Sunday, 12 January, 09:42:51 CST
I don't know of a word that describes what for now I could call moral tumors but according the Google's current AI assistant that term is already
used for something else. It may be that it just made up - like most AI bots it's pretty easy to trick. With the right input they will explain the
Big Bang and Darwinism are statistically impossible - until their creators find out what they did and fix them. What I'm looking for is something
like a super-termite - one of which can do massive damage in a few bites. Termites that can bore holes like shipworms and emit corrosive substances
to damage what is left. Tumor isn't a good term because a tumor stays in one place and grows and can invade damage organs and cells can detach and
spread to other parts of the body so cancer is a good analogy. I'll think of something, for now let's call them Cralities. That seems to be a
non-word and seems menacing. Sufficiently menacing?
Cralities are those organisms that live in the body of a society and look like people but aren't. They're not the rapists, robbers, murderers and
other wreakers of destruction in quantities large and small and in between. Those who kill one or more of their fellow beings for one reason or
another or kill large numbers of them one or two at a time or many at once. The ones who rob - with a gun in the face of the victim or by burglary
or embezzlement. The ones who commit sexual violence, including the most vile who victimize children. Those are evil people but they are - not
to excuse them or mitigate their guilt - broken people. Many of them broke themselves while others had some breaking done to them but still know
right and wrong.
Cralities look like people and live among them and only began to prey upon the real people at maturity. Many are politicians - from the small towns
to the federal government - who use every opportunity to damage the societal tissue in their immediate vicinity and as far beyond as they can spread it.
Many work in education and seek to damage the minds of children at the earliest possible age. Others are social activists and proselytize individuals
and intimidate politicians who aren't corrupt.
The result is
things like this
happening throughout society. Why this one? There have been many but this one has an interesting twist. Cralities adapt to resistance. Recently several
girls athletic teams have refused to compete against a team with a 'trans' player. I probably need a word for those as well - tranny is somewhat
unsophisticated and can be called a pejorative. I suppose it is but what is a technical term that works? Let's see.... I could use the accepted
transgender but that is what they want. Since this isn't only I'll call them Type A Cralities.
The twist here is that a team that apparently doesn't have a tranny is refusing to play against a team that does have one because it was allegedly
mistreated in some way by its normal teammates and coach. (A "Christian" college allowing trannies I would refer to as Christian in Name Only
but it seems the choice was to allow it or not participate. They should have chosen not participate). Whatever happed or didn't happen it has
all the earmarks of calculated revenge for the teams that have stood up and refused. In spite of the dubious Christianity of the school I believe
their account because I know for a fact that Cralities will lie as often as necessary to advance their agenda.
The thankfully soon-to-be-former president seems to have had one or more speechwriters who were obsessed with the term inflection point.
Probably he/she/it/they/them didn't know what it meant but thought it sounded impressive. I believe we are at or near an inflection point - approaching
it or having just passed or on it (a point is technically too small for anything to be on) but we do seem to be in the general area. I've had this
discussion many times over the past few years beginning with the Plandemic.
Someone said that it is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end. I don't know what he was referring to but makes me think of incremental
assaults that succeed because resistance came too late. That usually happens because the people who are being attacked don't want to be
mean and hope that the attacker will decide that what it is doing is not right and stop. And because most people are law-abiding and
peaceful and the physical violence that could nip it in the bud is repellent to them and they fear the consequences if they are
deemed the wrongdoer by the law.
As the Covid-Nazi regimes closed their grip on the hapless populations of many states citizens endured not only the unlawful
infringement of their rights and many were brutally arrested by authorities for violating 'mask mandates'.
What would have happened if, as an 80-something-year-old woman was dragged out of a bank by police for not wearing a mask, a few
bystanders set upon the cops - with empty hands if necessary - and made them reassess their idea of doing their duty. Sure they were
obeying lawful orders (the orders weren't lawful but it would take years to prevail in court) but Nazi soldiers were obeying orders
as they herded Jews into railroad cars. And make no mistake - morally a cop who assaults an elderly woman to enforce such a
law will herd citizens into internment camps. In such a case the defenders would have been arrested and prosecuted but
if it happened enough cops would reconsider either not carrying out the ridiculous orders or finding other employment.
The schoolgirl and college athletes finally beginning to refuse to play is helpful if a little late. Suppose if a
few years ago when a tranny was allowed into a girls' locker room and a dozen or so girls beat the little scumbag to a
quivering pulp and heaved him out and afterwards it seemed that no one saw anything. That could plausibly work and clip off
that but before it could grow. But normal young girls are not inclined to do violence under any circumstances. Too
bad - it spread like a cancer and not cutting it out and probably social chemotherapy will be required.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at
night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of
mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs,
paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to
lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at
hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the
cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real
situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Most of the population responded to the Plandemic like sheep. Cowering and carefully not transgressing against the rules and
many allowing the poison to be injected not once but many times to avoid losing their jobs. Such a population doesn't have
a surplus of impromptu vigilantes or partisans. So now the cancer must be cut out in many places and the toxic medications
that may cure it but it will be painful.
If we're at the point where things improve and in a big way fewer people will need protection from the government. With the instruments
of justice in responsible and just hands certainly the persecution from that quarter will cease and some of the wrongs done will be partially
mitigated by freeing the 6 Jauary prisoners and others. I hope the prayers at abortion mills and other victims will be pardoned and railroaded
cops like Derek Chauvin can be free. I don't expect many if any of the guilty to pay. Most of the worst have already received pardons and
little recourse will be available through civil actions. Even for those who can be prosecuted the administration has too much to do to allow
the distraction. Justice will come to all eventually in this life or the next.
For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a weakness, and for every injustice
there is somewhere a final justice. ~ Mack Bolan
I was once willing to give my life for what I believed this country represented. Today I would give my life to protect
my family from what this country has become.