mean it's like I somehow like didn't get like what being a millennial is about. I guess I'll just talk normal. What does Gen Z talk like?

At any rate Joetato as my friend Alex calls him pardoned his surviving male offspring for anything and everything he may or may not done for the past eleven years or thereabouts. As I said I expected it come later, maybe in January and apparently did most people. Well, we all knew it was going to happen so what difference does it make? Alex is older than I am and that may or not be why he took a slightly different view:

Hunter Biden is a piece of human garbage like the rest of his family so I'm not cutting him any slack but for as long as he has been an adult he has made choices and they have always been the wrong ones. But if he wasn't inclined to be what he is his father would have made him that way. Being used as a prop when he was sworn in as a Senator after the car wreck that he lied about and all that shit... the kid was brought up like a crime lord's kid. Still he made the choice to get out or stay in. His father and stepmother are an order of magnitude or two worse but he gets no sympathy from me. He is a career criminal and a sociopath and I wish I could believe that when he continues his life of crime after 2024 that he would be put away forever. But Republicans are too nice and worse afraid of being criticized so he'll skate.

Tell us how you really feel. I'm aware of Joetard's sordid history and it's hard to imagine a more apalling human being. He has Slick Willie beat on corruption and while Ovomit easily tops him in hating his country he was more corrosive with his pushing the various pervert agendas and allowing the weaponizing of the DOJ. For the Jan 6 hostages alone he should burn hotter than Ted Kennedy and Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the persecution of the abortion mill protesters is even worse. And then we have the daylight assassinations of citizens - there was some of that before but this regime kicked it up a notch.

It will be interesting to see what the cretin does with his second chance. Alex is probably right and he'll be into mischief before long. What else does he know how to do? And having gotten away with it all his life why not? Maybe his careless living will finally do him in. I hope so.

If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual. Frank Herbert
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. H. L. Mencken



