Wednesday, 5 February, 11:21:43 CST

The invaders have been here for a while and only the seemingly fortuitous election of President Trump. It wasn't fortuitous a lot of hard work went into it but perhaps the red-pilling of Elon Musk and the self-destruction of the puppet known as Biden - without Elon taking the regime echo chamber of Twitter and turning it into the center of the universe of socio-political discourse it might not have happened even if Biden had collapsed, twitched a couple of times and assumed room temperature before the election - one puppet is as good as another.

The flow of invaders has slowed to a trickle if not completely stopped - a few will continue to leak through. President Trump has been even ballsier than I expected - opening up Gitmo to house illegals who can't be shipped home right away. I should think that if given the opportunity to leave Gitmo and return most probably would so it could be a convenient exit point. The usual suspects are peacefully protesting the removal of the vermin - we had a few here in Jonesboro. Reportedly two hundred by one account of dozens in another. There were a lot of children in the photos and that is the usual tactic. For the children. Reading the comments I suspect that these people are ill-informed at best.

The real test will be of removing so-called birthright citizenship. There is no such thing but in practice descendants of aliens for generations not have become default citizens. If the Supreme Court should rule correctly - we may get another justice by then - removing wrongfully bestowed citizenship will be difficult. The best we can hope for is to stop it.

A friend who dabbles in rather dystopian speculation addresses the problem thusly:

If I could be an all-powerful dictator for a year I would fix a lot of things but on the matter of citizenship I would have two classes of legal inhabitants - we would have citizens and permanent residents. Citizenship would not be hereditary - only the right to earn citizenship through a process that would include military service or an equivalent for non-military-eligible. At the age of 18 a child of one or two citizens or permanent residents would be eligible to apply for and earn citizenship. Those who do not can remain permanent residents with the same rights and privileges of citizens except the right to vote and hold office.


I like it but you would have to be all-powerful to make it happen. Had the Founders foreseen the deterioration of humanity and the nature - and size - of the underclass they might have reconsidered. If they had seen it coming but who could have seen mass insanity?

I am encouraged by the rapid progress on so many fronts - the garbage removal and the docile behavior of enemies. The matter of tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China is underway and the Canadian and Mexican regimes are making conciliatory noises while threatening to retaliate. One of the Canadian provinces has threatened to prohibit importation of liquor from red states (sounds like bourbon) but Canada already has tariffs on many U.S. products and and might want to be careful - when it is settled they may have to stop those.

I doubt those candy-asses drink much American whiskey - probably they drink Canadian or worse Scotch. MAGAHurtz@MyndCryme
Scotch is disgusting. I keep a few bottles of Canadian around for some friends of the female persuasion who like it. The main thing that worries me is that at some point the oxen being gored and golden geese being slaughtered that there may be more assassination attempts. I am reassured by his miraculous survival and triumph as indicators that he will survive and succeed but there are some people out there that are seriously upset. I realize that they are without exception cowards who will never take any direct action but if someone can be paid they may take the chance.

The Blackhawk incident is apparently buried pretty deep. The identity of the the problematical crew member was withheld until a lot of cleanup had been done but the facts are out there - how much good it will do is anyone's guess. Harry Callahan might say that 67 dead people is a helluva price to pay for being stylish.

True, you're not a slave. You're worse off than that by a long, long way. You're a predatory beast shut up in a cage of which the bars aren't fixed, solid objects you can gnaw at or in despair batter against with your head until you get punch-drunk and stop worrying. No, those bars are the competing members of your own species, at least as cunning as you on average, forever shifting around so you can't pin them down, liable to get in your way without the least warning, disorienting your personal environment until you want to grab a gun or an axe and turn mucker. John Brunner, Stand on Zanzibar

When a nation forgets her skill in war, when her religion becomes a mockery, when the whole nation becomes a nation of money-grabbers, then the wild tribes, the barbarians drive in... Who will our invaders be? From whence will they come? Robert E. Howard