In the Belly of the Beast
Quiescent Benevolence
Title Page
Chapter   1
Chapter   2
Chapter   3
Chapter   4

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Chapter 4

I was not surprised by the lack of a response from the hospitals to which I had communicated my concerns. Whether or not anyone in a position of authority ever read them I have no idea. They will receive a copy of this book when it is published, and that is the best I can do for now.

But I had learned (as if I didn't suspect) that I was not the only victim, and at least one had indeed died. What to you do when no one cares? Stop caring? The temptation is strong at times. I had recovered enough to have some kind of a life. I am comfortable financially and have the support of a large and loving family. Outside of my family and a few close friends I owe nothing to anyone on this earth. And I never believed anyone owed me anything, until now. And those who incurred that debt will anything to avoid paying.

Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. -- Romans 1:28

The phrase occurs in other places, to describe a hopelessly wicked people being finally given their last chance and being discarded.

Do I discard humanity? I made a final attempt to see if there were any people who cared. I contacted hundreds of news media organizations, mostly newspapers and television stations in the four states from which Hospital C harvests its victims. I contacted a number of national news magazines related to the Medical Industry. I got a handful or responses from small newspapers, none of which ever bothered to visit the website I had set up detailing the whole sordid story.

While researching the news outlets I looked at many newspaper and television websites. Most are owned by large companies and as with the Medical Industry and lawyers they all look the same. Most of them have a page with their staff, usually titled "Our Team", like the hospitals expensive professional photography. Editors, reporters, and other important people. Most of any size have one or more "investigative reporters". I wonder what they investigate? A hospital that maims and kills patients through incompetence and greed, while defrauding insurance companies and the taxpayers? I gave them a case, all they needed to do was investigate.

Maybe actually having to do some work instead of having material fed to them was not appealing. And there was the risk of offending an important person. Perhaps for the same reason a lawyer will not sue a hospital lest he one day find himself a patient there. And hospitals are run by important people in the community. More important than news people. I understand people not wanting to risk their job, many people these days are insecure and with good reason. We live in a dog-eat-dog world, and the quality of our society was revealed by the Plandemic, when only about thirty percent of the population had the courage to risk everything instead of submitting. Many turned on their neighbors and assisted the oppressors.

Perhaps it is time to let them go.

I wasn't in the belly of the beast. As a human being I am part of the beast. But why does the beast destroy parts of itself?