Thursday 12 December 2024 11:39:23 PM CDT
As I write this with the Clay and Buck show streaming
Daniel Penny
is speaking. He seems a very decent sort, harboring no wishes for
vengeance and averring that even anticipating the possibility of the consequences he would not have acted differently. If any person
is deserving of retribution it is the vile wretch that put him through over a year and a half of what must have been pure mental and
emotional hell. No less contemptible - ignoring the jurors who held out for covniction - are the family and associates of the deceased
guy who
called for violence against white people.
Fortunately the Burn-Loot-Murder is keep in their Molotov cocktail wicks dry
and money in the bank for the
Summer of Love 2.0
so the triumph of justice in the cesspool of New York won't result in riots. As for
Mr. Penny he seems as I say a good guy but I hope he has the prudence to move out of New York both for personal safety and to avoid
having to deal with the lawsuits. In Texas or Florida (or Arkansas?) he can ignore them, maybe write a book, possibly get a movie deal.
He will be within his rights in milking it for everything he can get. If he wants revenge as someone said living well is a good way.
There is no shortage of
comments on the subject of revenge. It's hard to pick a favorite
when choosing between the humorous and the thoughtfully philosophical and the in-between but the I believe that the Trump administration will be
as, he has said, not about revenge. Retribution may be another matter. I'll use Google's experimental AI since it seems to be decent for
non-potentially-controversial subjects.
That pretty well covers it. Someone or other has said that forgiving is a free choice but retribution is a duty. Probably any number of
someones has/have said it in some form or other. Probably one of the best - certainly one of the most memorable - statements to that effect is
the statement by
Robert H. Jackson
at the opening of the
Nuremberg Trials. Here it is in context:
In terms of documented atrocities the depredations of the Nazis in World War II were the worst to date. The millions upon millions slain by ancient empires and even
the not so ancient were recorded on paper or clay or other low-tech media. WWII happened in the age of mass printing and film - it was pretty hard to not see what
happened if admitting it is still difficult for some. Even so the slaughter of Mao and Stalin dwarfs the Holocaust in numbers and on one has ever been hauled before
a tribunal for that. The International Court of Justice is a joke and not even a lame one - like the rest of the UN it exists to persecute enemies of the the globalist
I don't believe for one second that President Trump will seek personal revenge upon even the most deserving of his enemies. If he were a politician and wanted
to he could skillfully use the Justice Department to make them regret it a big way - say a few multi-decade prison sentences with financial ruin. But if he was a politician
he could easily become the dictator his enemies accuse him of wanting to be - literally as in the literal meaning of literally (hey Jesse Kelley!) millions of supporters are also
the type to take up arms if he asked them to. In fact that even in the absence of such an appeal I feared that if the election was once again successfully stolen such an
insurrection might happen. Even if he didn't call for it such a rebellion could have happened organically and the government would most likely have been unable to contain
it and while the outcome would be difficult to predict it probably would have been very ugly for a long time.
Thus while President Trump is quite right in eschewing personal revenge he should allow his administration to pursue evildoers to the ends of the earth if necessary.
While a Nuremberg 2.0 is unlikely the perpetrators of the Plandemic should be punished. They certainly killed a few millions and ruined the lives of many more. Those
who staged the 'riots' on 6 January 2021 and imprisoned more than a thousand innocents in an
American Gulag
should pay, those who murdered citizens in photo-op raids
should pay. Those who staged kangaroo courts in an attempt to imprison President Trump and did imprison people for no other reason than that they were his associates
or friends should pay. And so many more - I found this over on MyndCryme:
Sadly the guilty will suffer little if any punishment even if they don't get issued one of the
Universal All-Purpose Forever Pardons.
It has been said that the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Mr. Burke seems to have been speaking of the failure to act to prevent evil but the failure to exact justice upon the evil makes it certain that they or their successors will
be back. As the meme says
they're doing it again because you didn't hang them last time. Indeed.
Revenge is for children and the emotionally retarded.
Frank Herbert
Chapterhouse: Dune
It's not enough to be able to lie with a straight face; anybody with
enough gall to raise on a busted flush can do that. The first way to
lie artistically is to tell the truth -- but not all of it. The second
way involves telling the truth, too, but is harder: Tell the exact
truth and maybe all of it... but tell it so unconvincingly that your
listener is sure you are lying.
Robert A. Heinlein (Time Enough for Love)
+ AI overview
Revenge is a response to wrongdoing that involves inflicting harm on the
offender, while retribution is a theory that the criminal deserves
punishment that fits the gravity of their crime: ¢
+ Purpose: Revenge is a signal to deter offenders, while retribution is intended to
restore societal balance after crime. @
* Motivation: Revenge is based on a desire to see the wrongdoer suffer, while
retribution seeks justice. #
+ Responsibility: Revenge is based on collective responsibility, while retribution is
based on individual responsibility.
+ Personal involvement: Retribution is not personal, while revenge is. 2
* Pleasure: Retribution does not involve pleasure at the suffering of others, while
revenge often does. @
* Standards: Retribution employs procedural standards, while revenge does not. ¢
Retribution is a central goal of the criminal justice system. It's found in most
world cultures and in many ancient texts, including the law of Moses and the
Code of Hammurabi. 2
Generative Al is experimental. 0 qa
"The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of
the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn
and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that
civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their
being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with
injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies
to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power has
ever paid to Reason."
Mack Bolan
12 hours ago
According to the official narrative Tim McVeigh blew up the OKC federal building
because he was angry about the murder of Randy Weaver's wife and son and the
Waco murders. Over a thousand now people have had their lives destroyed by the
government. Imagine, if you will, a guy getting out with his life gone, nothing to live
for but revenge. Not someone else's life but his, nothing to live for but revenge.
Imagine hundreds of guys like that.
For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a
weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice.
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