I figure for now this will just be a running commentary on the state of the universe as seen from my little corner of it. Since my little corner is in northeast Arkansas that's where I see it from.

Been away quite a bit from time to time, military service and a lot of business travel before I retired. Recently relocated to a quiet little undisclosed location, near enough the city it's not inconvenient to go there as often as I need but far enough away to not have to worry what goes on there. Except when I'm there obviously.

I suppose it's pretty much the same everywhere these days, what they call news. How people know what's going on in the world and where they live. One of the reasons I put this site up there isn't much of a way for people in small-town and rural areas to talk about things. Sure, you got Facebook, put up pictures of your kids and pets and new car and such but if you say stuff they don't like they remove it or put you in jail. During the Plandemic they made it clear you were not to say anything contrary to the official narrative. Twitter-now-X-formerly-known-as-Twitter did the same thing, luckily Elon Musk bought it and opened it up and then showed just how dirty our government is. Some of us already knew it but sadly a of people don't pay attention. So they get away with it.

And anything you put on Facebook and other social media sites stays there forever. If you think you delete something and it's gone think again. One of the main purposes of those sites is to collect data. Mainly for sale to advertisers but it's there if anyone else wants it and is willing to pay or if it's the government they'll just ask for it and get it. In every case the data is being harvested constantly and being stored for future use by someone. Some of those someones might - if they already haven't - deem you dangerous. You can be sure those 87,000 new IRS agents will have your social media activity added to your dossier. That new car you put on Faceook or Instagram, your latest trip to Cancun or Vail? They're in there. Your shopping history at Amazon? Yep.

So staying away from the mainstream is a good idea. That's where most of he data harvesting is done. Of course having an account for misdirection might be a good idea, put up pics of puppies and sunsets and flowers and say you don't care about politics or religion or quantum physics or anything else that might be controversial.

And now that I've done gone and raised my vast right-wing conspiracy nutjob flag I'll get on with the nuttery.

Sunday 12 January 2025 21:48:22 1736740102
It will soon be a year since my first entry so I might as well comment on something. Not many people reading it and that's good - most of them are F&F. Couple of friends have blogs here and they talk about stuff. Somebody found me and asked what platform this is, I said it's home-rolled. Real primitive but efficient so pages load fast and I'm not always having to update to a new release of Wordpress or whatever. And it's nearly unbreakable - 90% of traffic is bots and people fooling around to see if they can get in or break something - SQL injections and all kinds of mostly Wordpress login attempts and such.

Who is Chris? Well the great Jesse Kelly of the world-famous Jesse Kelly show is always talking to his producer - log of talk show perpetrators do that. About a dozen or so times an hour you'll hear him say "What, Chris?" and they respond to whatever question or remark Chris said. Whether there is actually a Chris there producing the world-famous Jesse Kelly show or if it's just a thingamajig he does for fun I don't know. So I got an imaginary producer named Chris who kibitzes occasionally about something or other and I explain to my imaginary producer and my audience what I mean by something or other. OK? He says he's Hobbes and I'm Calvin but I don't concur.

Why do I say okey-dokey a lot? Thought I explained that somewhere about the comic book character. Just something I say.

Why I call Jonesboro Jonestown? Some years back a colleague who shared my warped sense of humor (and cynical view of Homo sapiens) took a lot of business trips together and we both did that with names, not being mean or anything. So I called it the Jonestown Massacre for extra fun. Now that that awful thing was technically not a massacre and I shortened it to Jonestown. Had a gal in the office from Missouri and I kidded her a lot callin' it Misery. She a good kid and we had good times together. Won't tell you her real name but her personality type is Jennifer in my writing. Jessica is a more assertive version of Jennifer and Erika is full-throttle badass. A smokeshow and charmer but don't push it. OK?

Left Memphis is West Memphis. It is when you're looking at a map right side up anyway. The guys and gals at Rock 103 used to call it that back in the day. Miss them. Bad Dog anyway.

This is for my amusement so I'm likely to do about anything. I put in comments about books and movies and music and other stuff and I tell mostly true stories about things in my checkered past.

I talk like a hick ( Baer Creighton has been my fave action hero for a while now) so spellcheck is off and I usually catch the actual errors and fix them but I probably miss some.

That should do it for now.