Saturday, 25 January, 09:42:13 CST

Like many people I was only relieved after the ceremonies were over and the speech was finished. Having it indoors made sense from a perspective even if the weather hadn't made it necessary. Perhaps it was that thing again. I hope so since it would seem to augur well for the next four years. President Trump reminds me of the comment from Captain Willard in Apocalypse Now:

Well, he wasn't a bad officer, I guess. He loved his boys, and he felt safe with 'em. He was just one of those guys with that weird light around him. He just knew he wasn't gonna get so much as a scratch here.
I began to see a bit of that halo around Donald Trump when the first assassination attempt failed by an inch or so. The ineptitude of the Democrat machine - by that time little more than a gaggle of seventh-graders and not the elite class - and enough eyes opened by the abysmal conditions of the economy and society in general made it impossible for them to keep the election with in the fraud range. It really was too big to rig.

The dinosaur media is twitching feebly at the moment. Attempts to stop cabinet appointmnts from being approved - dirty tricks included - are going nowhere. I won't be surprised if RFJjr and Tulsi Gabbard are approved and a couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have said that about RFJjr in particular.

The idea that President Trump is willing to bear no malice towards his attackers would be a foolish one. He won't overtly target them - the DOJ can investigate crimes and there are plenty of them - and he in any case will be focused on saving the Republic. You could see tough as he pretended to find Biden's letter while he was signing executive orders in the oval office. He probably new Peter Doocy would ask and when he did this humorous exchange occurred:

Peter Doocy: Mr. President, did President Biden leave you a letter?

President Trump: He may have, don't they leave it in the desk? I don't know.

(opens drawer)

(takes something out)

President Trump: Ohhhh. What's in there? Thank you Peter, it could have been years before we got to this. Wow. Thank you.
Whether Biden left a letter (I seriously doubt he wrote one or knew it was there) and who knows some of his handlers didn't put in a letter reviling and cursing him. The Secret Service would have inspected the area before and so a letter bomb was not feasible. But President Trump's mocking treatment was clearly something he enjoyed doing - rubbing it in. Offhanded humorously delivered contempt is the best kind. I suspect his opinion of Biden is being something stinky he scraped off the bottom of a shoe and then discarded the shoe because it was so bad but he isn't obsessed by him or any of his family or the regime. To the degree that any are unprotected (and that may be subject to court interpretation) by the universal pardons some may be prosecuted and punished. The network of lawfare conspirators in New York and Atlanta don't seem to have them and some of their minions may go down but that isn't a priority.

The J6 folks are all off the hook and the enemy is predictably outraged. As much un-outraged as they were about Biden pardoning/ commuting the sentences of bloody-handed killers, child murderers in some cases. Or pardoning his entire corrupt family. Personally I wish they would be given reparations of a million a day for every day they were incarcerated but getting that through could be difficult. Perhaps some machinations with the budget could to it. That would really set them off.

Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and the SoftBank CEO joined the president to announce the investment of half a trillion dollars in a project. Half a trillion is a lot of money and three outfits being able to put that many eggs in one basket is impressive. Larry is one of the smartest guys in the billionaire club presumably Mr. Son and Sam are pretty smart as well. With Musk and Bezos in the mix (it should be interesting to see if Jeff decides to open up the post as Musk did Twitter) probably the biggest chunk of change in the world is behind him or more specifically his vision.

One of the numerous seemingly throwaway lines was putting the US flag on Mars. Doing that in four years will be a stretch (a round trip with the available technology would take almost two years) but if the Trump administration is successful in enough places and JD succeeds him it might be done. That's assuming no technological breakthroughs to shorten the trip. Eight years for a President Vance it seems quite feasible.

Don't open a box you didn't close. Pandora

Creative people see Prometheus in a mirror, never Pandora. David Brin.