Saturday 18 January 2025 12:14:44 PM CDT
California Burning would be a good title for a film. Maybe there will be one. Ironically the first book I found with that
title is about PG&E.
Arthur Hailey's Overload
is about the California electrical industry circa 1979 and so was pretty far removed from the situation today as destruction of California
went into overdrive a couple of decades later. It does have
wacko environmentalists
committing terrorist acts against the company because... uh they're wacko environmentalists who hate America and probably civilization in general.
Not to arbitrarily prioritize the bullet points I'll just start with the most prominent one - the brutal exposure of the
primary cause.
This really has the left in a panic and they're spewing frantic rebuttals
like this.
That piece may or not be the lamest ones but the fact is there is no refutation - only denial.
Had not Twitter been turned from a state-controlled tool into a free and open forum not as much would be exposed but even the legacy media isn't doing much covering for them.
This piece
probably put another nail in the coffin of Newsom's presidential aspirations.
Newsom has always been a lightweight. He was demolished by Sean Hannity (I like Sean but he's nowhere near the most formidable pundit out there)
and his wife had to call in and stop it. As for running for president - if he survives the primaries - Vance will eviscerate
him in short order. He might even drop out of the primaries before Cackles. ~ EriktheRad@MyndCryme
And Hannity's a nice guy that tries to give everybody a chance even if he disagrees with them. Sometimes though I suspect he's just giving them rope. Newsome is little better than
idiot though and that clip shows it. He does all right in the bubble of managers and sycophants but out of his element he's pathetic. If one is inclined to look for omens
this happening just after President Trump's seemingly providential triumph and possibly the beginning of some tough love occasioned by the need for government taxing-and-spending
reform states like New York and California may not like what is coming.
Newsome and the whole bunch - mayor, fire department - have never been held accountable for anything, protected by Democrat admins and Republicans
afraid to challenge them - something that is likely to change with Trump - and are completely unprepared when they are challenged and in this case
by their own constituents. Newsom's handlers shouldn't have let him out there without his human shields and he was exposed as the weakling he is,
like Obama without a teleprompter. ~ Alex@MyndCryme
With the Trump administration California and New York aren't going get away with as much and if the reform attempts (DOGE) make any progress at all they're going to get hit between the
eyes with a piece of 2x4 reality. A few years of deportations and cutting the flow of illegals and migration out of those states they may lose a few more congressional seats in
the next census. California especially had better implement fire solutions. ~ ErictheRad@MyndCryme
The mayor of Los Angeles was in Africa and returned just in time to show - for anyone who didn't already know -
what a witless fool she is.
I've know for a long time. She was reading a prepared statement (like she could compose one) and I don't know but suspect that "the url" was put in there as
a marker to place the url (unknown to the writer) and it wasn't there so she said "at url" because that's all there was. Like Obama and the
corpseman incident
- both are genuinely stupid people but he is a little better at acting.
What was she doing in Africa? It's what people like her do - they're placeholders put there by the local political machine and not expected to actually do anything
other than what they are told to do by their masters. Make speeches, sign papers, and spend taxpayer money enjoying the good life while it lasts. Somehow I suspect
she won't last much longer - witless fools are a dime a dozen. Especially in California.
In other news another piece of the election lawfare came to an end, again with a whimper:
"Sir, I wish you godspeed as you assume your second term in office."
Juan Manuel Merchan
Justice of the New York Supreme Court
Presiding judge in The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump
He put the best face he could on it. I have no idea what went on inside his head all this time but his actions declare him what an older friend who affects what he
calls his 'hick accent' calls a low-life scumsucking dirtbag. I suspect he believed for too long that his attack on President Trump would succeed and until election
day believed that the
Once and Future President
would soon stand before him for sentencing. Well judge, life is full of disappointments of all sizes and there's a big one for you.
Education is no substitute for intelligence. That elusive quality is defined only in part by puzzle-solving ability. It is in the creation of new puzzles reflecting
what your senses report that you round out the definition. Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
Evidently, evildoing also has a threshold magnitude. Yes, a human being hesitates and bobs back and forth between
good and evil all his life. He slips, falls back, clambers up, repents, things begin to darken again. But just so
long as the threshold of evildoing is not crossed, the possibility of returning remains, and he himself is still
within reach of our hope. But when, through the density of evil actions, the result either of their own extreme danger
or of the absoluteness of his power, he suddenly crosses that threshold, he has left humanity behind, and without,
perhaps, the possibility of return.
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Books III-IV