Thursday, 2 January, 19:26:35 CST

Greetings sports fans. Now that I got that out of the way let me get something on paper since I promised myself I would start on the first day of the year and this blog and if I don't keep promises to myself how can anyone else trust me? Amirite? I feel strange using 'amirite' because looks like a people from the Old Testament but if you look they aren't in there. There are some Amorites and Amalekites and Ammonites and so on but no Amirites. It sounds like something military, something a DI would say but he would never ask if he was right but would tell you real quick how wrong you were. Still it reminds me a bit of Marines. I wasn't a Marine but The Great Santini is one of my favorite movies and I've probably seen it a dozen or more times. Movie channels and working at home and for myself if some movie comes on and I want to I'll stop and watch it. That's where the 'sports fans' thing comes from. Loved Robert Duvall in movies generally and his part - small as it was - in Apocalypse Now was epic. I liked F-4s a lot too having been around them a lot during my Air Force years. The Marines and Navy had them too (in fact the Navy had them first) and it was a helluva airplane for its time. BTW in the Air Force the dudes in basic that yelled at you were TIs (Training Instructors) but that was a long time ago and they may or may not still be called that. Lackland AFB drill pads were already not in April and a month later tech school at Keesler was hotter and wetter. Fun times though but probably some stuff is better left untold for now.

What do I want to talk about? Let's go ahead and talk about truth. Or I'll talk about truth and if you don't care for what I have to say about it that's not my problem.

The quotation about truth has been expressed in may ways, particularly truth-vs-nottruth. When Pilate asked Jesus "What is truth?" what was he doing. We know he was looking for a solution to a problem but that doesn't seem to be an essential element of his thinking so much as musing aloud or maybe seeking some response that would help him. We have no reason to believe that Pilate was a deep-thinking philosophical type (what bureaucrat is?) Being a governor of a Roman provincial governor he would have been well-connected and upper class and educated but so are most politicians these days. In the absence of evidence of what was going on between Pontious Pilate's ears it isn't important in that context but the question is regularly asked, mostly by those who don't like the truth.

Back during the early days of the Plandemic we heard "2 weeks to slow the spread" and "15 days to flatten the curve" and the two weeks became a reality of two years of brutalization of a population and destruction of the economy. Those were lies pure and simple - we now know that a) the people in control of the official narrative knew that there was no danger of large-scale death and b) the lockdown was to prepare the population for further restrictions on activity. I won't do the whole thing here but...

If you are vaccinated you won't get Covid became If you're vaccinated you might get Covid but you won't spread it and the if If you're vaccinated and boosted.... and If you're vaccinated and have all the boosters and so on. Lie after lie after lie after lie. And ever since lies about what and didn't happen and lies about the lies and lies about the truths.

What is the truth? The truth is what is. Lenny Bruce said that - whatever you or I or anyone else thinks of him he said it right. He said "If 'what is' is, you have to sleep eight, ten hours a day, that is the truth. A lie will be: People need no sleep at all. Truth is 'what is.' Now you may argue about how much sleep people need but the fact is people can't live without sleeping. That's an easy lie to prove but when the authorities tell you to wear a mask and stay six feet away from other people and you can't refute it in real time because it's something they just made up and you would have to research it and get evidence and have other authorities with the power to enforce their decisions shut down the authorities that are telling you to wear masks and stand six feet apart and not have more than four people in a house and get 'vaccinated' with something that has a high probability of killing you.

The lie was 'this is a deadly virus and if you get it it will almost certainly kill you' and the truth (known soon after the Plandemic began) was that it had about a .02 (about two out of a hundred) mortality rate and the only people who died from it were physically compromised - elderly and/or already weakened by other illness) and people who tried to get the truth out were aggressively suppressed to the point of imprisoning them.

Enough about the Planedmic lies - one of the effects was to make the installation of one Joseph R. Biden as president. How it was done - besides the Plandemic - is another story for another time. The Biden regime facilitated an assault on an already compromised societal character. With a regime that imprisoned and even killed dissenters in control and the influx of millions of marginal humans burdening a long-bankrupt nation we were not far from a collapse - one that was planned by those now in charge.

If no successful attempts are made to prevent it President Trump will assume the presidency - again - in nineteen days. Like many concerned patriots I have watched anxiously the events of the past year and relaxed only slightly after 5 November past. On 20 January - probably in the afternoon - I will be somewhat more relaxed.

The quote about 'the man who wanted to be left alone' I cannot find a source for. It is sometimes attributed to Alexandr Solzhenitsyn but I cannot find any evidence for it. I have not found it in what I have read of his work but that is a small piece. It resembles something I have read in dystopian literature or gun-related and survivalist magazines. It has the ring of truth, particularly in this country. A people pushed too far can get mean all of a sudden like as friend of mine puts it. Someone else said that a southerner will be polite to you right up to the minute they kill you. It's not just southerners though - any people pushed too far will turn on their oppressors if they have the means. Fortunately we do have the means but I hope that the recent changes - those hopefully coming anyway - will make it unnecessary to kill people.

Claire Wolfe described our situation thus: "America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." That was back in 1996. We were pretty close to the point where the shooting would have started and with a partisan (guerilla) army ten to twenty times the size of the U.S. Army and the ability to take down the infrastructure servicing the urban population centers it would be ugly if that ever happened.

I don't have a clever sign-off so for now... cheers.

The truth is still the truth even if no one belives it. A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it. David Stevens

The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream and beg for mercy - but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just wanted to be left alone.