Saturday 30 November 2024 10:21:53 PM CDT
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
I don't have all of Orwell's books digitized just yet so a scan to see whether or not he ever wrote it anywhere will have to wait. Some of the
best bits of wisdom get misattributed. If you're massively famous for saying profound and/or witty things like Churchill or Jefferson or Orwell
you get credit for lots of things you didn't say.
Often the fact that a statement is misattributed is used by those who don't like it as if it were proof that it is not true or if true not important
because the origin can not be established. These days it's easier to know if someone did say or write something even if proving that they
didn't remains problematical. I suppose that those people would argue that this is not a time of universal deceit so what does it matter?
Certainly as long as a few voices remain to speak the truth deceit is not universal else those voices would not be speaking truth but the word
universal has other uses that indicate a market share of less than 100%. Let's say omnipresent or ubiquitous. If you don't believe that truth-uttering
is a revolutionary act there are people in prison or who have been impoverished by lawfare for uttering incontrovertible facts. Not to mention the ones
who got killed.
This little bimbo is certainly getting the credit she deserves:
"Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that is getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done," she said. "That is not to say that the truth
doesn't exist or to say that the truth isn't important. Clearly the search for the truth has led us to do great things... [but] one reason we have such glorious chronicles to
the human experience and all forms of culture is because we acknowledge there are many different truths." (Katherine Maher - CEO of National Public Radio)
Hearing it is worse than reading it - she sounds like dozens or hundreds of other bimbos which.... I was about to use bad language there. Bimbos come in both sexes and
all races colors ages and sizes but only in two sexes because that's all the sexes there are. As a thirty-something woman I am especially pissed that most of them are
women but worse they have that fingernails-on-a-blackboard effect that my older friend Alex calls Valley Girl accent. Not just the frivolous
vapidity - though the frivolity and vapidity are there - but the cadence and weird accenting makes them sound like teenaged girls. Katherine Maher is reportedly forty years
old give or take (OK, she said this a couple of years ago) but the recording sounds like a teenager or VERY young adult reading advertising copy.
Now I would be surprised if she thought that up all by herself. First these people to very little original thinking - their failed presidential campaign resembled junior
high kids campaigning for student council. Whether she believes that multiple truths can exist or just doesn't know the definition of truth hardly matters - allowing
these people to have power is extremely dangerous. We dodged a big bullet a couple of weeks ago and at best it is only a reprieve of four years. Four years of less bad
stuff happening but not much progress in reversal unless President Trump is able and willing to be rather ruthless and some more people see the light and join him.
I am cautiously optimistic mainly due to the miraculous nature of Trump's victory and the coalescence of elements that even a year or two ago would have been almost
inconceivable. The least anticipatable one was RFJjr joining forces with Trump and Elon Musk was not something one would have expected. First of course he has to
actually assume office and I wouldn't rule out someone making one more try. Not very smart as Varek observed:
I suspect that some in the enemy camp are not smart enough to see that successfully eliminating Trump now could make matters worse. If Trump were to be removed Vance
would become president. Young, charismatic (although Trump seems to have charmed a lot of people lately) and less controversial and not being a lame duck.
Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality. Frank Herbert
Any society which gives lip-service to the idea of equal opportunity is going to generate jealousy of others who are better off than you
are, even if the thing that's in short supply can't be carved up or shared without destroying it. John Brunner