In the Belly of the Beast
Quiescent Benevolence
Title Page
Chapter   1
Chapter   2
Chapter   3
Chapter   4

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Human trafficking is a much-used term these days, but in various forms it is probably as old as humanity. For most of history chattel slavery was the primary type of trade in human beings. Today numerous permutations exist, such as the organized sexual exploitation of children or requiring illegal migrants to pay for their passage, often by transporting illegal drugs. In the modern age, certainly from the twentieth century other methods (enabled by technology) of exploitation have become possible. And being profitable they proliferate. The Medical Industry in particular has profited, as new opportunities have become available. The mental health (or behavioral health) 'services' market has been growing steadily for years, and with the decaying society creating new types of victims (real or imagined) that growth is likely to accelerate.

Creating customers for the mental/behavioral sector of the Medical Industry is just as evil as doing it for conventional medical services, perhaps more so as the psychological damage is often more difficult - sometimes impossible - to overcome.

Preying on the elderly has of course long been a practice, as people consigned to nursing homes with no family or friends to monitor them are a lucrative field, and while the predatory operators of these facilities are sometimes prosecuted for fraud or abuse of their charges most escape accountability because of their wealth and political connections.

Likewise those adjudged to be mentally ill are exploited by the Medical Industry, and a person wrongly supposed to be so may be helpless to avoid the hellish fate that is often worse than that of those with supposed physical ailments.

Because of the incompetence and corruption of the various players in the Medical Industry I was committed to a series of hospitals because they were unable to provide one legitimate physical need - a routine procedure that without the incompetence and greed of the predators and scavengers of the industry would have required two or three weeks at most. Each failed more miserably than the one before to perform the needed task without causing more damage. Almost six months later I was extricated by my family members only after threats of legal action and exposure of their malfeasance. Two years later I have recovered most of my health, but permanent damage remains. An in addition the two years they took, it is more likely than not that they have reduced my life expectancy considerably.

Worse, what little faith I had in the whole of humanity no longer exists. Whether it is likely to be restored in the time I have remaining on this mortal plane seems rather doubtful.

Quiescent Benevolence
Sat 25 Feb 2023 07:11:07 PM CST : 1677373867