Tuesday, 10 February, 17:51:12 CST
To get a few things out of the way, Claire is probably older than me and doesn't seem that visible these days. The quote is from her
101 Things to do Until the Revolution
(1996) so nearly thirty years ago. A lot has happened since then but the most important developments have been in the past decade or so. In 1996 things
looked bleak indeed - we still had another four years of Slick Willie and when George Bush was installed he proved to be not much better - no
Wacos or Ruby Ridges
but he stayed on his leash and that set the stage for a return to Democrat rule. The Ovomit years were an order of magnitude or two more
corrosive than the Clinton regime and the country was ready for relief and it came in the form of Donald Trump.
The one problem Trump has is that he is not a politician - he is a businessman and from all appearances one of the most honest. How else do you avoid
being prosecuted for the standard shenanigans of New York business unless you don't do them. The buy was squeaky clean and a darling of the establishment
until he switched sides. Kind of like Elon Musk. Had he been a politician he would have done whatever was necessary to survive, had that been possible
Operation Plandemic
was launched. He was definitely going down even if it took some election manipulation to ensure it happened.
Like the Red Wave that didn't happen in 2022 the successful coup only strengthened him. Had the Republicans acquired a large majority in 2022 they would
have been blamed for failure in 2024 and likely lost it. They barely retained a majority in the House and got control of the Senate so some good may
be accomplished if discipline can be maintained - keeping control of both houses in the mid-terms is crucial but it is just possible that Trump may
pull it off. He is on a roll.
Anyway it looks like we may not have to start shooting the bastards any time soon - if Trump manages to prevent another coup JD may well be elected
handily and whether he gets eight years or four it's something. If a democrat regime doesn't start
killing citizens willy-nilly
herding them into gulags
for another eight years that's something.
As for Bastiat he lived in post-Revolutionary France - just barely - and France two centuries ago wasn't the U.S.A of today but human nature doesn't seem
to vary much. The most important difference between the U.S.A. of today is that few countries of this size have the massive underclass that exists here.
Only China and India are larger and are not Republics. In China the government controls everything and I'm not sure how to describe what goes on in India
but while it has (mostly) religious and some ethnic friction it is nothing like the U.S.A. Here we still have a nominal Republic but Republics are not
stable unless some force is exerted when needed. The massive underclass of - at a minimum - 20 million not only provides political support for corrupt
state governments but is a massive financial burden.
And that situation makes the government plunder easier. Bad as I expected it to be some of the revelations of DOGE activities have been a little
shocking, or at least surprising. What comes of this remains to be seen - the deep state is in a panic. I thought
Chucky Schemer
inciting violence against Supreme Court justices was a little out of control - his present condition seems to resemble abject panic. I hope he is justified in his fears.