Tuesday 31 December 2024 11:38:12 PM CDT

Of course the old witch did eventually pay in full. Whether she was strangled or not we don't know. Paul actually ordered his those he was temporarily - he didn't know it at the time - leaving the behind not to execute her. While we don't know how the old hag got here we don't know about Edric either. He was a huge thing floating in a tank of spice gas. He was huge in the movie anyway. I suppose they could just evacuate the gas maybe? But that still leaves the Reverend Mother. Strangle or something else? Strangulation seems to have been used at times as Baron Harkonnen threatens to have Piter done in thusly. Reading about it I find a mildly disturbing reference in Wikipedia but no on seems to know how she got it. Google's AI assistant isn't much use and in this case the result is mildly amusing. I asked was reverend mother mohiam strangled?

Got it. He executed her by putting her to death. Isn't that way it's usually done? As for why in 20,000 years a cleaner mode of dispensing with unwanted persons isn't used the culture is described as being a 'feudal trade culture' and the social organization resembling the Middle Ages one would suppose that executions would be intended to have a certain shock effect. The Baron's slavemaster presumably got the slow fire and Paul was cautioned that Shaddam would do the same to him if he got the opportunity. OK, this is getting morbid.

What I was getting round to was punishment for minions of the outgoing regime who don't have the Universal One Size Fits All Forever Pardon there are many who believe they should be brought before a tribunal and receive appropriate punishment. That is hardly possible - how do you punish the death squads or those who brutalized well over a thousand citizens in the gulags and that's not even going into conducting proxy wars that have taken the lives of millions?

In any case besides many of the worst going free no matter what locating and apprehending the lower-level offenders would take time and trying them even longer, probably more than four years and if VP Vance succeeds President Trump there will likely be even less appetite for the destruction of the evildoers.

So they will probably escape justice entirely. The older (and most evil) ones will almost certainly be at room temperature by then and if those who don't escape have to spend the rest of their lives - or at least the next eight to twelve years - looking over their shoulders and wondering if a SWAT team will burst in at any moment that's a good thing. I believe the administration has too much work to do repairing the damage to focus on justice no matter how egregious the offenses - recovery and rebuilding are the most important things. The Justice Department should pursue them as warranted but while making examples of them would be nice it shouldn't be an obsession that gets in the way of the most important business.

Some have suggested some sort of truth-finding as has been done in other countries where horrible terrible awful things were done by a evil demonic regime - such those in Canada and South Africa should be done. How much good would it do? In the climate of four years ago I would say not much but the state-run media has even less influence than ever and there are too many conduits of truth for it to be covered up. It certainly can do no harm and if another Plandemic or something similar is attempted there would be even more resistance than before.

Someone I don't know suggested that the administration ignoring extra-legal remedies might not be a bad idea. I suppose there might be some cases where that might happen. Over a thousand J6 political prisoners are about to be released - President Trump should give them all proactive pardons for what any of them might do to their former tormentors. I realize that's even more of a stretch than the OSFAFP but at least if some of them seek vengeance the administration should look the other way.

If nothing else those who will be living a while will like Mother Mohiam have to live knowing that their schemes have been thwarted and there is nothing they can do about it. Some of the shills with multi-million dollar salaries will probably lose their gigs and none will be available for the tools of the outgoing regime and that is some comfort. I resent it as I resent people like Epstein living like kings while exploiting innocents or no-talent celebutards becoming billionaires by serving the regime but I've got better things to do than worry about that. It was amusing to see what must have been a billion or more creating the Taylor Swift product only to have it fail.

The Taylor Swift Operation gained nothing for the Democrats. Her audience is teenaged girls (some are only mentally teenagers) and parents who would buy them tickets and merch were already in the tank. The Oprah is the same - women without jobs and nothing better to do with their lives than watch daytime TV are adults with teenager minds. Probably the best they could have done was get some non-voters off the couch. ~ MegaHurtz@MyndCryme
Indeed. In any case watching the antics of the discomfited enemy should be amusing when I can find time to watch. Just knowing it is enjoyable. A friend describes lefties as being like whoever it is in Riders on the Storm - their little brains squirming like toads.

I may talk about Jimmy Carter some next time. I have some older friends who live through his reign of error and we've chatted about it a bit and if I have something interesting to myself to say I'll do so. Cheers.

Paul glared at the old woman. For your part in all this | could gladly have you strangled," he said. "You couldn't prevent it!" he snapped as she stiffened in rage. "But I think it better punishment that you live out your years never able to : touch me or bend me to a single thing your scheming desires. Dune Frank Herbert

Aloverview No, Fremen Naib Stilgar executed Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam by putting her to death, despite Paul's previous orders to spare her life. This happened after the conspiracy failed and Scytale was killed. In Dune, Reverend Mothers are Bene Gesserit Sisters who survive a ritualized poisoning called the spice agony. This gives them access to Other Memory, which increases their awareness and abilities. The Bene Gesserit also have the power of Voice, which allows them to control others by changing their vocal tones. # Generative Al is experimental. 3 Export + save og

6 minutes ago You know there is a motive behind this, look at the list. You will probably see names of people working in the administration. They put tobs of names to cover up the several people they want to protect. This way people just think it's criminals getting second Chance. Also. It gets over played by media makes, so when real cover up pardon come. They don't get the big headiines. Always a media and dumberat tactic. Reply dy GP Share 3 minutes ago The pardoned scum will leave death row and presumably go into general population. Sometimes justice has a way of getting done to those types. if they get their just deserts that way and no one saw anything... works for me.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act;alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. Robert A. Heinlein