Thursday 19 December 2024 23:30:29 PM CDT
I realize that President Trump will never fit into any known mold. Perhaps is is a combination of things we know?
The philosopher king has some of his attributes. President Trump put his life (literally), sacred honor and fortune
(had his enemies succeeded he would have lost a fortune probably bigger than any of the founding fathers) on the line
when he could have walked away and enjoyed his remaining years in peace and comfort. He might well have been
able to obtain a
few more hundred million in bribes
to go away.
That he did this affirms his desire for truth and wisdom to prevail but his political skills are lacking. My friend
Alex observes:
The regime tools accuse Trump of aspiring to be a dictator. Aside from the fact that none of them seem to have a mentality above
that of a seventh-grader (don't all the Cackles speeches sound like junior high student campaigning for student council?) they are
nearly completely divorced from reality. Trump - with political skills and the willingness to use them - could be a dictator.
He won the popular vote and factoring in fraud that was probably well over 50% while Harris' purported 48% was more like 46%. Of
Trump's support I would guess that at least 10% is of the hard-core types that were inches away from insurrecting for real if
another election fraud had succeeded. That's several million potential guerillas - think Viet Cong or Mujahideen in more
recent memory. If a charismatic leader appealed to such a large force of aggrieved (and frightened) people already well-armed
and experienced in using those arms he could easily bring the government to its knees and the sheep-like remainder
of the population would support a dictator just to stop the killing. Alex@MyndCryme
People who know Donald Trump well find him to be about as warm and fuzzy as anyone can be and as filthy rich and powerful people
go he is an anomaly. Few such men have ever existed - Sam Walton was before my time but he seems to have been such a one. Larry
Ellison (almost invisible in the news probably because he doesn't muck around in politics) seems to be as well.
The Great One, Mark Levin has described Mr. Trump as a
blue-collar billionaire and that seems a good description. He has an affinity for regular people and the ways of regular people.
Interestingly Elon Musk has some of those same attributes - listen to him talk and compare it to the affected intellectual pretensions
of Bill Gates. Elon talks and dresses blue-collar - very high IQ blue-collar but a real normal way of talking. Gates is probably one of
the best examples of
strutting and preening
regularly seen in the news. Of course it might be that he actually believes he is smart.
As for being a philosopher king President Trump is indeed not a politician or even much of a diplomat but he doesn't have to be if he
is able - as he seems to be developing the ability to to - to surround himself with people who do have and can use political skills.
In his case some of those people such as Elon have as much charisma as he does and all are very smart. He certainly does love his
country and its people (but not the invaders) and all he does is to protect and preserve it and restore it to its former glory.
A dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot.
Robert A. Heinlein
Face your fears or they will climb over your back.
Frank Herbert,